Roman Antiquity
Recent papers in Roman Antiquity
Let me start with the term Enlightenment, which plays a crucial role in both Western and Eastern history.
Cet article focalisé sur la richesse céréalière de la Numidie- au temps de Massinissa et Jugurtha, se propose de présenter les témoignages et attestations de cette richesse céréalière par le biais de la documentation littéraire. En outre,... more
disegni di antichità romane nella collezione di alfonso rossetti »1551 ali 17 magio in roma«. disegni di antichità romane nella collezione di alfonso rossetti. francesca mattei Nel Fondo famigliare antico dell'Archivio Storico Comunale di... more
يناقش هذا البحث عدة نقاط، تبدأ بخلفية تاريخية موجزة عن علاقة روما بأثيوبيا في العصر الإمبراطوري، ثم أثيوبيا في بعض الأساطير الرومانية، والأوصاف العرقية للأثيوبيين، كما يتناول العبيد الأثيوبيين في روما، وهذا من خلال نصوص أدبية لاتينية مع... more
Gli studi sulla scrittura latina in età romana nei 50 anni seguiti alla la pubblicazione Paléographie romaine di Jean Mallon. I meriti di quel libro vanno ben al di là del contributo dato dal suo autore all’interpretazione di un... more
Pubblicato, con modifiche, in Der neue Pauly, a cura di H. Cancik e H. Schneider, vol. 11, Stuttgart-Weimar, Metzler, 2001, coll. 251-253, voce Schriftstile. Lateinische Kursive.
Este trabalho visa analisar o período em que Valentiniano I administrou o Império Romano do Ocidente (364 – 375 d.C.) através de textos e moedas do período, além de contribuir para os estudos da Antiguidade Tardia e os elementos... more
This article reviews the current state of affairs regarding our knowledge on eating habits and dietary proportions in the Roman world. The narrative is centred on the main components of the ancient diet: cereals, wine, olive oil, meat,... more
Talk given at the University of PAU (FRANCE) during a conference "La vision de l'autre dans l'Antiquité" in March 2009. Acts of the conference published at the Presse Universitaire de Pau - Antiquité méditerranéenne : à la rencontre de «... more
During the first and second centuries A.D., Roman cursive developed a system of ligatures between letters tha was to remain virtually unchallenged until a new cursive structure came about in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. This... more
Anmeldelse HARALD VOETMANN, Sulpicia -En romersk digter. Oversat og kommenteret af Harald Voetmann, Gyldendal 2016, 120 sider, kr. 199,95. Da Ciceros eneste datter Tullia døde i 45 f.v.t., blev han ramt af dyb sorg. Han modtog mange... more
Atti del pomeriggio di studi dedicato alla memoria di Silvio Panciera, uno dei più illustri maestri di epigrafia latina.
Prima traccia per un catalogo completo delle incisioni di Sebastiano di Re da Chioggia (de Regibus Clodiensis) (attivo a Roma 1557-1563), con la proposta di identificare l'incisore con l'autore di un poemetto "Le lagrime d'amore" stampato... more
The Sava River in antiquity was not a river that divided, rather, it made connections. It was used in various ways: as a waterway and as a guidepost – a link between the Eastern and Western parts of the Roman Empire. Sources that have a... more
2021, “Τhe work of magic art”: History, uses and meanings of the Incantadas monuments of Thessaloniki. Conference proceedings [papers in Greek and English] The Incantadas, the sculptures of a Roman colonnade of Thessaloniki that were... more
Peu etudie par le passe, le mobilier en plomb romain decouvert dans l’estuaire de la Seine possede un vaste potentiel de recherche. Les problematiques liees a la comprehension des pratiques artisanales, de la circulation du metal dans la... more
Archival documents have shown Spain's attempts at Christianizing the Aztecs and illustrated Spanish justifications for the destruction of traditional Aztec beliefs and gender roles. Analyzing these documents, it becomes apparent that... more