Most downloaded papers in Sermon
The function of calling people towards Islam and conveying them the message of God was accomplished and a new society based on the social contract (the soul of which was لا الہ الااللہ محمد رسول اللہ ) had come into existence. The... more
This thesis explores a theology of a three-fold form of proclamation of the Word of God, in which "proclamation" is both direct (i.e., sermon and sacraments) and indirect (i.e., witness in acts of love and mission), and seeks to identify... more
8 temas para una semana de Gratitud
The paper is analyzed the presence of Aristotelian Rhetoric in homilies by Basil of Caesarea and Gregory of Nazianzus. Only homilies regarding wealth and poverty were evaluated. Primary investigation focused on the species of Rhetoric.... more
Below are some slightly expanded notes from a sermon I recently gave on 1 Kgs. 19.1-17. The overall theme is persistence in the face of difficulty and depression.
ЛІТЕРАТУРОЗНАВСТВО МОВОЗНАВСТВО 1(28)/2018 ФОЛЬКЛОРИСТИКА Засновано 1958 року УДК 81:82.09:801.81(05) Присвячено актуальним проблемам літературознавства, мовознавства, фольклористики. У працях літературознавців досліджується творчість... more
The metaphor, seen under the theoretical clipping of the seventeenth century, is an element of discursive construction, in which the accumulation of this figure built the general meaning of the Sermon. The sermon of Blessed Sacrament,... more
Cuando en diciembre de 1633 falleció Fray Hortensio Paravicino, su fama como predicador y hombre de letras estaba cimentada fundamentalmente en diez sermones publicados, pero sobre todo en su amplia actividad en el pulpito, tanto en la... more
The Study of the Scriptures involves an enormous amount of discipline for the individual believer. Many things clamor for our attention. Many things conflict with our desire to take hold of the Scriptures and accept what is written as the... more
Arap edebiyat tarihinde adından sitayişle bahsedilen hatiplerden biri, İbn Nübâte’dir. 336/946 yılında Diyarbakır’ın Silvan (Meyyâfârikîn/Fârikîn) ilçesinde doğan İbn Nübâte, Hamdânîlerin Emîri Seyfüddevle b. Hamdân’ın (ö. 356/967)... more
Subject of this study is change of discourse in the sermons/khutbahs of Presidency of Religious Affairs(PRA). There are two aims of this study: to focus on change in the sermons of PRA and to conceptualize the dimensions of change of... more
Veniet desideratus cunctis gentibus. Con questa profezia si apre il primo dei sermoni di Bonaventura da Bagnoregio raccolti sotto il titolo di Sermones dominicales ⁱ. Una raccolta che, per le sue caratteristiche, si distingue dalle altre... more
Disclaimer: All characters/incident/critique appearing in this sermon are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. The preacher is not responsible for that. Thank You.
A sermon on Divine Call
As I was preparing this message about seeking God's face, I realized that I don't think many people truly understand the importance of seeking God's face. Prayer is too often viewed as talking to an invisible God that the idea of seeing... more
Zusammenfassung: Worte -Fakten -das Wort. Das Predigtwerk von S. C. Daněk und seine Auffassung des homiletischen Prozesses. Der Artikel zeigt den Beitrag eines der bedeutendsten tschechischen Alttestamentler im Umfeld von drei Fragen. Die... more
The imam orators perform a very important task for society. Today, it is not enough to have a high school level education and to use only traditional methods in order to carry out this task successfully. For this reason, it is imperative... more
Author: Teresa D. Roberts
Publisher: CBE International
Like Mary of Luke 10, our identity in Christ is not primarily as females or males, but as faithful disciples.
Publisher: CBE International
Like Mary of Luke 10, our identity in Christ is not primarily as females or males, but as faithful disciples.
Author: Jeff Miller
Publisher: CBE International
Jesus’s encounter with the Syrophoenician woman of Mark 7 changed the minds of the first disciples and has the power to change modern minds as well.
Publisher: CBE International
Jesus’s encounter with the Syrophoenician woman of Mark 7 changed the minds of the first disciples and has the power to change modern minds as well.
Наукові записки ТНПУ. Серія: Літературознавство 145 Софія Азовцева (Харків) УДК -312.1 82 ББК 883.3 (4УКР Творчість Антонія Радивиловського в історико-літературних працях XIХ -ХХІ століть Стаття присвячена огляду творчості Антонія... more
Author: Spencer Miles Boersma
Publisher: CBE International
Galatians 3-4 teaches that we must read the Word of God with the barrier-removing Wind of God.
Publisher: CBE International
Galatians 3-4 teaches that we must read the Word of God with the barrier-removing Wind of God.
Author: Aaron Dilla
Publisher: CBE International
First Corinthians presents Christian women with a time to speak, not a time to be silent.
Publisher: CBE International
First Corinthians presents Christian women with a time to speak, not a time to be silent.