Recent papers in Self-Care
Objetivamos, em nosso ensaio, examinar o direito à proteção de dados pessoais à luz da prática do cuidado de si, existente na Grécia antiga e teorizada por Michel Foucault, de forma a verificar em que medida a nova formulação da... more
Introduction: The low level of participation in cardiac rehabilitation of patients after myocardial infarction is one of the most important problems in cardiology. Participation in the cardiac rehabilitation process depends on many... more
The identification of nursing diagnoses in patients with morbid obesity contributes to the planning of interventions, through a systematized and scientifically grounded care. This study aimed to identify nursing diagnoses in morbidly... more
This study explores the perceived benefits and barriers of participating in a monthly oncology nurse support group. Ten oncology nurses participated in an average of seven support group meetings over a one-year period. Interviews were... more
Nell’ultimo decennio, la cosmesi naturale e biologica ha mostrato un notevole incremento di interesse, sia da parte dei consumatori che da parte delle aziende, passando da prodotto merceologico di nicchia a prodotto di diffusa... more
Sağlık okuryazarlığı, bireylerin değişen sağlık politikaları karşısındaki değişime ayak uydurabilme düzeyini etkilerken; öz bakım gücü de bireylerin kendilerine bakabilme ve hastalığın yönetimi hakkında bilgi vermektedir. Bu çalışma;... more
REFERENCE: Thomas, F. N. (2012, in press). Psychotherapist self-care: Resourcefulness across one's career. In H. Schemmel and J. Schaller (Ed.), Ressourcen: Ein Hand-und Lesebuch zur therapeutischen Arbeit (2 nd ed.). Dgvt-Verlag.
How to understand the impact of social care upon your personal life and working life without impeding the provision of care to individuals.
Self-care is fundamental to mental health practitioner training and professional efficacy. Expressive writing about stressful events has been researched and shown to have positive physical and psychological effects. Mindfulness, an... more
The theme of self-cultivation closely relates to the theme of self-knowledge, a topic which has recently engaged many analytical philosophers. In these concluding remarks, we will discuss the connection of self-cultivation to... more
This dissertation aims at correlating the use of the self with the social work field. The self was amalgamated with the social work profession as it is the main instrument used by social workers (Kaushik, 2017). A qualitative study using... more
This essay engages Gandhi’s thought in two staged conversations. The first brings his writings on dietary self-cultivation into conversation with contemporary discourses of food politics. The second brings his preoccupation with... more
A paper presented to the national St John Ambulance conference. It addresses staff and volunteer self-care and resilience strategies
Objectives The purpose of this study was to design an Iranian cultural adaptable questionnaire for the assessment of self-care in the elderly. Methods & Materials This methodological study was conducted in 2 phases. In the first phase,... more
Background: As for high prevalence and incidence of heart failure, it can impose huge health, economic, and social burden on society. Education and self-care are important aspects of management in patients with heart failure, which can... more
Background: The aging population is undoubtedly an optimum success created by changes in mortality decline, as well as social and economic processes. Objectives: The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between... more
This article is based on the author’s PhD thesis at the University of Newcastle Australia. The study is a product of original research. The original contribution of the study includes the first historical literature review on creativity... more
El presente artículo da cuenta de los procesos de autoatención en la vejez avanzada, en localidades rurales del sur de Chile. La autoatención, en este caso, responde también a un contexto más amplio de provisión de cuidados a la vejez en... more
In this article, I used Black feminist–womanist storytelling to weave together stories from my childhood and early years on the tenure track to illuminate how Black female language and literacy practices and the strongblackwoman trope... more
В статье анализируется автобиография знаменитого русского философа, богослова и учёного Павла Флоренского, а также те его тексты, которые сохраняют следы воспоминаний о прошлом. Согласно убеждению Флоренского, личная биография опирается... more
The paper studies two fundamentally different forms in which the concept of care makes its comeback in twentieth-century thought. We make use of a distinction made by Peter Sloterdijk, who argues that the ancient and medieval ‘ascetic’... more
Objective: this study aimed to assess of self-care activities among diabetic patients' type II and to find out the relationship between self-care activities and their demographic and clinical data. Methodology:Descriptive Cross-Sectional... more
Self-care skills are one of the independent life skills, the foundations of which are laid during the preschool period, and which should be acquired by children at an early age. It is important for children to use their self-care skills... more
Right after the presentation of Hyginus’s fable in §42 of Being and Time comes a note in which Heidegger affirms that the orientation about care as the being of Dasein (§41) arose in the context of the interpretation of Augustinian... more
Although patients who undergo weight‐loss surgery (WLS/bariatric surgery) must follow severe eating restrictions in a manner similar to that of dieting, professionals strive to demarcate distinctions between the approaches and methods of... more
Background: Metabolic syndrome is a disorder associated with obesity. Compared with men, postmenopausal women are at higher risk of being affected by this chronic disease. This study aimed to determine the effect of self-care education... more
Abstract: The article presents the results of research on the relationship between social support and self-care of people with myocardial infarction. 127 patients treated in a rehabilitation centre participated in the study. The Inventory... more
The elderly are exposed to psychological and social harms due to various physical, occupational, and social limitations and the symptoms of depression are common during this period that can increase their vulnerability. Consequently, The... more
The process of aging seems inevitable to all living creatures, including humans. Self-care and life expectancy are two main concepts in aging and have good results in providing, maintaining and promoting elderly health. The present study... more
Introduction: One of the factors which increase the rehabilitation efficacy and accelerate the convalescence and return to society of the patients after myocardial infarction may be the self-care attitude. Therefore it seems justifiable... more
Presentation completed at the ACPA 2015 Annual Convention in Tampa, FL in March 2015.
Background: Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) or insulin-dependent diabetes is the most common endocrine disease of childhood and adolescence. Self-management is the ultimate goal of nursing in children with diabetes is and gives a sense of control... more
The American College of Physicians' position paper on state physician health programs (PHPs) claims to have the best interests of physicians at heart. However, this is difficult to believe when the authors do not inform physicians of... more
Background: In a context where there is no treatment for the current COVID-19 virus, the combination of self-care behaviours together with confinement, are strategies to decrease the risk of contagion and remain healthy. However, there... more
Computer generated self-care advice systems are used in health care to support self-management and to respond to an increasing demand for care. Web-based triage is an innovative system aimed at empowering patients and saving costs while... more
Drawing on science and technology studies (STS), and specifically the concept of infrastructure as conceptualised by , this paper argues and empirically demonstrates that self-care may be considered a practice that is thoroughly... more
"Objective: Everyday challenges to “live well” with a rare disorder, anorectal anomaly, was the starting point to design a social-software environment, called RareICT, to help patients and family members in their everyday, additional... more
This study compared 3 models of association between personality, personal model beliefs, and self-care in a cross-sectional design. These models were as follows: (a) Emotional stability determines self-care indirectly through personal... more
Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palvelujen eheyttäminen on nousemassa keskeiseksi teemaksi yhteiskunnallisessa keskustelussa ja tutkimuksessa sekä käytännön kehitystyössä. Espoon terveyskeskuksessa kehitetyn pitkäaikaissairaiden hoidon... more
El autocuidado de la salud constituye un primer escalón esencial en el mantenimiento de la salud y, en general, de la calidad de la vida de cada persona. Pero, además, cada vez es mayor la evidencia de que un adecuado autocuidado reduce... more
Clinical chaplains are exposed to varying degrees of suffering and are not exempt from suffering themselves. This study took a phenomenological approach to examining self-compassion among 11 clinical chaplains, all of which had suffered... more
El artículo sostiene que el intelectual posmoderno no aconseja, legisla ni profetiza ciertos poderes, al contrario, su labor más que reinar es gobernarse a sí mismo y a los otros. Formar al intelectual de hoy en el ejercicio de la... more
BACKGROUND: Stress, anxiety, and depression are common psychological problems in prostatic conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of designed self-care educational program on anxiety, stress, and depression in... more
El presente artículo pretende mostrar: 1) que la praxis filosófica epicúrea, con sus postulados conceptuales, son en gran medida aceptados por Nietzsche y afines a él; 2) que ese reconocimiento hacia Epicuro tiene que ver con su modelo de... more
Background and objective: The 1 to 2 hours for the first 24 hours after surgical operation is a crucial time to perform patient care. The study aimed to assess and compare quality of immediate post operation nursing care for patients... more
Psychological distress is especially common with any cancer diagnosis. This study examined the psychological distress in a cohort of women newly diagnosed with breast cancer. A longitudinal study of a cohort of women (n=147) diagnosed... more