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      Latin American StudiesPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyLatin American Philosophy
Ponentes: Enrique Dussel, Raúl Fornet-Betancourt, Yamandú Acosta, Estela Fernández, Jorge Vergara, Henry Mora, Norman Solórzano, Michael Ramminger, Yohanka León, Carlos Juan Núñez, Gabriela Jurado, William Hughes, Carlos Molina, Lilia... more
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      Latin American PhilosophyLatin American Liberation TheologyFranz Hinkelammert
Simón Rodríguez es el fundador en América Latina de la pedagogía popular. Fue maestro de Simón Bolívar, teórico de la democracia directa, tipógrafo experimental que componía sus propios libros siguiendo procedimientos que adelantan los de... more
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      Intellectual HistoryLatin American StudiesLatin American Literature (Literature)Latin American Philosophy
This conference aims to discuss the pertinence of decolonizing philosophy in the Americas and the different tasks involved in making it possible, specifically from a Latin American and Latinx perspective.
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American PhilosophyDecolonial ThoughtModernity/coloniality/decoloniality
El positivismo fue un fenómeno intelectual que floreció en Europa, a mediados del siglo XIX, y que tuvo un alcance mayor que el de ser una escuela filosófica. Tuvo relevancia en la comprensión de las ciencias, tanto naturales como... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American PhilosophyPeruvian Philosophy
This paper examines the relationship between the aesthetic frameworks of José Vasconcelos and Gloria Anzaldúa. Contemporary readers of Anzaldúa have described her work as developing an “aesthetics of the shadow,” wherein the Aztec... more
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      Latin American PhilosophyMexican StudiesAesthetics and PoliticsGloria Anzaldua
“With selections by marginalized thinkers, this Reader rejects the myth that American philosophy is fundamentally male, white, and limited to the United States. It offers a window to the contexts, cultures, and conflicts that shaped... more
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      Chicano StudiesLatin American PhilosophyAmerican PhilosophyAsian Philosophy
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      Latin American PhilosophyAustrian EconomicsSocial JusticeCatholic Social Thought
Many 19th century Latin American intellectuals adapted the philosophy of positivism to address the pressing problems of nation-building and respond to the demands of their own social and political contexts, making positivism the second... more
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      Chicano StudiesLatin American StudiesLatin American PhilosophyMexican Studies
El tiempo circula como las corrientes y todo lo une y relaciona, conquistadores de ayer y de hoy, reconquistas y contraconquistas, paraísos sitiados, apogeos y decadencias, llegadas y partidas, apariciones y desapariciones, utopías del... more
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      Latin American PhilosophyCarlos Fuentes
Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people-a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles.
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      Latin American PhilosophyImmigration
Imagine the following scenario: Jorge wants to get out of a long-term contract that costs more than he can currently comfortably pay. Although the terms of the contract specify that he cannot terminate the contract early, Jorge believes... more
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      Latin American PhilosophyImmigrationTranslationEthics of Immigration
American philosophy (liberation, literal plurality, continental and national identity, anti-positivistic emotionalism and intuitionalism, mestizo-philosophy, indigenous wisdom, unity of universal and regional principles, social-practical,... more
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      Latin American StudiesPhilosophyLatin American PhilosophyContinental Philosophy
Through fifteen interrelated essays, Daniel Campos’ Loving Immigrants in America reflects upon his experiences as a Latin American immigrant to the United States and develops an experiential philosophy of personal interaction. Building... more
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      Latin American PhilosophyPragmatismAmerican PhilosophyImmigration
In 1891 the Cuban intellectual José Martí made public his ideas about the identity of post-colonial Spanish America in a text that appeared in Mexico City under the title of "Nuestra América" ["Our America"]. This text has had many... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American Literature (Literature)Latin American PhilosophyLatin American and Caribbean History
Estudio de la obra del ensayista argentino Rodolfo Kusch (1922-1979), filósofo y antropólogo, y de su contribución al pensamiento latinoamericano.
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
*Winner of the American Philosophical Association's 2020 Essay Prize in Latin American Thought* This essay offers a novel account of the secularity of Latin American liberation philosophy. It challenges the accepted notion that... more
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      Critical TheoryLatin American PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionLiberation Theology
Los debates acerca de la posibilidad y características de una "filosofía latinoamericana" a lo largo del último tercio del siglo pasado han llevado a cierto acuerdo en situar su especificidad en constituir un pensamiento elaborado "desde"... more
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      Latin American PhilosophyHistoriographyHistorical ConsciousnessFilosofía Latinoamericana
Reseña y comentario crítico de libro de Augusto Castro sobre pensamiento peruano con observaciones sobre la filosofía en el Perú en general.
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      Latin American PhilosophySocial and Political PhilosophyJosé Carlos MariáteguiPeruvian Philosophy
Hubert Dreyfus and Ada María Isasi-Díaz both look to the everyday as the paradigmatic space in which we act as knowers. This essay compares the ways that Dreyfus and Isasi-Díaz conceptualize the everyday and the knowing that happens... more
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      Latin American PhilosophyMetaphilosophyFeminist EpistemologyPhenomenology
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      Latin American PhilosophyColonialismTruthNahuatl
Primer tomo en publicarse de un proyecto de nueve que cubrirán por primera vez la obra completa del pensador radical chileno Francisco Bilbao. En este tomo se recopilan los escritos de filosofía de la historia de Bilbao. La práctica... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American Literature (Literature)Latin American PhilosophyLatin American and Caribbean History
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    • Latin American Philosophy
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American PhilosophyImmigrationExile
César Vallejo escribió dos libros de ensayos, entre ellos El arte y la revolución, para explicar su política; y en El tungsteno (1931) exploro, a través de la ficción, el tratamiento inhumano hacia los mineros indígenas en las montañas... more
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      Political PhilosophyLatin American PhilosophyMarxismAlain Badiou
ENTRADA El túnel, primera novela publicada por Ernesto Sábato, salió de la imprenta en 1948. Pasados 50 años de su primera edición redacto este texto. Castel, el insano autor de la crónica policial que leemos como novela, eleva su... more
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      Latin American PhilosophyHermeneuticsLatin American literatureHermenéutica
Enrique Dussel’s Ethics of Liberation in the Age of Globalization and Exclusion brings together the diversity of traditions and problems on which he has worked throughout his career. The presence of his engagement with Emmanuel Levinas... more
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      Critical TheoryEthicsLatin American PhilosophyFilosofía Latinoamericana
Winner of the 2018  APA Prize Essay on Latin American Thought. Forthcoming on the APA Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy
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      Chicano StudiesLatin American StudiesLatin American PhilosophySettler Colonial Studies
Jose Vasconcelos is a pre-revolutionary-intellectual pioneer, a philosopher of aesthetics and Mexican spiritual beauty, and an advocate for post-revolutionary public education in Mexico.
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      Latin American PhilosophyMexican StudiesJosé VasconcelosMexican Revolution
This paper argues that there are important similarities between Zhao Tingyang’s conception of tianxia and the decolonized, post-racial world envisioned by prominent decolonial thinkers of the global south. Defined in terms of... more
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      Latin American PhilosophyChinese PhilosophyAfrican PhilosophyChina
In this essay I will analyze how philosophical vitalism is crucial to understanding the way in which cultural dilemmas derived from Darwinian ideas were addressed in Spain and Cuba during the first half of the twentieth century. I will... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American PhilosophyLatin American and Caribbean HistoryContinental Philosophy
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      Latin American PhilosophySpanish philosophy
A philosophical companion to Latin American philosophy.
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American Philosophy
Filosofía y culturas hispánicas: nuevas perspectivas demuestra que las relaciones entre la filosofía y las culturas hispánicas, así como las aproximaciones filosóficas a las mismas, revelan lo que Deleuze afirma en Diálogos, que la... more
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      Latin American PhilosophyContinental PhilosophySpanish philosophyLiterature and Visual Arts
El desarrollo de una filosofía propia en América Latina requiere la formulación de una filosofía de la historia desde su horizonte particular, tarea que presenta problemas y desafíos diferentes a los planteados alrededor de la disciplina... more
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      Latin American PhilosophyPhilosophy of HistoryLatin American HistoryFilosofía Latinoamericana
Recuento de la polémica de 1842 que enfrentó a Andrés Bello con Domingo Faustino Sarmiento. Se reflexiona sobre el contexto latinoamericano, que a principios del siglo XIX obligó a plantear la lengua como problema filosófico, y a... more
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      Intellectual HistoryLatin American StudiesLatin American PhilosophyHistory of Ideas
Vol. 1 of the journal of The Latin American Philosophy of Education Society (LAPES). Articles by Linda Martin Alcoff, Eduardo Mendieta, Maximiliano Lopez, Samuel Rocha, Eduardo Duarte.
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      Latin American PhilosophyEducation
1763. El opulento Reino del Perú recaba informes sobre la situación mundial por los barcos que llegan a Panamá o cruzan por el actual sur de Chile. Pasajeros de los orígenes más extraños hacen de mensajeros del destino. La Gaceta de Lima... more
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      Political PhilosophyLatin American PhilosophyHermeneuticsPostmodernism
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American PhilosophyAfro Latin AmericaRace and Racism
"A theory in the flesh means one where the physical realities of our lives all fuse to create a politic born of necessity," writes activist Cherríe L. Moraga. This volume of new essays stages an intergenerational dialogue among... more
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      Latin American PhilosophyLatina/o StudiesWomen of Color FeminismLatinx Studies
Luisa Capetillo (1829-1922) has been heralded as the first feminist writer of Puerto Rico. She authored four books and embodied her emancipatory philosophical commitments, but has received scant philosophical attention. In this paper I... more
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      Latin American PhilosophyLatina FeminismFeminismos En America Latina
In this essay I pay homage to one of the most important but neglected philosophers of liberation in Latin America, Luis Villoro, by considering what possible lessons we can learn from his phi- losophy about how to approach injustices in... more
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      Latin American PhilosophyColonialismDecolonial Thought
This essay reconsiders the relationship among key terms used for the good life in Aztec, or better, Nahua, ethical philosophy. Specifically, it considers the relationship between "nelli" and "nelhuatl." After addressing the semantic and... more
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      Latin American PhilosophyComparative PhilosophyVirtue EthicsNahuatl
El 10 de julio de 2008 pudimos leer la noticia de que se había derrumbado el túnel del glaciar Perito Moreno (Patagonia, Argentina). En otro momento se hubiera tratado de una ordinaria experiencia catastrófica natural de los veranos... more
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      Political PhilosophyLatin American PhilosophyHermeneuticsEcology
Resumen En esta investigación resumo alguno de los planteamientos principales del giro decolonial, reconociendo las aportaciones de Nelson Maldonado y Ramón Grosfoguel. El proyecto del giro decolonial se apoya en la crítica de lo que... more
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      Latin American PhilosophyDecolonial ThoughtAnibal QuijanoEnrique Dussell
A l e j a n d r o C. S t r o n g B.A., B o s t o n U n i v e r s i t y, 2004
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      Latin American PhilosophyEnvironmental PhilosophyPhilosophy of EducationCulture
Paulo Freire's book Pedagogy of the Oppressed was written in 1968 and first published in Spanish also in 1968. It was subsequently translated to English, Italian, French and German. Although Freire was Brazilian and a native speaker of... more
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      Latin American PhilosophyPostcolonial StudiesCritical PedagogyPaulo Freire
Uno de los momentos claves del desarrollo de la filosofía en el Perú se da entre mediados del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX, en que una misma generación de filósofos, formados originalmente en la escolástica más tradicional, se convierten... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American PhilosophyPeruvian Philosophy
The simplest way to express the interest of metaphysics is to ask: “What is there?” A peculiar difficulty with the Aztec outlook on metaphysics is that their language, Nahuatl, lacks words for “being,” or “to be.” Strictly speaking, then,... more
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      Latin American StudiesMetaphysicsOntologyLatin American Philosophy