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Translations of Rozhdestvensky, Balmont, Turgenev, Tyutchev, Fet
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      TranslationTurgenevKonstantin BalmontFyodor Tyutchev
Энциклопедическая статья о Тютчеве из 6-го тома словаря "Русские писатели. 1800 - 1917".
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      Fyodor TyutchevTiutchevФедор Иванович Тютчев
Темой статьи являются ошибки при расстановке ударений в силлабо-тонической поэзии на русском языке. Явление неправомерной экстраполяции норм современного языка на старые тексты иллюстрируется союзом или, который в языке XVIII–XIX веков... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsRussian stress, accentologyProcliticsFyodor Tyutchev
The monograph 'Gallo-Rossica: From the History of Russian-French Literary Connections (late 18th – early 20th centuries)' is devoted to a number of hitherto unstudied and inexhausted aspects of exchanges which took place in the interval... more
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      French LiteratureLiterary SymbolismPaul ClaudelLittérature Comparée
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      Russian LiteratureRomanticismDante StudiesJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
The monograph 'Gallo-Rossica: From the History of Russian-French Literary Connections (late 18th – early 20th centuries)' is devoted to a number of hitherto unstudied and inexhausted aspects of exchanges which took place in the interval... more
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      Russian LiteratureSymbolismLeo TolstoyLittérature Française
Монография посвящена имагологическому исследованию феномена русского ориентализма первой половины XIX века. НА материале творчества А.С. Пушкина, М.Ю. Лермонтова, Н.В. Гоголя, Ф.М. Достоевского и др. автор раскрывает специфику... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePostcolonial StudiesDostoevskyPushkin
By Roman Leibov and Alexander Ospovat. Тютчев, стихотворения на случай
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      Russian LiteratureOccasional PoetryFyodor Tyutchev
Глава из монографии:
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      Russian PoetryLiterature of the French RevolutionSylvain MaréchalИстория русской литературы
For Dostoevsky, Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev (1803-1873) was equal to Pushkin as a "poetphilosopher." And Tolstoy once said that "no one should live without Tyutchev." The Slavophil
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      Religion and PoliticsConservatismRussian PoliticsPolitical Theology
Translations of Baratynsky, Tyutchev, Mandelstam, Tsvetaeva
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      TranslationOsip MandelstamE. A. BaratynskyFyodor Tyutchev
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabic translationFyodor Tyutchev
The article analyzes the methodology and content related aspects of the interpretation of poetic creativity and religious experience of Fyodor Tyutchev and Rainer Maria Rilke in the articles dedicated to these poets by the Russian... more
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      MysticismRussian PhilosophySchleiermacherGerman Poetry
В статье на основе биографических сведений и анализа поэтики стихотворения «Поминки» (перевод из Шиллера) делается вывод о том, что обращение Тютчева в 1850-х годах к переводу (само по себе нетипическое) инспирировано двумя событиями:... more
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      Translation StudiesFriedrich SchillerFyodor Tyutchev
This article dwells upon Sergey Fudel’s (1900–1977) understanding of processes underlying the development of European and Russian literature in the 19th and early 20th centuries. A specific point of interest is the topic of poetic... more
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      RomanticismTheologySymbolism (Religion)Christian Apologetics
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      Russian PhilosophyHistory of ArchaeologyHistory of LiteratureFyodor Tyutchev