Saint George
Recent papers in Saint George
Текстът представлява увод към книгата „Възникването на Филипополската арменска колония и нейната църква”, от епископ Ервент Пердихчиян
This essay looks at the few scattered medieval images of St. George on the Venetian Church of San Marco. I link them to texts produced by the neighboring monastery San Giorgio Maggiore.
The cult of St George in the Eastern Mediterranean is one of the most extraordinary examples of cohabitation among different religious communities. For a long time, Greek Orthodox, Latins, and Muslims shared shrines dedicated to the... more
The thesis deals with a little known, albeit particular and unique Central European object group from the fifteenth-century. A great number of wood saddles covered with bone panels survived from the first part of the fifteenth century and... more
This is the first instalment of a study of the oldest attestation of the miracle of St George, the princess and the dragon, in the 11th-c. Old Georgian manuscript Jer Geo 2, and the ecclesiastical, courtly and vernacular sources which... more
Estudio de la evolución heráldica de las armas del rey y del reino de Aragon (las llamadas "barras de Aragón") y de sus repercusiones histórico-sociales. Se estudian también los otros elementos que hoy componen el escudo de Aragón (la... more
Comunicação apresentada na VI Semana de Estudos Medievais do Programa de Estudos Medievais da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (PEM-UFRJ), realizado entre os dias 25 e 27 de outubro de 2005, cujas comunicações foram lançadas... more
The church of St. George the Victorious in Mlado Nagorichane was built in the second half of the 16th century, and the wall painting, which had long been covered by limestone coatings, was created toward the end of the same century. It... more
Our Lady Goddess & The Femicide of the Heroes is a time travel illuminating our society. The tale is told by an old man of average culture, exclaiming in surprise at each step, and laughing, or getting angry, like a child. The back... more
Öz Halk inançları arasında yerini alan Hızır, özellikle yolcuların nazarında oldukça itibarlı bir yere sahiptir. Onun yolculuğa çıkanları koruyacağına dair büyük bir inanç söz konusudur. Bu inancın da etkisiyle olsa gerek, Anadolu'nun... more
Two case studies of the reception of printed images from Germany in Poland in the sixteenth century.
Pour aborder la question de l'historicité de saint Georges, il faut impérativement remonter aux plus anciennes sources le concernant. Quelles sont-elles et que relatentelles ? Le problème majeur, disons-le d'emblée, c'est que le plus... more
LOCATION DU DRAPEAU DE GÊNES PAR LA PERFIDE ALBION OU BUFFALA À L'ITALIENNE. "Your Majesty, I regret to inform you that from my books it looks like you didn't pay for the last 247 years". Dioclétien devait élever au rang d'officier un... more
Realizzazione editoriale e informatica a cura di ARUN MALTESE ([email protected]) Grafica della copertina a cura di PAOLO FERRERO ([email protected]) È vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, non autorizzata, con... more
The paper presents an icon from Slavonia (Croatia) dating from the first half of the 18 th century and featuring the most popular miracle of Saint George-the slaying of the dragon and saving the princess. 1 The icon is interesting in... more
Toplum karakteristiklerini, toplumların bakış açılarını yansıtan ve büyük ölçüde bir toplumu diğerinden ayıran bir yapı taşı olarak bilinen kültür kavramı, aynı dili konuşan, aynı dine inanan ve aynı yakın coğrafyada yaşayan topluluklarda... more
On 13 December 1408, Sigismund and Queen Barbara, as well as the league of the loyal barons of the realm, founded the Order of the Dragon (Societas Draconistarum), its patron saints were St. George and St. Margaret of Antioch. Although... more
The article continues the authors’ study series of a group of long-edged weapons from the collection of the State Hermitage museum, which decorative schemes include Christian images. The article deals with a saber ornamented with an... more
Shakespeare was born on (or near) Saint George's Day in 1564 according to the then current Julian Calendar. By the same token this date falls on May the sixth this year. Let us examine such an oddity among others that result from the... more
survey on the images of Saint George as part of an exhibition catalogue for Mons, Cultural Capital of Europe 2015
This essay is focused on the analysis of the Catalan artistic patronage in the Eastern Mediterranean during the 14th century. The expansion of the Kingdom of Aragon in Greece –Duchess of Athens and Neopatras- and the developing of its... more
Crusader Sketch of Military Saint from Jerusalem, 12th Century.
k u l t u r a Po zmajevih sledeh: ribniško pripovedno izročilo o zmajih Narava je mogočna prasila, ki ji ljudje kljubujemo, a se nam vedno znova upira z naravnimi nesrečami. Takšni so zakoni narave. Naši prednamci so pojasnila za to našli... more
In Western tradition, St. George is known as the dragon slayer. In the Middle East, he is called Khidr (“Green One”), and in addition to being a dragon slayer, he is also somehow the prophet Elijah. In this book, Robert D. Miller II... more
This article examines visits to local pilgrimage sites in Hatay, Turkey for the purpose of understanding forms of saint veneration in a context of interreligious culture. Visits to pilgrimage sites are shared by different religions and... more
Dentro de la literatura bizantina tanto la himnografía como la hagiografía encuentran una posición de cierta relevancia, que se ve subrayada por el hecho de la interrelación existente entre ambos géneros. Por un lado, el himno en su forma... more
This work aims to study the origins of St. George’s feast on November 10 and peculiarity of its celebration in Georgia. It is known that St. George occupies a special place in the Georgian Christian culture and generally, in the... more
Relationships between St. George’s abbey and the Court express the term “bipolar” very well. First relationship was created in the time of a foundation, i. e. in the second half of the 10th century. The foundation was controlled by the... more
Рахно К.Ю. Архаическое восприятие праздничного времени в украинских легендах о гончарах // От текста к контексту. – Ишим: Ишимский государственный педагогический институт им. П.П. Ершова, 2010. – Выпуск 9. – С. 162–166.
Elementary metaplasmic analysis of the territorial level in the representations of Saint George, the Cappadocian, as patron saint of England, verbalized in Anglo-Norman (I)
Los textos hagiográficos son uno de los máximos representantes de la literatura en Bizancio. A pesar de que aportan la mayoría de la información acerca de la tradición y del culto a los diferentes santos de la Iglesia, no deben caer en el... more
The cult of Saint George is a global phenomenon, and not only Mediterranean. His figure and motifs flowed from East to West and vice-versa in a double-way journey. In this process, especially after the First Crusade, his image embodied... more
This book came after informing sources and books were published in Arabic and foreign languages pertinent to history, and biography of saint George for exhibiting academic and reporting survey concerning saint George biography, and... more
Among the broad religious spectrum of the Levant, the figure of Saint George/Al-Khader stands out. As the patron saint of Palestine, Saint George is one of the most popular saints among Palestinian Christians. Traditionally, the popular... more
Notu .ti Daníele Jeragzolr. Nell'uhimo quano di secolo è radicaÌ' mente mutato l'approccio storiografico generate a1 probÌcma delle cor te e della civiÌtà rinascimentrli. Decisive innovazioni metodoÌogiche e "rorioer,... more
The Church of the East in fifteenth-century Iraq may appear to modern scholars as a community without a past. No textual narrative of East Syrian history has survived from the fifteenth century, or for several centuries thereafter.... more
San Jorge es uno de los retratos de mayor relevancia en el campo de los santos denominados militares. Además, cuenta con una larga tradición detrás que converge en una importante pervivencia que se puede rastrear a lo largo de los siglos... more