Rene Girard 'Mimetic Theory'
Recent papers in Rene Girard 'Mimetic Theory'
Compelling voices charge that the theological notion of “sacrifice” valorizes suffering and fosters a culture of violence by the claim that Christ’s death on the Cross paid for human sins. Beneath the ‘sacred’ violence of sacrifice, René... more
Papers by Emanuele Antonelli, Antonio Carnevale, Barbara Carnevali, Lucio Cortella, Paul Dumouchel and Christian Lazzeri, ISBN 8854863084
The usual criticisms of critical race theory (CRT) have become patent and cliché by now. CRT essentializes race and those within races, figuring all white people as racist and all black people as oppressed. It treats people not as... more
based on salient points of queer theory, including mimetic desire, homosexual panic, the apparitional lesbian, the triangularity of desire and the figure of two-in-one. These theories are adapted and expanded to explain the bisexual and... more
I wish I would first have checked to see what the Gospel reading was for this Sunday before I volunteered to preside at this service. The Gospel reading is a doosey of a text. “Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth?... more
Proceedings of the International Conference “Humanities and Social Sciences Today. Classical and
Contemporary Issues” – Philosophy and Other Humanities, Iasi, 2015
Contemporary Issues” – Philosophy and Other Humanities, Iasi, 2015
ll seguente articolo è comparso per la prima volta, diviso in due parti pubblicate il 7 e il 12 novembre 2015, sul blog letterario Poetarum Silva. Ad Andrea Accardi va il sentito ringraziamento dell'autore.
Esta publicação é fruto do colóquio Múltiplo Machado, realizado pela e na Casa de Leitura Dirce Côrtes Riedel entre os dias 27 e 30 de abril de 2015 por ocasião do centenário de nascimento da ilustre professora a quem a casa é dedicada.... more
An attempt to read Plato's Republic through the lens of Rene Girard's mimetic theory.
Il presente contributo concerne, essenzialmente, temi che emergono dalla prima produzione di René Girard, quella definita di «critica letteraria», e che sono apparsi, in parte almeno, debitori della riflessione di un autore come Jules de... more
Pour la victime de la violence, et pour toute personne qui la condamne, la première pensée qui s'impose n'est--elle pas de prendre la fuite ou de faire appel à un acte répressif extérieur ? Mettre hors circuit, déplacer ailleurs. Il... more
Avvertito in anni recenti come tema sospetto "che non gode buona fama in molti ambienti cristiani" 1 e quindi da rimuovere, il sacrificio torna in anni recentissimi ad essere di nuovo categoria apprezzata. Afferma infatti G. LAFONT nella... more
The objective of this paper is to suggest ways in which René Girard's mimetic theory of scandals and social crisis might help deepen our understanding of the dynamics of media and political scandals in the 21st century.
Popularna opinia, którą znamy z nauk humanistycznych głosi, iż przedmioty naszego pożądania są przez nas wybierane w sposób indywidualny i autonomiczny. Szczególnie pojęcie prawa do realizacji własnych pragnień akcentowane jest w takich... more
September, a poem by Geo Milev, represents an attempt to symbolically overcome the crisis of the Bulgarian society connected to the September uprising. The poem is constructed on a sacrificial model, through which an actual defeat can be... more
A philosophical introduction to the concept of chastity seen in the phenomenological light of its interaction with the cultural frame of a technological society, with reference to Heidegger, the search for authenticity with reference to... more
Rene Girard gândește imitația (mimesis) dinspre dorință, ca temei al dorinței. Dorința umană este constitutiv si structural imitativă. Având o dimensiune afectivă, dinamică și achizitivă, dorința mimetică e mai mult decât o simplă copie a... more
Según la Teoría Mimética, en las democracias nunca hay consenso sobre quién es el culpable de los grandes problemas. Cada partido señala a sus propias víctimas propiciatorias. En la medida en que los villanos de unos son los héroes de los... more
Cheerleading – an activity with origins in the elite, male-dominated domain of the late 19th century American university campus – is now a highly commodified and mass mediated feminised spectacle which attracts intense vitriol from a... more
« Il n'y a pas de science politique pure », affirme René Girard . Face à ce constat, élaborer une lecture politique de René Girard, dont l'œuvre ne porte pas a-priori sur l'étude du mode d'organisation de la cité, sur la politique comme... more
En esta obra se sistematizan las principales aportaciones de la teoría mimética al análisis político. Una parte importante de estas ideas proviene de la obra misma de René Girard, pero hay otra parte, igual de importante, que se encuentra... more
Horkheimer e Adorno pensano innanzitutto a Sade e, meno plausibilmente, a Hobbes e de Maistre (Canetti concorderà su questo punto). 3. Mi permetto di rinviare al mio Studi sull'idea di potenza. Le radici giuridiche e teologiche della... more
This paper will address René Girard's critique of the "humanization of nothingness" in modern Western philosophy. I will first explain how the "de-sire for death" is related to a phenomenon that Girard refers to as "obstacle addiction ."... more
Taking as its point of departure the existing critical literature on the intersections between René Girard’s and Giorgio Agamben’s anthropogenetic theories, this essay aims to add further considerations to the debate by discussing some of... more
Mémoire de fin d'études. Tesi di laurea triennale. Le indicazioni spaziali contenute nella poesia Mystique di Rimbaud, ci hanno permesso di tracciare mentalmente uno schema preciso che ci ha condotto all’elaborazione di un’ipotesi... more
There is a connection between René Girard's Mimetic Desire and Gregory Bateson's Schismogenesis.
Patrick Bateman, the notorious dystagonist of Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho, is an obtrusively sexist, racist, classist serial killer. Importantly, Bateman, who perceives most of those around him as excremental “dirt,” sets out on a... more
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to analyze a phenomenical light and shadow of Korean Christian journalism and to present a constructive direction which Korean Christian journalism needs to step forward in the basis of René Girard’s... more
This article discusses the history of the Yazidis and their struggle for survival, following numerous genocides and migrations in the Middle East. It also sheds light on the challenging nature of the conflict between Muslims and Yazidis... more
A presente monografia trata do conceito da violência sagrada proposto por René Girard em sua obra A Violência e o Sagrado (1972), a fim de revelar a violência fundadora do Estado democrático de direito, especificamente, da instituição... more
Atonement theory has long been a point of contention in the study of the sacraments and the liturgy. Many scholars wish to reject Anselmian atonement on the grounds that it portrays God as vengeful. In this paper, I will use the work of... more
ABSTRACT: This paper investigates the relationship between Christian discipleship and education through the lens of Girard’s “mimetic desire,” and how 1 Pet 5:1–5 (especially the hapax συμπρεσβύτερος/sympresbyteros) can be informed by... more
In Bakhtin's opinion, "the relation to meaning is always dialogic. Even understanding itself is dialogic." Particularly, the art of acting is such a dialogic relationship that fuses character and interpreter (performer) in the same unity... more
Often successful and powerful women, such as prominent female politicians − are increasingly the target of verbal violence and insults, which are amplified in an echoic way by social media. On the basis of two case studies of verbal... more
In this study, we try to identify some concepts from J.-P. Sartre's book "Being and Nothingness" (1943) which we believe has decisively influenced the inception of Rene Girard's mimetic theory in his first book. We think we could qualify... more