Renaissance Warfare
Recent papers in Renaissance Warfare
Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527) was a Florentine historian, politician, military strategist, and humanist. Of his skill as a historian, Jacob Burkhardt noted that Machiavelli was the first of the “moderns” to present a city as a living... more
Scholars who study craft books and books of secrets in the Middle Ages can engage on internal debates about the modes of transmission or interpretations of numerous facets of these important treatises, but they can all agree on two... more
Mariano Taccola’s eques scoppiectarius: an armoured knight who uses a hand-cannonon horseback. This drawing was probably inspired by the vivacious construction of firearms in Siena, making this city one of the main centers for the best... more
Mariano Taccola’s eques scoppiectarius: an armoured knight who uses a hand-cannonon horseback. This drawing was probably inspired by the vivacious construction of firearms in Siena, making this city one of the main centers for the best... more
7 I libri dell'entrata e dell'uscita della repubblica di Siena detti del Camarlingo e dei quattro provveditori della Biccherna. Libro terzo (anno 1230), Siena 1915 (d'ora in avanti Biccherna III), pp. 185, 200, 212. 8 Quattro interi... more
Gunpowder arrived in Europe from Asia in the 13th century. It was first used militarily by medieval armies in bombards, large gunpowder-fired siege guns. By the late 17th and 18th centuries gunpowder weapons were the dominant weapons used... more
A survey of ca 40 late medieval shields, dating from about 1400 to about 1520, in the collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
il volume riporta le relazioni presentate al Convegno di studio Nel V centenario della battaglia di Agnadello promosso dall'istituto veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed arti (venezia, 15-16 ottobre 2009) iniziativa effettuata con il contributo... more
Battle of Orsha (Belarus) fought on September 8, 1514 was one of the largest pitched battles in series of wars between Muscovy and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and a brilliant victory of Lithuanian-Polish forces. However, the exact place... more
In the modern age of high-powered, nitrocellulose based artillery it is often difficult to describe or even to find information on early artillery performance. Writers in the 16th and 1 7th centuries wrote artillery treatises that laid... more
Bitwa pod Orszą 1514 roku: kwestia lokalizacji [w:] Biblioteka Europy Nowożytnej, T. 3: Bitwa pod Orszą, Warszawa, 2015, s. 127-141. This is a reduced in terms of size but at the same time updated polish version of my paper about the... more
In his edition of Caesar's Gallic Wars, Andrea Palladio imagines that the ancient model could bring military skill back to contemporary Italy. through many drawings (large engravings) he tries to represent Caesar's great battles. The... more
Quellenbasierte Studie zum Schefflin - Ein im deutschen Sprachraum während des späten 15. und 16. Jh. verbreiteter Mehrzweckspieß. Source-based examination of the Schefflin - A multi purpose spear used in German-speaking territories... more
[ENGLISH] Over the last few decades, a number of works have explored extensively the military organisation of late medieval Italian states, especially with regards to the condotte system and the development of standing armies. Having... more
Th e paper explores the origins and career of the military revolution theory within British military historiography, from the beginning to the early 2000s, when, in the wake of serious criticism, the theory was practically eliminated as a... more
The article deals with the evolution of the mounted shock combat technique in Central and Eastern Europe as part of late medieval warfare. Its history, evolution and weapons in Central Europe, mainly Hungary and Poland is also researched.
In the late autumn of 1567 a large Danish army crossed the border into southern Sweden. The campaign was meant to strike a decisive blow against the heartland of the enemy. Four years into the war the situation was close to a stalemate... more
The Serenissima against the world 1499-1509, Venice and the War of the League of Cambrai The beginning of the sixteenth century represents the century of the great turning point in Venetian history: the republic loses maritime hegemony... more
In an excerpt of his book, The History of Italy, Francesco Guicciardini discusses the 1494 French invasion of the Italian peninsula in both a political and a military context. Guicciardini states that the forces available to Italian... more
УДК 94(4)«15»; 7.044; 903.22; 357.11 Автор використав широкий спектр іконографічних та писемних джерел з метою встановлення походження, озброєння й тактики легкої кінноти у складі європейських армій, зокрема на теренах Центрально-Східної... more
in: Bartolomeo Cipolla: un giurista veronese del Quattrocento tra cattedra, foro e luoghi del potere, PADOVA, CEDAM, 2009, pp. 149 - 160
Grazie a un approccio innovativo, l’autore fa luce sulla seconda fase delle Guerre d’Italia, un periodo sin qui poco studiato, indagando le complesse relazioni fra i molteplici attori coinvolti nel conflitto che contrappose gli Asburgo ai... more
In his Discorsi Politici (1599) the Venetian Ambassador Paolo Paruta (1540-1598) analyzes several topics from ancient and modern History. Writing during the passage from Late Renaissance to the Age of Raison d’État, Paruta has the... more
Uno de los objetivos principales del presente trabajo es desarrollar el análisis del plan a largo plazo elaborado por la Corona de Castilla para lograr el dominio permanente del archipiélago canario, del que hay constancias anteriores al... more
Vitelli, Vitellozzo. -Figlio del condottiero Niccolò, nacque a Città di Castello nel 1458. Al seguito del re di Francia Carlo VIII durante la sua discesa in Italia, grazie alla vittoria ottenuta a Soriano (1497) ebbe da papa Alessandro VI... more
To affirm his political regime, Pandolfo Petrucci (1452-1512) took advantage of the potentialities given by the Camera del Comune. It had been the arsenal of the city of Siena for a long time, but Pandolfo changed its organization and... more
Vitelli, Paolo. -Figlio di Niccolò, capitano di ventura, nacque a Città di Castello nel 1461, e fin da giovane fu coinvolto nelle contese che agitavano la città. Nel 1494 si pose al seguito del re di Francia Carlo VIII, e con il suo... more
Rebellion in Late-Medieval and Early Modern England has generally been regarded as posing little military threat to the realm, with conflicts between loyalists and insurgents commonly dismissed as one-sided routs of hopelessly outclassed,... more
rivista di storia regionale 10/2018 Famiglie nelle Marche. Economia, relazioni e potere (secoli xiii-xx) t Il Kastron Ghetteon e l'origine del distretto bizantino del Montefeltro t La scultura in pietra a Fermo nel XV secolo: il... more
On 7 March 1573, after only three years, the Holy League (mainly Spain, Papacy and Venice) split up. The Most Serene Republic came to an agreement with the Ottoman Empire it had defeated just two years before in the glorious Battle of... more
Delivered at the conference Battle of Orsha 1514: military victory and it's symbols, Vilnius, 26-27 September 2014.
The concept of the Military Revolution has dominated the historical debate since Michael Roberts presented it in 1955, and it received new impetus in 1988 with the publication of Geoffrey Parker’s work. Since then many studies have eroded... more