Research repositories and Open Access
Recent papers in Research repositories and Open Access
While large grids are currently supporting the work of thousands of scientists, very little is known about their actual use. Because of strict organizational permissions, there are few or no traces of grid workloads available to the grid... more
This paper reports on an investigation into the online visibility of work undertaken in South Africa in the field of poverty alleviation. An experiment with Google searches was undertaken, motivated by concerns about the visibility of... more
Productivity metrics provoke mixed responses from the research community. The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) facilitates an open and clear data infrastructure to handle publication products. ORCID is a unique identifier that... more
Universal access to information and knowledge lies UNESCO's overall mandate to promote the free flow of information by word and by image and thus to place information and knowledge at the doorsteps of communities. UNESCO strives to forge... more
The fruits of research from the formal research programmes of conventional universities and academic research institutions in India were under-utilized as the access to theses, dissertations and research reports were very limited to the... more
Various initiatives are taken globally to make knowledge repositories more accessible to researchers by exploiting the internet platform and developing a model that allows free access. India is also actively participating in this new... more
Book Review "Managing and Sharing Research Data: A Guide to Good Practice", by Louise Corti, Veerle Van den Eynden, Libby Bishop and Matthew Woollard; SAGE Publications, London, 2014, ISBN: 9781446267264, Paperback, 240 pages, US$ 45.00.
In this "debate-style" commentary, Rebecca Kennison and Sarah Shreeves argue (in "Institutional Repositories — So Much More than Green OA") that a repository collection development strategy open to ingesting research output of all kinds... more
Truth is for sale today, some critics claim. The increased commodification of science corrupts it, scientific fraud is rampant and the age-old trust in science is shattered. This cynical view, although gaining in prominence, does not... more
ABSTRACT: India has been a cradle of knowledge for thousands of years. Presently it has significant advantages in the 21st century knowledge race due to one of the largest higher education system in the world. It generates a lot of... more
La preservación de los saberes en repositorios es vital para las instituciones educativas. Sin embargo, no existe un estudio comprensivo que identifique el estado de la cuestión de los repositorios educativos. El objetivo de esta... more
Research Data Management (RDM) is a new practice in Lebanese academic institutions. The purpose of this study is to assess technological and organizational needs of one of those institutions, the Lebanese University (LU). A questionnaire... more
This article argues against policies that require students to submit theses and dissertations to electronic institutional repositories. The article counters a variety of arguments often used to justify this practice. In addition, the... more
ABSTRACT: India has been a cradle of knowledge for thousands of years. Presently it has significant advantages in the 21st century knowledge race due to one of the largest higher education system in the world. It generates a lot of... more
Slideshow of a workshop at the International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, on May 3, 2019. The keynote address by the presenter is also here on Academia Edu and in the links for this... more
Research Data Management (RDM) is a new practice in Lebanese academic institutions. The purpose of this study is to assess technological and organizational needs of one of those institutions, the Lebanese University (LU). A questionnaire... more
Please consider participating in a roundtable discussion ON various aspects of Open Access: OA impact and impact factor, embargo, validity, and others. Please send a 250-word abstract and a 1-page CV to
The use of widely-used metadata standards is essential to guarantee the visibility and retrieval of documents stored in open repositories. Attention should be paid to the creation and exchange of meaningful metadata to enhance... more
Purpose:- Up to the 2005 theses, dissertations, research papers and rare collection in most of the Indian libraries, are kept in closed access and it is very difficult to the researchers to access them as a reference source for the... more
The use of widely-used metadata standards is essential to guarantee the visibility and retrieval of documents stored in open repositories. Attention should be paid to the creation and exchange of meaningful metadata to enhance... more
In late 2012 we made changes in the submission interface of our repository in order to improve the support given to researchers regarding copyright issues. With these changes we also made it easier to monitor the compliance with the open... more
This Unit encompasses and discusses citation analysis, use of citation-based indicators for research evaluation, common bibliometric indicators, classical bibliometric laws, author level indicators using authors’ public profiles, article... more
The scholarly communication problem can be viewed from many perspectives, e.g., the economics of access to research, the ethics for providing access to research as a publicly- funded public good, or the imperative of using the open... more
Although large grids are currently supporting the work of thousands of scientists, very little is known about their actual use. Due to strict organizational permissions, there are few or no traces of grid workloads available to the grid... more
The use of widely-used metadata standards is essential to guarantee the visibility and retrieval of documents stored in open repositories. Attention should be paid to the creation and exchange of meaningful metadata to enhance... more