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يهدف البحث الى التعرف على اهمية المستودعات الرقمية، ودورها في مجال حفظ وتنظيم المحتوى الرقمي. فضلا عن التعرف على اهم المعايير العالمية لتقييم نظم بناء المستودعات الرقمية لاغراض المفاضلة بينها من اجل اعطاء فرصة لمؤسسات المعلومات لاختيار... more
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      Dspaceالمكتبات الرقمية
Manual Practico de subir archivos al Repositorio DSPACE
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      Institutional RepositoriesInstitutional RepositoryData and Document RepositoriesDigital repositories
Conferencia sobre el proceso de creación e implementación del Repositorio de Tesis, Portal de Revistas y el Repositorio Institucional. La conferencia fue presentada en la Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca, Universidad Católica de Santa... more
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      Institutional RepositoriesMetadataDspaceOpen Journals System
برمجيات إدارة المحتوى الرقمي - DSpace
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      DspaceDigital Control SystemDigital content managementإدارة المعرفة
The open access initiative had opened avenues to build up the concept 'digital library' and initiating digital libraries/repositories at institutional level and made the librarians involved in the process in a successive manner in Sri... more
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      Digital HistoryDspaceDigital Archive
Dspace ‫على‬ ‫التشغيل‬ ‫نظام‬ ‫بيئة‬ ‫ويف‬ ‫احمللي‬ ‫اخلادم‬ Windows ‫االدلة‬ ‫سلسلة‬ ‫يف‬ ‫االول‬ ‫الدليل‬ ‫هذا‬ ‫ويعد‬ . ‫للنظام‬ ‫التعليمية‬ ‫املكتبات‬ ‫جمال‬ ‫يف‬ ‫للعاملني‬ ‫املعرفية‬ ‫املهارات‬ ‫زيادة‬ ‫منها‬ ‫يراد‬ ‫والتي‬ ..... more
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      Dspaceالمستودعات الرقميةالمكتبات الرقميةطلال ناظم الزهيري
The increasing maturity of open source software and open source platforms offers significant potential benefits to the Knowledge Resources Centres. Open source software development, using open standards, can support greater... more
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      Institutional RepositoriesEPrintsDigital LibraryDspace
Informe Profesional para optar el grado de Licenciada en Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información por la UNMSM. El informe evalúa a Cybertesis Perú, repositorio de tesis de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos para determinar... more
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      MetadataDspaceOAI PMH ProtocolOpen Access & Institutional Repositories
Wichita State University Libraries recently upgraded its DSpace based institutional repository, Shocker Open Access Repository (SOAR), to the new version 1.6.2 with an XML-based interface “Manakin”. Manakin gives the possibility of... more
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      Institutional RepositoriesXMLDspaceUser interfaces
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    • Dspace
On the decline of budgetary allocation for libraries, information is being made available to wider audience through alternative means, such as digital libraries and online repositories. Increasing demand for certain print materials urge... more
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      Digital LibrariesOpen Source SoftwareDspaceGreenstone Digital Library (GSDL)
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Nowadays the information is being used as leading phase for development. Information is generating from almost every sector of our society but, every society are not that much of developed. Some societies are very well developed, some... more
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      Institutional RepositoriesDspaceKnowledge management toolsAcademic Library Services
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      HistoryMuseum StudiesCultural HeritageContext
We present an experiment of customized mapping and metadata transfer from DSpace/SOAR to OCLC to improve ETD work flow at Wichita State University Libraries. SOAR (Shocker Open Access Repository) is a DSpace based digital library platform... more
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      Institutional RepositoriesMetadataDspaceMapping
In this paper, authors propose a new power multilevel converter topology that is very competitive compared to the existing ones. It consists of packed U cells (PUC). Each U cell consists of an arrangement of two power switches and one... more
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      EngineeringPower QualityDigital Signal ProcessingTopology
Various surveys are being conducted to rank business schools in India. They give importance to parameters like placements, brand value and intellectual capital. Intellectual capital of a business school is the sum of its human capital,... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingInformation ManagementInformation
Developing countries face serious problems on building and using digital libraries (DL) due to low computer and Internet penetration rates, lack of financial resources, etc. Thus, since mobile phones are much more used than computers in... more
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      GlobalizationRoutingDspaceInternational Journal of Library and Information Science (IJLIS)
In academic/research institutions, the Institutional Repositories (IR) is the primary source to archive scholarly communication containing data, information, photographs and results of valuable research. These are vital and robust systems... more
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      Institutional RepositoryOpen Source/Open Access and LibrariesEPrintsDspace
En el 2003, nace el Servicio de Difusión de la Creación Intelectual (SEDICI) como el repositorio institucional de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), con el objetivo prioritario de socializar el conocimiento generado en las... more
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    • Dspace
This paper presents simulation and experimental results of anti-windup PI controller to improve induction machine speed control based on direct torque control (DTC) strategy. Problems like rollover can arise in conventional PI controller... more
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      DspaceInduction MachinesReal time implementationSpeed drive
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    • Dspace
In the paper presented below, the focus is directed to the automation and control of an AC motor, as well as obtaining its mathematical model (in the form of transfer function) using DSPACE platform, which facilitates the realization of... more
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      Model Predictive ControlDspaceRepositorios InstitucionalesAc Motors Drives
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    • Dspace
Institutional repositories (IR) are digital collections that capture, collect, manage, disseminate, and preserve scholarly work created by the constituent members in individual institutions. This paper presents the results of an effort to... more
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      Library AutomationDspaceLibrary ServicesKoha
The open source software (OSS) makes source code available to users, who can change the software to modify it more closely to their own requirements. Now the OSS is available for library and information management Examples of such systems... more
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      Library and Information StudiesDspace
This paper presents an linear-quadratic-regulatorbased proportional-integral-differential equivalent controller design method for a permanent-magnet synchronous motor. The disturbance rejection is achieved based on a multi-objective... more
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      EngineeringCommunication systemsRobust controlController Design
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) of the United States of America in their reports has mentioned that a significant amount of the road mishaps would be preventable if more automated active safety applications are adopted... more
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      DspaceVehicle Collision AvoidanceAutonomous Vehicles
O repositório institucional (RI) representa proposta que amplia a visibilidade e acesso à produção científica, atuando como instrumento de ação política e assumindo relevante papel na discussão sobre direitos autorais e impactos na... more
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      DspaceAcesso Aberto, Open AccessRecuperação da Informação
This document is associated with the short-term research internship the author have carried out at Chemnitz University of Technology in order to implement the control of an Isolated Wind Energy Conversion System. This internship has been... more
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      Power ElectronicsWind EnergyMotor ControlDspace
In occasione dell'avvio del nuovo repository della ricerca di Ateneo (DSpace CRIS) il Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche (CAB) dell'Università della Tuscia organizza una giornata di studi su piattaforma Zoom destinata alla formazione di... more
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      Digital HumanitiesOpen AccessOpen Access PublishingCopyright
The creation of Digital Institutional Repositories for knowledge sharing and management in Academic Institutions in a developing country like India is a growing requirement. The paper briefly describes a study conducted to determine the... more
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      Knowledge ManagementQuality ManagementContent ManagementLearning Technologies
Phase detection is an integral component of any grid-connected, renewable-energy inverter and errors in the phase detector can degrade inverter control performance. To reduce these errors, an improved phase detector based on the... more
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      Power SystemsRenewable EnergyPower SystemRenewable energy resources
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      Digital LibrariesScholarship of Teaching and LearningE-learningInstitutional Repositories
The Brazilian flora, due the continental characteristics of the country, has revealed the interest of many researchers since the Brazilian discovery. It presents distinct biomes that feature various endemic specimens. Thus, the units of... more
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With the development of wind power generation in recent years, several studies have dealt with the active and reactive power control of wind power systems, along with the quality of energy produced and the connection to distribution... more
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      Computer ScienceWind PowerDspace
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      UsabilityOpen AccessInstitutional RepositoriesMetadata
This presentation will address WSU Libraries' implementation of external programming to enhance workflow in its institutional Repository, SOAR (Shocker Open Access Repository). It will discuss several cases including the batch import of... more
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      MetadataDspaceExcelWorkflow Process Metadata
El artículo presenta los principales resultados del proyecto de investigación científico-tecnológica "Hacia el desarrollo y utilización de Repositorios de Acceso Abierto para Objetos Digitales Educativos en el contexto de las... more
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      UsabilityOpen AccessInstitutional RepositoriesMetadata
This paper presents Photodentro LOR, the Greek National Learning Object Repository (LOR) for primary and secondary education. Photodentro LOR hosts open learning objects: small, semantically and functionally autonomous, reusable, open... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyLibrary ScienceE-learning
This paper presents Photodentro LOR, the Greek National Learning Object Repository (LOR) for primary and secondary education. Photodentro LOR hosts open learning objects: small, semantically and functionally autonomous, reusable, open... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyLibrary ScienceMetadata
Resumo Refletindo acerca do papel da Ciência da Informação na produção, armazenamento e disseminação da informação científica, essa pesquisa visou o estudo de repositórios institucionais (RIs) das universidades federais brasileiras. Para... more
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      Information ScienceOpen AccessOpen Access PublishingInstitutional Repositories
En este artículo me propongo historizar la conformación de la colección folklórica de la Reserva Patrimonial del Museo de Antropología de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, y, particularmente, la sección de... more
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      Folklore (Anthropology)DspaceMúsica PopularPartituras
this paper presents an application of a waveletbased multi-resolution PID controller, for sensorless control of PM synchronous motor (PMSM). The procedure uses highfrequency injection. In this proposed controller, the wavelet package is... more
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      Control systemHigh FrequencyDspaceReal Time Systems
Nowhere are the 'growing pains' of Very Large-scale Digital Libraries more pronounced than in collections containing multimedia data. Not only do such collections contain large numbers of items, but they also push the boundaries of scale... more
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      Parallel ProcessingDspaceVLDL
Space complexity is the class of Computational complexity which deals which deals with the required space by the Turing machines while working on the input received through the input tap. Actual space complexity is combination of two... more
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The paper discusses the Open Source Software in digital preservation for digital repository and preservation system. The paper highlights the need and features of Open Source Software in Digital Preservation with the successful adoption... more
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      Digital PreservationEPrintsOpen SourceDspace