Robert Lowell
Recent papers in Robert Lowell
After Robert Lowell died, his editor, Robert Giroux, heavily pruned the poet’s prose memoir of 1954–1956, “The Balanced Aquarium,” for Lowell’s posthumous Collected Prose of 1987. This essay considers Giroux’s changes and shows his... more
This paper situates the work of the Irish modernist Denis Devlin and the mid-century American poet Robert Lowell within a transatlantic literary network that was profoundly shaped by the New Critics, and eliciting comparable aspects of... more
The purpose of this book is to explore the structure of the text as such using a metalanguage derived from quantitative poetics. Grigori Utgof ’s thesis is that texts should be studied statistically. The main problems addressed in his... more
В статье на материале анализа стихотворения Иосифа Бродского «Колыбельная Трескового мыса» показано, как выбранная поэтом стратегия вхождения в американскую литературу позволяет ему преодолеть языковой и культурный барьер и сделать свою... more
Allen Ginsberg and Frank O’Hara each depicted the other in their writing, from O’Hara’s conversation about the music of Adolph Deutsch with a hungover Ginsberg through a locked bathroom door in ‘Fantasy’, to Ginsberg’s 1966 elegy to the... more
The article discusses at length the vexed issue of historic Memorial removal which has stirred much debate and civil activism across the United States, as well as international attention.
This paper is focused on the reconsideration of the limits and advances of the genre of autobiography. Given the recent boom in autobiography and personal narratives this timely topic poses a great challenge to current literary and... more
Literary scholars have long-identified references to alchemy, gnosticism, and forms of the occult woven into the fiber of literature as old as Dante and Shakespeare. In fact, the word occult means hidden, and what better way to hide a... more
DATE IN POETRY: TEXT AND PARATEXT The aim of this paper is to analyze the presence and significance of dates in the poetic text proper, as well as in its peripheries; the poem’s title or its end. The function and the semantic potential... more
Isolati e perseguitati in patria prima che esiliati nel Nuovo Mondo, i puritani inglesi predilessero una lettura di Dante politica e antipapale, incline storicamente a porre l’accento sul tema dell’esilio, reale o figurale, che rimarrà... more
This article argues that Robert Lowell’s employment of techniques of poetic "imitation" - a liberal form of translation - during the composition of the Life Studies poems allows him to simultaneously stage and to conceal his reliance upon... more
This paper appeared in English Studies in Africa, 57.2 (2014). Robert Lowell's earliest volumes, Land of Unlikeness (1944) and Lord Weary's Castle (1946), anticipate William Appleman Williams' (1973) argument that America exploited the... more
Quevedo ha gozado, a lo largo de los siglos, de una presencia estimable en el mundo literario anglosajón. Numerosos son los estudiosos que atestiguan esa presencia del escritor español en la cultura inglesa: desde los pioneros trabajos de... more
Les éléments autobiografiques et documentaires dans la poésie de Robert Lowell Le livre Life Studies (1959) du poète américain Robert Lowell est considéré comme lʼune des œuvres les plus influentes de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle.... more
An analysis of Robert Lowell's Notebook grounded less in biography than on an analysis of Lowell's style and identity (and their indebtedness to symboliste models), in a work from the late 1960s that he described as a "short, difficult... more
This essay unpacks the images and references from three of Robert Lowell’s sonnets from Notebook 1967-68; “Window-Ledge 2. Gramsci in Prison,” “For Robert Kennedy 1925-68,” and “Five Hour Political Rally.” In order to show the unified... more
The article describes an attempt to conduct an experimental translation of a self-ref-erential poems with the conversion of the subjective “I who write” into the subjective “I who translate”. It contains numerous translations of... more
This article reads Robert Lowell's Life Studies (1959) against the “confessional” grain for which it is widely celebrated. It argues that Lowell’s appeal to techniques of poetic "imitation" - a liberal form of translation - during the... more
(Full text, 21 pp., in link) Elegies II 29 b (Mane erat), II 26 a (Vidi te in somnis) and IV 7 (Sunt aliquid manes): translations & comments. A closer analysis of IV 7 with its underlying cosmology based on the precarious balance... more
Frank O’Hara possessed a lingering distaste for the work of Robert Lowell, seen as the father of the confessional mode. In 1965, in an unusually acerbic outburst, he savaged ‘Skunk Hour’, one of Lowell’s most famous poems, disparaging its... more
This article reads Robert Lowell's Life Studies (1959) against the “confessional” grain for which it is widely celebrated. It argues that Lowell’s appeal to techniques of poetic "imitation" - a liberal form of... more
THOMAS AUSTENFELD Interviewed by Jiří Flajšar and Pavlína Flajšarová Thomas Austenfeld is Professor of American Literature at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. He holds a PhD from the University of Virginia. Before moving to... more
A discussion of the idea of Dickenson and Whitman as "parents" of American poetry.