Rural Credit
Recent papers in Rural Credit
Specific and statistically based knowledge of the degree of monetarisation and credit market of the peasantry in the Late Middle Ages in Central Europe is rare. The Eger (Cheb) city state is an exception, because we have exceptionally... more
India in terms of providing credit facilities in rural India. Farmers and rural poor borrowings from Money lenders and other informal sources of rural credit still significant this sources some extent i.e. 77 percent to 32 percent. In... more
There is a huge potential in the rural markets companies are trying to tap in rural areas because there is a tight competition in urban markets if we look the present situation of the rural consumer. They have a huge rising disposable... more
In this monography the theoretical and practical questions of a world and Ukrainian cooperative movement are considered, the sight, new, not traditional for Ukraine, on cooperative societies as the non-profitable form of managing, form of... more
This study sought to establish how various credit risk management practices affect performance of commercial banks in Nyeri County in Kenya. Even though commercial banks face several types of risks, credit risk stands out as the most... more
IPPOLITA CHECCOLI (a cura di) I Monti frumentari e le forme di credito non monetario tra Medioevo ed Età moderna Ancora in tempi recenti il credito non monetario era considerato un elemento marginale ai fini della riflessione... more
MSMEs are particularly important for emerging countries, primarily because of their potential in job creation. The MSEs are more than just GDP earners; they are instruments of inclusive growth which touch upon the lives of the most... more
Abstract: Regional rural Banks plays a vital role in the agriculture and rural development of India. The RRBS have more reached to the rural area of India, through their huge network. The success of rural credit in India is largely... more
This brief overview of rural credit in 20th century India finds a remarkable continuity in the problems faced by the poor throughout this period. These include dependence on usurious moneylenders and the operation of a deeply exploitative... more
One hundred years after the creation of the Cooperative Credit Structure, thirty five years after the first round of bank nationalistion and thirty years after the establishment of Regional Rural Banks, the formal credit delivery system... more
This paper contributes to a growing scholarship examining the ways in which dispossession in neoliberal India is reinforcing and reconfiguring agrarian social hierarchies. Existing studies have focussed on the differential successes of... more
Email do Autor Principal: [email protected] RESUMO A dimensão das mudanças de uso e ocupação do solo no Bioma Cerrado foi intensa nas últimas décadas e reflete a forte agropecuária desenvolvida no Centro-Oeste, atualmente muito... more
Desenvolvimento Rural, Territorial e regional Crédito rural e agricultura familiar no Brasil Grupo de Pesquisa: Desenvolvimento Rural, Territorial e Regional
This article examines the role of gender in the use of digital finance in Kenya, including the well-known case of mobile money but also the emerging use of smartphone apps, payment tills, digital credit services, and digital fund-raising... more
Our paper explores how poor rural households in India are increasingly accumulating debt through micro-finance initiatives channelled through local self-help groups (SHGs). The aim of micro-finance and SHGs is to provide a cheap source of... more
Le financement est un des instruments importants pour faciliter et appuyer les producteurs dans leur adaptation aux nouvelles exigences en tenant compte des aléas climatiques et du marché. L'ensemble des études consacrées à l'agriculture... more
MSMEs are particularly important for emerging countries. This is primarily because of MSME's potential in job creation. Yet, lack of access to finance is a major obstacle to their growth. The average (i.e., mean) time taken to set up a... more
In Brazil, Rural Credit and Technical Assistance policies for family farming were formulated with the goal of promoting rural development in a sustainable and integrated manner. This study is the result of the Monitoring and assessment of... more
An examination of the loans recorded by the notary in the seigneurie of Delle during the eighteenth century sheds light on alterations to the mechanisms of trust. In early modern France, the traditional local credit market was based on... more
This paper was submitted for the BANCON ( Annual Bankers Conference of the Indian Banks Association) 2009, but did not get selected, possibly for over highlighting the problems. However, looking back today (2014), it is quite evident that... more
The objectives of this book chapter are twofold. First, it aims to provide a pre´cis of the rural credit sector and recent institutional changes. Second, by drawing on the author’s household survey data, it provides in-depth analyses of... more
2 The Indian State has looked at development finance as a major instrument of poverty reduction only after the nationalisation of banks in 1969. The banking system was mandated to allocate certain proportion of total credit to priority... more
La venta de “pan fiado”, es decir, la venta de grano a crédito es una actividad que se puede rastrear y dimensionar por distintas áreas de la Corona de Castilla a finales del siglo XV a través del Archivo General de Simancas, en el... more
This is the second part of the article "Perspectives on Agricultural Credit in India" published in Third Concept (December 2014).
Indian banking sector is an important constituent of the Indian financial system. Banking in India has a very old origin. It started in the Vedic period where literature shows the giving of loans to others on interest. India has over the... more
Les textes de ce volume s’efforcent d’explorer les diverses expressions des identités juives médiévales. Ils relatent la démarche suivie et exposent les principaux résultats d’un travail d’abord ancré en Cerdagne et en Roussillon, mais... more
This paper contributes to a growing scholarship examining the ways in which dispossession in neoliberal India is reinforcing and reconfiguring agrarian social hierarchies. Existing studies have focussed on the differential successes of... more
An investigation into rural credit delivery system in Maharashtra shows slower growth in institutional finances through commercial banks, credit cooperatives, RRBs and LDBs, particularly during the decade of 1991-2000, which is mainly due... more
Μεταπτυχιακό Σεμινάριο (απομαγνητοφωνημένα πρακτικά) στο Ιόνιο Πανεπιστήμιο-Τμήμα Ιστορίας, Κτήριο Θεοτόκη, Κέρκυρα 20 Μαΐου 1991 (in Greek).
The objective of this study is to investigate empirically the influence of social capital on the rural credit in the case of a Javanese village. Estimation results indicate difference impact of social capital on each type of credit.... more
This study verifies, through econometric models of conditional convergence of productivity of land and labor in relation to rural credit and other variables, whether it contributes positively to economic growth in municipalities and there... more
This paper reviews and shows the RCCs financial system and its role in economic development of China. RCCs are important reforms of china. It improves the performance consistently every year and constituted about 12.3 % all financial... more
Agriculture sector is the largest contributor to the national incomes (GDP) of the world economies as well as for Pakistan contributing nearly 21 percent to the GDP and provides employment to nearly 43 percent of the workforce and... more
Analysis of the various challenges to Delivering Credit in Rural India
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