Saudi Arabian History
Recent papers in Saudi Arabian History
This article explores the development of Saudi Arabia during King Fahd's era through research which highlights the challenges and reasons behind the decline in achieving five year plans. Saudi Arabia is one of those Middle Eastern... more
The IDEA Research Lab aims to enhance interdisciplinary collaboration and exploration in the Interior Design field in Saudi Arabia. The identified themes of the IDEA Research Group are directly related to the Saudi Vision 2030 (A vibrant... more
The Yemen, is the birth place and hub for a number of monotheistic religious convictions . In its North West region, just 243 kilometers away from San'aa, the official capital of the Republic of Yemen , lies a spiritual center, a holy... more
By studying metaphor, this monograph reveals the conflict between what (1.0)George Dodds refers to as the "good" and "bad" mimesis (copy) or the difference between imitation and origination. The former results in 1eclecticism while the... more
I thank my supervisor Konrad Hirschler and my colleague Matthew Phillips at SOAS, University of London, for their kind comments on the manuscript.
Cet article tente de comprendre le wahhabisme et de suivre son évolution historique. En quoi Ibn 'Abd al Wahhab a-t-il rompu avec la tradition islamique ? Quelles sont les racines doctrinales du "jihadisme" ? Quelles mutations... more
الطبيعة لا تقفز. هذه الحكمة المستخدمة من قبل الفلاسفة والعلماء منذ العصور القديمة تُعبّر عن الفكرة القائلة بأنّ كلّ تغيّر هو نتيجة مراحل متعاقبة وليس نتيجة تحوّل مفاجئ في الزمان والمكان. وهذا ما تؤكّده بلا أدنى شكّ دراسة بنية وتاريخ... more
The principal purposes of this paper are to report the preliminary results of analytical work conducted in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; to evaluate the susceptibility of some Arabian rock art to direct dating techniques; and to evaluate... more
* This is the 1st edition. The latest (3rd) edition is available on here: Translation of A... more
The History of Saudi Arabia between the History of the Saudi State, the History of Regions and a New Historical Understanding: The Development of Historiography in Saudi Arabia
This paper describes how the rise of Wahhabism entailed the transformation of religious culture in Central Arabia and the construction of a new one, defined in part by separation from the rest of the Muslim world and maintained by a set... more
Over the last decades, a number of scholars have studied how historiography served to legitimize different Arab regimes. These scholars have, however, given little attention to the role of periodization. By contrast, this study suggests... more
A discussion of political and economic factors that explain why one town in Central Arabia remained outside firm Wahhabi control during the nineteenth century.
I thank Pascal Ménoret for inviting me to give this presentation and generously hosting me in Princeton. I also thank Bernard Haykel for chairing the discussion and Joyce Slack for organizing the event. As always, I am very grateful to my... more
In the wake of the oil boom that started in late 1973, a mass consumer society developed in Saudi Arabia. This chapter sets out to explore a period marked by unprecedented economic transition and surprisingly little socio-political... more
Saudi-backed LIV Golf tournament Saudi-backed LIV Golf tournament accused of 'sportswashing' accused of 'sportswashing' New venture means top players must cut ties with PGA.
This book offers historical and contemporary insights into the various problems that persist in haunting the Saudi state. Madawi Al-Rasheed brings together well-established historians and social scientists with deep knowledge of Saudi... more
العلاقات الكويتية مع الدولة السعودية الأولى وصراع المصالح
تأثر الكويت بالصراعات الداخلية للدولة السعودية الثانية
الكويت وإعادة حلم الدولة السعودية الثالثة 1902م
تأثر الكويت بالصراعات الداخلية للدولة السعودية الثانية
الكويت وإعادة حلم الدولة السعودية الثالثة 1902م
Book censorship has been a salient characteristic of the late Ottoman Hamidian Era (1878-1909) in which constitution and parliament were suspended for three decades against the backdrop of liberal nationalist dissidence. Research has... more
The Royal Saudi Navy (RSN) as an actor in foreign and security policy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has grown of increasing significance in the last eighteen months having held a strong role in operations in the Yemen war. Yemen... more
Saudi Arabia is generally and justifiably viewed as a country with some of the fewest democratic institutions and the weakest traditions of pluralism. It is therefore surprising to learn that at least in one corner of the Saudi world,... more
Unlike other areas of law, where rules have either been borrowed from Western regimes or only apply to certain segments of society, Saudi family law touches every member of Saudi society, from ordinary citizens to royalty, and originates... more
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti-Suudi Arabistan ilişkileri, geçmişten gelen iki taraflı önyargıların ve karşılıklı hassasiyetlerin şekillendirdiği bir zeminde, Büyük Savaş sonrasının karşılıklı müttefik arayışını ön plana çıkaran şartları ve liderler... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
The Southern Red Sea Region (SRSR) is an environmentally unified geographic area whose natural features historically supported a closely-linked, multifaceted socioeconomic. The SRSR is currently divided between Saudi Arabia, Yemen,... more
SOCOTRA Socotra’s name is traced to the Sanskrit dvipa-sakhadara, “island abode of bliss.” The island is mentioned in various legends. The inhabitants long were Christians, but that religion disappeared from the island in the 17th... more
Historically, Iran has dominated the regional politics in several aspects, but after the Second World War, Saudi Arabia emerged as a significant player in regional politics. Both states have several differences; Saudi Arabia is Sunni... more
(unpublished MA-Thesis)
Review of Michael Crawford's biography of Shaykh Muhammad bin ‘Abd al-Wahhab (Ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab. London: OneWorld 2014)