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      Economic HistoryRoman AmphitheaterRoman theatreRoman Limes
Presentamos una metodología para la delimitación, protección y por tanto conservación de los acueductos romanos. Éstos, desde la Antigüedad hasta prácticamente el siglo XIX han abastecido de agua a la mayoría de las ciudades y demás... more
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      Cultural HeritageRoman aqueductsGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Colloque tenu à Lyon les 8-10 octobre 2020. Cet événement a finalisé la seconde étape d'un travail commun qui a rassemblé, depuis 2015 et au gré d'une dizaine de rencontres thématiques, des chercheurs de tous rattachements autour de... more
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      Water resourcesGallo-roman archaeologyAqueductsRoman aqueducts
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      Roman HistoryFunerary ArchaeologyTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Roman Villae
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      Roman aqueductsAncient Roman TopographyRoman aqueducts and water supplyRoman Archaeology
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      Roman aqueductsAugusta EmeritaRoman aqueducts and water supplyRoman Archaeology
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      Ancient Water TechnologyRoman aqueductsAncient Water ManagementRoman aqueducts and water supply
Στόχος της διατριβής ήταν η διερεύνηση της δομής και λειτουργίας των δικτύων υδροδότησης και αποχέτευσης της Θεσσαλονίκης από τον 8ο αιώνα ως την άλωση από τους Οθωμανούς το 1430. Κύριο δεδομένο αποτέλεσε το δημοσιευμένο αρχαιολογικό... more
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      InfrastructureRoman aqueductsSewage systemWater Channels
A look at the Roman Aqueducts located in Tarragona, Spain from and civil engineering perspective. Focused on the construction and history of aqueducts, this paper looks at how ancient Tarraco solved its water resource issues and how the... more
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      AqueductsTarracoRoman aqueductsTarragona
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      Architectural HistoryRoman aqueductsAcquedotti Romani
Mots clés : Nîmes, Uzès, Remoulins, Rome, aqueduc romain, Pont-du-Gard, tour Magne, castellum. Le Pont-du-Gard et l’aqueduc romain de Nîmes ont-ils été construit sous le règne des empereurs Claude ou Néron, comme il est écrit dans tous... more
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      Ancient MosaicsAncient RomeRoman aqueductsArqueología romana / Roman archeology
Il presente contributo riguarda il percorso di alcuni antichi acquedotti romani (Anio Vetus, Aqua Tepula-Iulia, Aqua Marcia, Aqua Claudia, Anio Novus) all’interno dell’area compresa tra via Tuscolana e le Capannelle, con particolare... more
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      Roman engineeringTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Ancient TopographyRoman aqueducts
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      Roman aqueductsAncient Roman TopographyRoman aqueducts and water supplyRoman Archaeology
INDICE Roma e Suburbio A. D' AGOSTINO, Diramazioni dell' Acqua Marcia e dell' Acqua Giulia sul Celio. La documentazione dell' Archivio Gatti A. DE CRISTOFARO, Sulla via Trumphalis in età arcaica A. SCHATZMANN, La Galleria Lunga' sotto... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Roman roads
Su, tarih sahnesinin en başından itibaren bütün canlılar için en önemli hayat kaynağı olmuştur. Bütün uygarlıklar suya ulaşmaya çalışmış, su için mücadele etmiş, yaşamlarını suyu referans alarak sürdürmüşlerdir. Birçok medeniyete ev... more
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      ArchitectureHistory of Ottoman Art and ArchitectureArchitectural Preservation & RestorationAqueducts
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyWater qualityWater History
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyArchitectureHydraulics
לירושלים הייתה מאז ומעולם בעיה של אספקת מים בשל מיקומה הטופוגרפי ומיעוט של מקורות מים יציבים בקרבתה. כל עוד אוכלוסיית העיר הייתה מצומצמת, כפי שהיה למשל בתקופת הברזל 2 ) 1000 – 586 לפסה"נ בקירוב(, די היה במי מעיין הגיחון הנובע למרגלותיה... more
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      HydrogeologyGeoarchaeologyHydraulic systems and structuresRoman aqueducts
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      History of Science and TechnologyClassical ArchaeologyHistory of TechnologyHistory Of Technology (Technology)
Η λειτουργία οργανωμένων υδραγωγείων τεκμηριώνεται στη Θεσσαλονίκη ήδη από τη ρωμαϊκή εποχή. Στην εργασία αυτή παρουσιάζεται πρόταση για τη χάραξη της πορείας του υδραγωγείου Λεμπέτ σε τοπογραφικό χάρτη της περιοχής με δεδομένα τα... more
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      Roman aqueductsWater supply systemByzantine aqueductsOttoman aqueducts
This contribution is an open access article, and may be found by searching with DOI 10.3390/w14010028, or on In Roman times long distance water transport was realized by means of aqueducts. Water... more
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      HydraulicsRoman aqueductsRoman aqueducts and water supplyStatic Pressure
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      Greek EpigraphyFunerary Archaeology3D Laser scanning (Architecture)Latin Epigraphy
In: G.A. Aristodemou – T.P. Tassios (eds.), Great waterworks in Roman Greece: Aqueducts and Monumental Fountain structures, Oxford, Archaeopress 2018, 50-69.
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryAncient Greek HistoryHistory of Ancient Macedonia
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      Roman aqueductsvias romanas,calzadas,caminos,via,Hispania,ingenieria romana,puente romano,presas romanas,acueductos romanos,acueducto romano,roman roads,roman bridges,roman engineering,roman dams,viae,pontes,aque,saeptum,portus,urbes,traianusToledoRoman aqueducts and water supply
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      AqueductsRoman aqueductsRoman aqueducts and water supply
Sumari 6. El projecte d'estudi dels aquëductes de Tàrraco. Quatre anys d'investigació arqueològica. Jordi López Vilar i Josep M. Puche Fontanilles 10. El jaciment del Roser (Calella, Maresme). Almudena García i Natàlia Colomeda 14. El... more
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      TarracoRoman aqueductsRoman aqueducts and water supplyACUEDUCTOS
In questo terzo supplemento al Corpus delle iscrizioni romane di Verona e del suo territorio, si pubblicano alcuni testi inediti e nuove letture di epigrafi già note.
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      Women's HistoryLatin EpigraphyRoman EpigraphyRoman aqueducts
PALABRAS CLAVE: Acueducto Las Abadías, acueducto Proserpina-Los Milagros, canales de robo, nueva canalización.
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      Classical ArchaeologyHydraulic systems and structuresRoman PeriodRoman aqueducts
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      Archaeological GISHydrologic ModelingWater ManagementAqueducts
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      Roman engineeringRoman aqueductsRoman aqueducts and water supplyRoman Archaeology
Etat des lieux et apports du suivi des 4 aqueducs antiques de Lyon par l'archéologie préventive entre 1991 et 2007.
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      WaterAqueductsRoman ArchitectureRoman aqueducts
The remains of Rome’s first aqueduct, the Aqua Appia, which Appius Claudius Caecus contracted as censor in 312 B.C., are no longer accessible. Late nineteenth and early twentieth century scholars’ interpretations of then-extant ruins... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman RepublicWater HistoryAqueducts
This thesis compares the Roman water systems in Pompeii and Nîmes in order to understand the relationship of the water systems to the urban layout of the city. Analyzing the nature and location of an urban water system enables a better... more
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      PompeiiRoman aqueductsRoman aqueducts and water supplyNîmes
From the beginning of history and onwards, water has been the most important source of life for all living beings. All civilizations tried to access water, fought for water, and continued living, with water being at the focus of their... more
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      ArchitectureHistory of Ottoman Art and ArchitectureWater SupplyRoman aqueducts
"Editorial introduction available free of charge at

Table of contents and links to articles at:
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      HistoryCultural HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryWater
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      Classical ArchaeologyAqueductsRoman aqueductsNaxos
Built under Hadrian the 40 km Degirmendere aqueduct supplied Efesos for about 230 years. Some 30 years after completion and upstream from the two story Bahcecikbogaz bridge half way the trajectory, an earthquake lowered a substantial... more
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      Roman aqueductsRoman aqueducts and water supply
The author summarizes the conclusions of the Austrian and mainly Hungarian research of this water channel in terms of the most recent excavations. The research process demanded a time period of more than half a century. The starting point... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureArchaeology of Roman PannoniaAqueducts
Cyrene, the only Greek colony in Africa, was a metropolis of great size and great monumentality, especially from the Hellenistic age onwards. One topic of research that had not yet been studied in depth concerns the theme of water... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyArchaeology of CyrenaicaArcheologia
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      Roman HistoryLandscape ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyFunerary Archaeology
A highly visible reminder of the ancient past, the Roman aqueduct of Tyre is represented in numerous travelers’ accounts as well as in plans and illustrations. Many of its sections are well preserved, and the half that extends from Ras... more
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      Roman ArchitectureRoman aqueductsAncient Roman HydraulicsRoman aqueducts and water supply
Editorial introduction to a special issue of Water History, on the Roman and Byzantine empires. (Full document available on SpringerLink.) Roman mastery of hydraulic engineering, and in particular of long-distance aqueduct supply... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryRoman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine History
The fact that private fountains surpass public fountains greatly in number is one of the conclusions of this paper, which also concerns the delivered quantity of water. The private fountains, and the revelation of their non-domestic... more
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      Architectural EngineeringAncient HistoryCultural HistoryArchaeology
Using both the physical and testimonial evidence, this article attempts to present a coherent history of the Aqua Alsietina and the Naumachia Augusti, for which the aqueduct was originally built. After a survey of the primary sources, a... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman LawTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Roman aqueducts Las excavaciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo en torno a los restos del acueducto que atraviesa los terrenos del campo de maniobras de la... more
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      Civil EngineeringWaterAqueductsRoman aqueducts
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      Ancient Technology (Archaeology)Ancient Topography (Archaeology)Ancient Water TechnologyRoman aqueducts
Much is been written about the construction of aqueducts but none have done a sufficiently convincing study of how the planning and construction of the aqueduct came about. In this article it is argued that the geology of the landscape... more
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      SurveyingRoman aqueducts
Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes / Département du Rhône (69) Rapport d'Opération d'Archéologie Préventive ”Les Massues” Associée à des travaux de consolidation et de restauration des vestiges du réservoir de fuite de l’aqueduc de la... more
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      AqueductsRoman aqueductsRoman aqueducts and water supplyAqueducs Romains
This paper explains about the relationship between the aqueduct de les Caixes and the Roman villae Centcelles (Constantí, Tarragona, Spain)
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      Roman VillaeAqueductsager TarraconensisRoman aqueducts