Self Presentation
Recent papers in Self Presentation
While counterfactual thinking has been widely investigated, we know much less about how counterfactual (“If . . . then”) statements are employed in political communication. We analysed statements made by politicians during pre-electoral... more
Der Witz liegt in der Erfolgsgarantie. In Hardcover, einer Krimikomödie des Regisseurs Christian Zübert aus dem Jahr 2008, wird ein bislang erfolgloser Schriftsteller von einem Kleinganoven auf die Fährte des Schreibens mit... more
In the discourse of English as a lingua franca (ELF), interactants will tend to bring with them the linguistic and cultural conventions they associate with communication in their own communities. These conventions are likely to differ in... more
This paper seeks to examine the status of homeworkers and teleworkers, and their protection in international, comparative and Serbian labour law. The author shows that work at home and telework challenge traditional model of work in many... more
Temor a la evaluación social negativa: validez de constructo y criterio del instrumento de medición
High and low self-monitors were given the task of applying for a position that was or was not a good fit with their personality. Subjects were 97 introductory psychology students who had previously taken the 18-item Self-Monitoring Scale... more
Although hyperbole is a ubiquitous means of discourse, its role in interpersonal rhetoric has been examined to a much lesser extent than that of metaphor or irony. This paper investigates what discourse goals can be fulfilled by... more
ust World Belief studies (Lerner, 1965; 1980) show that people generally need to believe that they live in a world where they “get what they deserve and deserve what they get” (Lerner & Simmons, 1966, p.204). In this article, we approach... more
Der Beitrag zeigt, dass der Habitus von KünstlerInnen impliziert, Individualität als künstlerische Selbstbekräftigung zu inszenieren, wobei Kleidung eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Eine These lautet, dass sich dies bei Künstlerinnen zunächst... more
Many companies recruit employees from different parts of the globe, and faking behavior by potential employees is a ubiquitous phenomenon. It seems that applicants from some countries are more prone to faking compared to others, but the... more
With advances in information and communication technologies (ICT), companies and platforms look to use the increasing volume and diversity of user-generated content (UGC) to predict consumer behavior, but with mixed results. In this... more
This study investigated how a job seeker self-presentation affects recruiter's hiring recommendations in an online communities and what categories of self-presentation contribute to fit perceptions for obtaining hiring recommendations.... more
A computer search was conducted to examine empirical research on the relationship between various ingratiation tactics and the judgments and evaluations of targets and observers. The data revealed a small positive effect for ingratiation... more
Информационната революция и създаването на глобалното виртуално пространство поставят основите на нов начин на формиране на човешката култура. Променят се формите, способите и обемът на генерирането и съхранението на културно съдържание.... more
The information revolution and the creation of the global virtual space laid the foundations of a new type of human culture. Changes occur in the forms, means and volume of the cultural content generation and conservation. The most... more
The article synthesizes extant theoretical perspectives on self in virtual social networks. Рresented theories are integrated in a conceptual framework comprising three broad categories: 1) Comparison between real and virtual self; 2)... more
In this study, two phases of the initiation of courtship behavior are distinguished, namely the first move of making the contact, and the self-presentation after the contact has been established. Gender differences with respect to... more
This research focuses on Joe Biden's political personae framed by means of conceptual metaphors. His acceptance speech (21 August, 2020), victory speech (8 November, 2020), and inaugural address (21 January, 2021) serve as the primary... more
Using case vignettes that differed in the presentation of the client's social class, the influence of social class on therapeutic impressions was studied in the context of just-world beliefs. Results suggested that (1) participants with... more
Many companies recruit employees from different parts of the globe, and faking behavior by potential employees is a ubiquitous phenomenon. It seems that applicants from some countries are more prone to faking compared to others, but the... more
A plethora of studies that account for the differential use of language by men and women have explained why such differences exist from the standpoint of Deficit, Dominance and Difference models, emphasising male and female dichotomy or... more
This study sought to examine the features that characterize parents' talk when they attempt to speak matters of sexuality to their teenage children. It identified and described various features of style which were analyzed in light of... more
In the following article, the author describes self-presentation as a specific social interaction. It is presented as a concept typical for Goffman’s dramatic paradigm- presentation in front of other people. The writer outlines the... more
This article introduces the social relations model (SRM) to unpack medium effects on social psychological processes. Although such effects have been theorized at group, dyadic, and individual levels separately, some of them can be... more
The paper aims to analyze the phenomenon of self-presentation in business surroundings-a behavioral mode by which it is strived under public business surroundings to achieve an agreement and to avoid repudiating orienting to universally... more
Traditionally, impoliteness is associated with inappropriateness, unfavourableness, unsupportiveness, non-abidance by social rules, non-politicness, lack of cultural scripts or lack of FTA-redress (Eelen 2001; Jakubowska 1999). In the... more
In the situation of the pandemic teachers face multiple difficulties in terms of achieving the educational function of the school. In order to understand the challenges faced by primary school teachers when organizing the educational... more
This article presents a semantic, syntactic, and contextual analysis of the language means of self-presentation, conceptualized as the dominant speech strategy in the job-hunting discourse. The scope of our research is limited to the... more
Dans ce mémoire, nous avons comme objectif de comprendre l'expérience des individus s'identifiant à l'identité de genre non-binaire au travers d'une perspective sociologique, constructiviste et interactionniste. Nous positionnons la... more
Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine Bearbeitung) zur Verfügung gestellt. Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung... more
Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine Bearbeitung) zur Verfügung gestellt. Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung... more
This paper examines the ways in which individuals attempt to present themselves as healthy and fit human beings, according to the principles of dramaturgic self-presentation. Accordingly, Goffman's notions of face work, teamwork, and... more
Six households were given multiple SenseCams, a life-logging device, to use over the course of one week. This paper presents an exploration of how the resulting image streams were used to trigger reflections, both on the users' own... more
Les façades institutionnelles : ce que montrent les apparences des institutions 1 1/ Ce dossier est issu du colloque « Les façades institutionnelles. Constructions, logiques sociales et appropriations des orthodoxies », École doctorale de... more
RESUMO O perfeccionismo é um construto multidimensional cujo estudo vem aumentando desde os anos de 1990. Uma das escalas mais utilizadas para sua mensuração é a Almost Perfect Scale-Revised (APS-R), composta por três dimensões: Padrões,... more
According to the 2014 Monitoring the Future study, 35% of college students engage in binge drinking-consuming "five or more drinks in a row at least once in the prior two week period" (Johnston, O'Malley, Bachman, Schulenberg, & Miech,... more
The breakthrough in high technology carried out by young people seems to be the motor of Elizabeth Holmes to establish a biotech company "Theranos" at the age of 19 and decided to leave Standford University. With the ability to... more
This article presents a semantic, syntactic, and contextual analysis of the language means of self-presentation, conceptualized as the dominant speech strategy in the job-hunting discourse. The scope of our research is limited to the... more
Recentemente, alguns estudos tem apresentado as relacoes associativas entre os construtos Perfeccionismo (Pe) e Coping (Co), indicando ser um tema atual e importante. Este estudo tem por objetivo testar um modelo de relacoes preditivas... more
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) on the Internet has been claimed to possess a degree of anonymity that makes the gender of online communicators irrelevant or invisible; this purportedly allows women and men to participate and be... more