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While for many centuries Augustine and Christianity in general emphasized the provisional and hazardous character of earthly life, the Iberian scholastics of the Salamanca School were central actors in the development of a deeper, more... more
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      EconomicsSpanish ScholasticismDomingo de SotoEconomics of Abundance and Scarcity
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      Property RightsProperty LawLegal HistoryHistory of Law
Recht und Moral in der Scholastik der Frühen Neuzeit 1500-1750 (with C. Birr), [Law and Morality in Early Modern Scholasticism (approx. 1500–1750)], (methodica - Einführungen in die rechtshistorische Forschung, 1), De Gruyter/Oldenbourg,... more
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      Legal HistoryScholastic PhilosophySchool of Salamanca
l presente volumen recoge buena parte de los trabajos presentados a las V Jornadas Internacionales De iustitia et iure en el año 2010. Ellas tuvieron por objeto abordar el núcleo temático Ius et virtus con el propósito de examinar, a la... more
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      Spanish philosophyScholastic PhilosophyXVI centurySchool of Salamanca
ANUARIO FILOSÓFICO 53/1 (2020) dible para conseguir una articulación compartida de este tipo de reacciones emotivas, sin caer en una monarquía del miedo, ni tampoco en un escepticismo inoperante. Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri Universidad de... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryRenaissance StudiesJust War
Where to start when talking about _Don Quijote_? It's only the greatest book of all time!
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesHumanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Comparative Literature
I start our look at chapter four of _Don Quijote_, part one with an image that helps us reflect on the meaning of the previous chapter and many to come. _The Burghers of Calais_ is a bronze statue by Auguste Rodin sculpted in 1888. Like... more
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      Spanish Literature17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyAustrian EconomicsEarly Modern History
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      Spanish philosophyScholastic PhilosophySchool of Salamanca
Domingo de Soto: De iustitia et iure (1553-1554). In: S. Dauchy et al. (eds.), The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture. 150 Books that Made the Law in the Age of Printing, 2016, 84-86
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      Natural LawEuropean Legal HistorySecond ScholasticismSpanish Scholasticism
Luis de Molina: De iustitia et iure (1593-1609). In S. Dauchy et al. (eds.), The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture. 150 Books that Made the Law in the Age of Printing, 2016, 129-131
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      Natural LawEuropean Legal HistoryRomano-canonical lawSchool of Salamanca
The conquista of the Americas confronted Spanish jurists educated in the legal concepts of the European medieval tradition with a different reality, pushing them to develop modern legal concepts on the basis of the European ius commune... more
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      Legal HistoryEarly modern SpainConquista de AméricaBartolome de las Casas
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      Renaissance HumanismSchool of Salamanca
Martin de Azpilcueta (Dr Navarrus), In R. Osle, JM. Torron, Great Christian Jurists in Spanish History, Cambridge, CUP, 2018, 115-132
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      Canon LawEuropean Legal HistorySecond ScholasticismSchool of Salamanca
El redescubrimiento de los escritos económicos de los escolásticos de la monarquía hispánica de los siglos XVI y XVII-comúnmente denominados Escuela de Salamanca-constituyó una sorpresa histórica que abrió la posibilidad de reescribir los... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyAustrian EconomicsCatholic Studies
Spanish Scholastics on Money and Credit: Economic, Legal and Political Aspects. In: W. Ernst - D. Fox (Eds.), Money in the Western Legal Tradition, Oxford, OUP, 2016, p. 267-283
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      Business EthicsHistory of Political Economic ThoughtFinancial History (History)European Legal History
This essay details the role played by Bartolomé de Las Casas and the Spanish Dominicans in their defence of the rights of the Amerindians and in their struggle to overturn the Encomienda system that threatened the existence of the natives... more
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyHuman RightsNatural Law
At the beginning of chapter two of part one of _Don Quijote_, we witness the protagonist escaping from his own house.
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyAustrian EconomicsEarly Modern HistoryThe Novel
The School of Salamanca is attracting the attention of researchers from very different branches of knowledge and from a very wide variety of countries around the world. Broaching this subject invites one to reflect on the unity of... more
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      LawInternational LawLegal HistoryThomas Aquinas
La presente obra ofrece una perspectiva sobre la investigación realizada en la última década acerca de la Escuela de Salamanca. Se trata de un período caracterizado por la renovación de los métodos de estudio, el creciente interés de... more
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      Early Modern HistoryLegal HistoryHistory of UniversitiesEuropean Legal History
Guerra giusta e schiavitù naturale. Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda ed il dibattito sulla Conquista / a cura di Marco Geuna. -Milano : Edizioni Biblioteca Francescana, 2014. -xx, 303, [13] p. ; 23 cm. (Studi di storia del Cristianesimo e delle... more
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      Francisco de VitoriaEscuela de SalamancaBartolome de las CasasDiego de Covarrubias
Law of Property and Obligations: Neoscholastic Thinking and Beyond. In: H. Pihljamäki et al. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of European Legal History, Oxford, OUP, 2018 This chapter gives an overview of the state of the art in legal... more
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      Comparative LawPrivate lawEuropean Legal HistorySecond Scholasticism
Esta recensión colectiva analiza cuatro importantes obras recientes publicadas en torno a la segunda escolástica española, y más específicamente sobre la Escuela de Salamanca. El autor defiende que la Escuela de Salamanca irradia todavía... more
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      Law and ReligionHistoriaReligion and LawEscuela de Salamanca
This essay is a revised conference paper about Domingo de Soto's commentary on Romans. It focuses on Soto's attempt to distinguish his view of justifying faith from the view of the Reformers.
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      ThomismDoctrine of JustificationSecond ScholasticismDomingo de Soto
The article introduces a research project financed by the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz began in 2013 and will extend over an 18-year period. It aims at producing a historicalsemantic dictionary elucidating central terms of the... more
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      Latin American StudiesSchool of Salamanca
Trust Beyond Faith. Re-Thinking Contracts With Heretics and Excommunicates in Times of Religious War, Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Comune, 27 (2016), 301-328 The starting point for reflection in this contribution is the plurality of... more
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      Contract LawNatural LawEuropean Legal HistorySchool of Salamanca
Abstract: Thanks to recent studies, the School of Salamanca is no longer “the great unknown” in the history of Spanish thought. What is meant by the “School of Salamanca” has been specified, and we now have a deeper understanding of the... more
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      Spanish philosophyMoral PhilosophyPhilosophy of PoliticsHistory of Philosophy
Law, Religion, and Debt Relief: Balancing above the ‘Abyss of Despair’ in Early Modern Canon Law and Theology, American Journal of Legal History, 57 (2017), 125 Debt forgiveness is at the heart of the gospel message. The Lord sent His... more
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      Contract LawInsolvency LawEuropean Legal HistoryDebt Relief
Esta nueva monografía, promovida por el IHCE de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, pretende acercarnos al campo de las Ciencias Eclesiásticas en una perspectiva interdisciplinar. Proporciona a profesores y alumnos un lugar de... more
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      Modern HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of UniversitiesSeptuagint
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      PovertyJusticeJust War TheoryElections and Voting Behavior
From a broad perspective, the new financial and commercial reality meant that business activity now attracted the attention of religious authorities worried about the souls of their congregants. Medieval trade in wool and wheat at... more
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      Economic HistoryCultural StudiesCriminal JusticeEconomics
Collaborative Legal Pluralism. Confessors as Law Enforcers in Mercado's Advice on Economic Governance (1571), Rechtsgeschichte, 25 (2017), 103-114 Legal pluralism calls into question the monopoly of the modern state on the production and... more
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      Legal HistoryLegal PluralismEarly modern SpainChurch and State
Resumen: El descubrimiento de las leyes del mercado fue uno de los factores en los que se apoyó la moderna tesis de la economía fundada en el para-digma del homo oeconomicus. En nuestro tiempo, ese paradigma está siendo revisado y... more
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      AnthropologyPhilosophyPhilosophy Of EconomicsSchool of Salamanca
Given that a statue of Miguel de Cervantes was vandalized in the Golden Gate Park of San Francisco during the recent wave of protests against racism, colonialism, and capitalism in the United States, a brief reflection on the significance... more
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      Labor EconomicsAristotleRace and RacismHobbes
This paper explores the links between international law, race and colonial capitalism through the Spanish and Portuguese Conquests of the Americas. Turning to the early modern philosophers of the School of Salamanca, Bohrer argues that... more
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      Latin American PhilosophyRace and EthnicityColonialismHistory of Capitalism
La théorie de la normativité juridique dans la définition de l’« acte volontaire » dans le De actibus humanis de Francisco de Vitoria, p. 44
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      Renaissance HumanismIberian StudiesSecond ScholasticismFrancisco de Vitoria
Abstract The following article analyze the whole interactions present within the extensive network of scholastic theologians that develop problems related to morality economic and forming the so-called School of Salamanca between the... more
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      Social Network Analysis (SNA)Edad ModernaSociometry as a method for investigating peer relationshipsSchool of Salamanca
En la línea seguida en los últimos años, la recuperación del pensamiento de la escolástica española de los s. XVI y XVII realizada por distintas disciplinas jurídicas, de historia de la economía o de filosofía política, ha considerado... more
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      AnthropologyPhilosophy Of EconomicsSchool of SalamancaAnthropology of Justice
The salience of rights talk in Western cultures has generated constructive responses from various religious traditions. This article contributes to this religious hermeneutic by turning to the first-generation Spanish theologians of the... more
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      Virtue EthicsEarly Modern EuropeThomas AquinasFrancisco de Vitoria
El curso es impartido por Eric Clifford Graf (PhD, Universidad de Virginia) y consiste en una serie de glosas detalladas de las dos partes de la obra monumental de Miguel de Cervantes. Cuenta con una serie de vídeos, transcripciones y... more
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      Economics17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyRenaissance HistoryEarly Modern History
Resumen: Il mio contributo intende mostrare come Francisco Suárez usa, elabora e presenta in modo originale il concetto di 'guerra giusta' nelle sue opere. Il testo chiave che realizza tale progetto è il De triplici virtute theologica,... more
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      PhilosophyFrancisco SuárezJesuitsFilosofía
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      Francisco SuárezJus Ad BellumEscuela de SalamancaJus in Bello
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      Conquista de AméricaEscuela de SalamancaBartolome de las Casasfray Bartolome de Las Casas
Abstract: It is internationally recognized the value that the Spanish thought in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, not only for the history of philosophy and theology, but also for the history of ideas, legal, political, economic... more
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      Spanish philosophyHistory of PhilosophySchool of Salamanca
This Companion aims to give an up-to-date overview of the historical context and the conceptual framework of Spanish imperial expansion during the early modern period, mostly during the 16th century. It intends to ofer a nuanced and... more
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      Legal HistoryHistory of SlaveryHistory of Political ThoughtFrancisco de Vitoria
Martinus Becanus, On the Duty to Keep Faith With Heretics (ed., transl. I. Buhre, introd. T. Dienst, Chr. Strohm) (Sources in Early Modern Economics, Ethics, and Law. Second Series), Grand Rapids, MI: CLP Academic, 2019, 180p. This work... more
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      Contract LawNatural LawLaw and ReligionJesuit history
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      Intellectual HistoryLegal HistoryImperial HistoryFrancisco de Vitoria
RESUMO Os problemas atuais que o Direito Internacional enfrenta possuem relação direta com os pontos que pertencem a uma compreensão primordial sobre a formação do conceito de comunidade universal. Dessa forma, cabe salientar que tais... more
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      International Human Rights LawHistory of LawSchool of Salamanca
This article aims to analyse some aspects of Francisco de Vitoria’s moral arguments with regard to the principle of self-defence. It will first trace the reasons for saying that the intended aim of self-defence, being an evident moral... more
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      History of EthicsFrancisco de VitoriaProbabilismSchool of Salamanca
Resumen Tomás de Aquino, y con él sus comentadores, aborda una teoría de la afectividad en el ámbito espiritual, en la medida en que incorpora el sentimiento en la dinámica vital del ser humano tensado al cumplimiento de su fin. De modo... more
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      AnthropologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of PsychologyHistory of Philosophy
Juan de Mariana may have had more direct lines of influence on the contemporary political denunciation of central banking in the United States than previously thought. As the culmination of a series of monetary theorists of the School of... more
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      Austrian EconomicsLiberalismSlaveryHistory of Slavery