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The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) Annual Report 2019 provides an overview of IAP activities in 2019, with specific sections on activities by affiliated regional networks AASSA, EASAC, IANAS, and NASAC. It also gives evidence of IAP’s... more
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      Science PolicyScience EducationGlobal HealthBiosecurity
In Continuous Education curricula in Spain, the programs on sciences of the environment are aimed toward understandings of sustainability. Teaching practice rarely leaves the classroom for outdoor field studies. At the same time, teaching... more
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      Cultural StudiesEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental EducationScience Education
AFRICAN AMERICAN EIGHTH GRADE FEMALE STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS AND EXPERIENCES AS LEARNERS OF SCIENCE LITERACY by Sharan R. Crim The National Assessment of Educational Progress (2000) reports an achievement gap between male and female... more
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      Social Learning TheoryPolitical ScienceCase Study ResearchAfrican American
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      Science LiteracyCultura científicaComunicación y divulgación de la cienciaScience Comunication
En el presente ensayo se realiza un análisis de las actividades de comunicación de la ciencia en México, que se realizan a través de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias, el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, la Dirección General de... more
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      Science CommunicationScience LiteracyCultura científica
As a result of looking specifically at the work of science teachers within two related studies, we have come to two important realizations that we explore in this article. First, we argue that disciplinary literacy instruction can (and... more
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      LiteracyScience EducationProfessional DevelopmentTeachers' professional development
Este glossário é fruto de uma pesquisa de Iniciação Científica apoiada pela Pro-Reitoria de Pesquisa do Instituto Federal Baiano por meio do edital de 2015 intitulado Primeiros Projetos. Contando com a participação de duas bolsistas do... more
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      Science LiteracyLinguística de CorpusIniciação científicaTecnologia de Alimentos
The world has changed in such a way that science has become necessary for everyone not just a privileged few. In developing countries like Nigeria, the Federal government of Nigeria seems to have realised these by making frantic efforts... more
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      International DevelopmentNigeriaScience Literacy
Buku bahan ajar IPA berbasis literasi sains disusun sebagai rujukan bagi mahasiswa PGSD dalam membuat bahan ajar IPA. Hal ini tidak terlepas dari hasil PISA Indonesia tahun 2015 yang mendapatkan 403 poin. Perolehan nilai yang didapatkan... more
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    • Science Literacy
"This article investigates the biopolitical dimensions that have grown out of the union between biocapitalism and current science education reform in the US. Drawing on science and technology study theorists, I utilize the analytics of... more
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      Science EducationCritical PedagogyNeoliberalismBiopolitics
Background: All of us - adults and children - are confronted with claims about the effects of treatments. Yet most of us lack the ability to understand and apply concepts that are essential for assessing these claims. As part of the... more
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      Science EducationEvidence Based MedicineComic Book StudiesCritical Thinking
Bilim, sözde-bilim ayrımı bağlamında planlanmış bir sürecin ortaokul öğrencilerinin bilim algılarının gelişimine etkisinin sorgulandığı bu araştırma iridoloji vakası üzerine kurgulanmıştır. Araştırma sürecinde önce iridoloji öğrencilere... more
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      PseudoscienceNature of ScienceScience LiteracyBilimin Doğası
The present study conceptualized, implemented, and evaluated a specific program, the Live Science program. This program integrated 2 distinct but complementary approaches: participants’ immersion in real science contexts and the... more
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      Nature of ScienceScience LiteracyPreservice Teacher EducationApprenticeship Learning
Abstract This paper analyzes recent research conclusions regarding biology teacher attitudes toward evolution, and the variable implementation of evolution in the high schools nationwide. Berkman and Plutzer (2010. Evolution,... more
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English for Specific Purposes courses are taught at many universities around the world and also play a critical role in the South African context. There is limited transparency and therefore little agreement regarding what the curricula... more
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      English for Specific PurposesCurriculum DesignAcademic LiteraciesCurriculum Development
In Malta, the 1999 National Minimum Curriculum is in the process of being replaced by the new National Curriculum Framework, with science education receiving a considerable emphasis in both documents. This article aims to critically... more
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      EducationScience EducationInquiry Based LearningEuropean Union
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    • Science Literacy
Understanding vaccine hesitancy is becoming increasingly important, especially after the global outbreak of COVID-19. The main goal of this study was to explore the differences in vaccination conspiracy beliefs between people with a... more
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      SociologySociology of ScienceScience LiteracyHealth Beliefs
High school science students are routinely asked to read and produce lengthy, technical explanations in classroom contexts and on high-stakes content tests. However, teachers may be unaware of the complexity of these language-based tasks,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTeaching English as a Second LanguageScience EducationScience Literacy
The goal of this study was to define the construct and establish the validity of disciplinary literacy, which has recently gained attention from the implementation of the Common Core State Standards. After defining disciplinary literacy... more
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      LiteracyScience EducationMathematics EducationHistory Education
Purpose of Study: This study is an application of differential person functioning (DPF) on the data of Taiwan PISA 2015 science literacy. We use this method to understand the strength and weaknesses of Taiwan students in science literacy.... more
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      Taiwan StudiesTaiwanese LiteratureProgramme for International Students Assessment (PISA)PISA and TIMSS Result
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian weak experiment yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan profil peningkatan kemampuan literasi sains siswa melalui pembelajaran saintifik. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah one group... more
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    • Science Literacy
The study was carried out to determine the literacy level, described in terms of science content knowledge along concept and application domains, and the factors that affect the content knowledge in Physics of junior high school students.... more
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      Science LiteracyApplication Domainsjunior high school studentsScience Content Knowledge
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      Teaching and LearningScience EducationHigher EducationProblem solving (Education)
The IAP Annual Report 2017 contains an overview of IAP activities for the 2017 calendar year, with special focus on activities in the areas of health, science education, science for policy, and biosecurity. Also included are reviews of... more
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      Science PolicyScience EducationGlobal HealthFood Security
En el presente estudio, se tomaron como objeto de análisis los textos presentes en las páginas de internet de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias (AMC), el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT), la Dirección General de... more
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      Science LiteracyCultura científicaScience Comunication
Recently, increased attention to sustainable food sourcing, healthier eating, better land management and “back-to-basics” movements (e.g., Slow Food, Locavore) has spurred a resurgence of interest in school and community gardens. Seen as... more
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      Science LiteracyGarden Based Learning
Animales y biodiversidad: Los alumnos investigarán y discutirán qué significa la biodiversidad, por qué es importante y cómo podemos ayudar a que se conserve. Cada día se hablará de tres animales, su medio ambiente y sus hábitos. Se... more
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      Comunicación para el desarrollo sostenibleScience LiteracyPublic Communication of Science and TechnologyCultura científica
This qualitative study used a document analysis method to examine the assessment and evaluation activities at the end of each chapter and unit of an eighth-grade science course textbook according to the Program for International Student... more
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      Science EducationProgramme for International Students Assessment (PISA)PISA and TIMSS ResultTextbook
The didactic sequences planned and implemented by students of PIBID (Introduction to Teaching Scholarship Program), Biology subproject, of the Federal University of ABC aimed to combine the teaching of science research with some teaching... more
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      Science Teaching MethodsScience Literacy
What do members of the general public know about polar regions, and how much do they care? Who knows or cares? This paper explores data from the General Social Survey (GSS), which in 2006 questioned a representative sample of more than... more
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      Environmental SociologyClimate ChangePolar StudiesSurvey Research
Purpose-In the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment), science and mathematics literacy are emphasized. PISA data are being benefited in directing education policies. In this study, it was aimed to determine the relationship... more
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      Science EducationPISA and TIMSS ResultScience LiteracyMathematical Literacy
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan keaktifan dan hasil belajar siswa dengan penerapan model pembelajaran inkuiri pada KD memelihara roda dan ban. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan... more
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      Science LiteracyImmune systemMechanical Engineering EducationPendidikan Sekolah Dasar
The CCSS and the Next Generation Science Standards have described discipline-specific literacy skills needed to successfully engage with science concepts, and science assessments ask students to use language in many and varied forms to... more
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      Science EducationScience LiteracyDisciplinary LiteracyNext Generation Science Standards
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      Science EducationWritingScientific LiteracyApproaches to Learning
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      Science LiteracyDisciplinary LiteracyDisciplinary literacy practicesScience Education and Literacy
El programa propone realizar un aprendizaje activo de las ciencias y tecnologías a través de la investigación, alejándose de la enseñanza tradicional, vertical y pasiva basada en textos. Para posibilitar un cambio de esta magnitud se... more
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      Inquiry Based LearningScience LiteracyComunicación y divulgación de la cienciaScientific Culture
A century ago, stewards were responsible for managing estates or for keeping order at public events. Today, the Earth is one global estate, and improved stewardship is vital for maintaining social order and for preserving life on Earth.... more
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      Positive PsychologySocial NormsScience LiteracySocial Order
This longitudinal study investigated sex and age differences and the short-and long-term effects of low-income mothers' talk to their children. Twenty-four girls and twenty-four boys were audiotaped playing with magnets with their mothers... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceReading ComprehensionLanguage
A content-oriented research on the fundamental physics concept of mass and mass-energy relationship was carried out, according to the tenets of Design-based Research and adopting the Model of Educational Reconstruction. The classical and... more
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      EpistemologyVisualizationInquiry Based LearningConceptual change
The goal of this study was to define the construct and establish the validity of disciplinary literacy, which has recently gained attention from the implementation of the Common Core State Standards (National Governors Association Center... more
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      LiteracyEducationScience EducationMathematics Education
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      EpistemologyScience EducationNature of ScienceScience Literacy
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      Critical PedagogyCritical Media LiteracyScience LiteracyScience Education and Literacy
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      PseudoscienceAstronomyScience Literacy
La historia de la investigación sobre educación en ciencia dice mucho, no sólo sobre ese campo, sino también sobre qué ha sido y qué puede ser la educación en ciencia. Lo que se observa es una diversidad y una polivalencia análogas a las... more
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      Science EducationScience Literacy
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      Science EducationWritingScientific LiteracyApproaches to Learning
Lifelong science literacy begins with attitudes and interests established early in childhood. The use of trade books (i.e., a literary work intended for sale to the general public) in North American school classrooms to support the... more
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      GeneticsPaleontologySpace SciencesScience Education
Second language (L2) instructors frequently use visual stimuli to support learning, particularly content-specific learning; however, not all visuals are effective in supporting curriculum. Previous research has demonstrated that while... more
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      English Language LearnersScience teacher educationScience Literacy
Creationist opposition to evolution is a major impediment to advancing science education in the US and a growing problem in the UK. Novel education approaches could be instrumental in stemming this opposition. Rapper Baba Brinkman’s live... more
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      PsychologyMusicMusic EducationLiteracy
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      Research EthicsTransdisciplinarityMoral and Ethical Issues in ScienceInterdisciplinary Studies