Samuel von Pufendorf
Most downloaded papers in Samuel von Pufendorf
The paper explores theories of moral obligation from those of late scholastics such as Francisco Suarez and Gabriel Vasquez to those of Samuel Pufendorf and John Locke. The theories of Pufendorf and Locke are contrasted. Although... more
The article explores the genre of official historiography as an instrument of statecraft in early modern Europe. For an adequate grasp of the character, functions and impact of official histories we need to gain a better understanding of... more Istvan Hont’s classic work on the theoretical links between the seventeenth-century natural jurists Hugo Grotius and Samuel Pufendorf and the eighteenth-century... more
Common possession of the earth was a prominent idea in seventeenth century modern philosophy. In this paper I will argue that Kant not only provides a secularized version of common possession of the earth but also radically departs from... more
Notions such as 'states-system' and 'international system' are central to IR. Yet, they have been neglected in our study of conceptual history. This paper focuses on the 17th-century debate about the status of the Holy Roman Empire as a... more
Immanuel Kant and Samuel Pufendorf were both exercised by the relationship between politics, morality and lawful authority; a relationship that goes to the heart of the sovereign state's existence and legitimacy. However, while Kant... more
The essay reads Ralph Waldo Emerson’s argument for a “nation of friends,” in “Politics,” as Emerson’s response to his lament, also in “Politics,” that the “power of love, as the basis of the State, has never been tried.” By a careful... more
In Herman Melville’s Bartleby, the Scrivener, the narrator finds himself involved in a moral relation with the title character whose sense he finds difficult to articulate. I argue that we can make sense of this relation, up to a certain... more
While histories of human rights have proliferated in recent decades, little attention has been given to the history of thinking about duties to protect these rights beyond sovereign borders. We have a good understanding of the history of... more
This is a draft chapter in my book on eighteenth century practical ethics.
As is well known, Locke's philosophy of mind and language are often taken as a prime example of Cartesian subjectivism. Contemporary philosophers harbour a suspiciously unified view of the failure of the Lockean account of the mind.... more
In this paper, I develop three ideal types of early modern federal theories: sovereignty relativizing federalism, sovereignty pooling federalism, and bottom-up federalism. Each of these types respond to a different political effect of the... more
Tirannide e stato di natura. Sul rifiuto dell'assolutismo giusnaturalista nelle Tragedie Cinque di Gian Vincenzo Gravina
ВИВЛIОθИКА: E-Journal of Eighteenth-Century Russian Studies 2 (2014) 24-46.
This paper analyzes the relation between basic religious motifs of theoretical thought, general ontology and their specific use in 'international' political theory at the onset on the Modern Era. The analysis is based on Herman... more
Abstract: Nell’ampia letteratura che, nel corso degli ultimi decenni, ha esplorato a fondo le pieghe degli scritti bobbiani, affiora soltanto a tratti un’indagine sistematica dei rapporti del filosofo torinese con i classici del pensiero... more
Samuel Pufendorf (1632-94) was an important thinker in the development of political philosophy. This essay contrasts his approach to that of Spinoza and Hobbes.
Table of contents 1. Plato and a response to ethical scepticism; 2. Aristotle and the invention of practical philosophy; 3. Diogenes and philosophy as a form of life; 4. Epicurus and ethics as care for oneself; 5. Epictetus and ethics... more
Neo-Epikureismus und die Krise des Naturrechts: Michael Hißmann (1752 -1784) über Naturzustand und Gerechtigkeit 1
This article examines theories of ocean rights based on the works of Hugo Grotius and Samuel von Pufendorf. Grotius's object-centred view uses features of the natural world to justify claims to external objects. I show that Grotius's view... more
Differences between the 17th century ‘new moral science’ and Scholastic Natural Law Theory derived primarily from the sceptical challenge the former had to face. Pufendorf ‘s project of a 'scientia practica universalis' was the paramount... more
Probablemente no haya un término más utilizado dentro del discurso de los derechos humanos que el de la dignidad humana. Se trata de una idea que preside y fundamenta los sistemas constitucionales contemporáneos, constituyendo así en un... more
The radical ideas of the French Revolution are generally regarded as the offspring of the theory of social contract. However, even though the Revolutionaries cherished Rousseau’s legacy, the period was not without instances in which this... more
This article discusses the works of the first two lecturers on natural law in Copenhagen, Henrik Weghorst and Christian Reitzer. Contrary to the existing scholarship which characterises their works as derivative of either Grotius or... more
The paper considers Jean Barbeyrac's theory of permissive natural law, in particular its significance for his account of natural property rights. This interpretation contributes to current debates on permissive natural law in the early... more
Up until now, political philosophy has explained the acquisition of natural resources, in one way or another, through the terms of human settlement. An agent acquires natural resources by moving into the geographic area that contains... more
A. Ser humano, moralidad y derecho. 1. Naturaleza humana y derecho. 2. Libertad humana y derecho B. Sociedad humana y derecho. 1. Igualdad y respeto. 2. Igualdad y seguridad En el De iure naturae et gentium (1672), Samuel von Pufendorf... more
I argue in this paper that Immanuel Kant's account of the moral wrongness of contempt in the Metaphysics of Morals provides important resources for our understanding of the nature of moral subjectivity. Although Kant typically emphasizes... more
There is an important but underappreciated ambiguity in Hobbes' concept of personhood. In one sense, persons are representatives or actors. In the other sense, persons are representees or characters. An estate agent is a person in the... more
Given the conceptual gap in the global justice debate today (where most of the talk is about the duties of the rich, but little is said about what the poor may do for themselves), in this article I reintroduce the idea of a right of... more
A short series including a distinguishing terms, i.e. ‘moral,’ ‘ethic,’ and ‘Justice.’ I shall defend using animals for human consumption, the current popular problems of big game hunting, and a possible solution to the issues giving as... more
With the publication of the papers of the First Budapest Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy in 2017, we accomplished overcoming such unfruitful divisions as the time-honoured interpretive distinction between “rationalists” and... more
Set within the framework of international intellectual history, the present article focusses on the propaganda campaign undertaken by the Company of Scotland to prove the legality of its settlement in the Darien province. It first shows... more
Samuel Pufendorf is known for his normative natural law philosophy, and particularly for his theory of sociability. This article concentrates on a topic that has received very little attention - his theory of the motivating character of... more
Whereas Dan Edelstein’s interpretation may hold true for France, its general statements may mislead readers into disregarding the significance of systematic natural law for the formulation of human rights. The contemporary American... more
This is a 'precis' or somewhat deep dive into the reason for the nomination of Louisiana attorney Warren Perrin for a lifetime achievement award. His 1988 Petition for Apology from the Queen on behalf of the Acadians has resonance beyond... more
Einer der prominentesten philosophischen Gegner Leibnizens war Samuel Pufendorf, eine zentrale philosophische Figur der frühen Aufklärung. Leibniz sah in ihm den Antipoden seines eigenen Denkens und zugleich den "Karriere-Rivalen", dem es... more