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Explorations into how the Boudha stupa in Kathmandu is made meaningful to visitors, it's religious community and various groups of residents in the surrounding neighborhood. Lots of English language problems and formal errors, but it's... more
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      NepalTibetan BuddhismTibetan and Himalayan societiesEntropy
The paper first introduces the cosmic symbolism of Shiva and his iconic representation “Linga”. This is followed with historical description of the Vishvanatha Shiva (Vishveshvara), as to how over time since its first reference in the 9th... more
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      Cultural HeritageIndiaIndian HistoryHindu temples
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation HistoryReformation StudiesIconoclasm
world, including those of the Malay-Indonesian archipelago, gathered there every year not only for the purposes of pilgrimage but also for intellectual exchange. The l\r1alay Muslims from Patani themselves were part of that process and... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesThai StudiesCosmopolitan StudiesCosmopolitanism
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      Roman ReligionGreek and Roman CultsReligious Landscapes and ChangeRoman Spain
Con este artículo presentamos un documento de notable interés historiográfico para la ampliación de los estudios sobre el territorio de las Alpujarras en el periodo inmediatamente posterior al "levantamiento morisco". Se trata de la... more
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      MoriscosReligious Landscapes and ChangeGranadaHistoria del reino de Granada
PONENCIA. Preámbulo, pp. 185-186. 1. Paisaje encontrado, pp. 186-197. a) Antecedentes de este paisaje, pp. 187-197. 2. Paisaje referencial, pp. 197-200. 3. Paisaje imaginado, pp. 201-205. 4. Paisaje transformado, pp. 205-216. a) Dotación... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureLandscape HistoryLandscapeReligious Landscapes and Change
Con este trabajo trataremos de describir, a través del examen de las visitas pastorales llevadas a cabo en las Alpujarras en los años inmediatamente siguientes a la rebelión morisca, un paisaje religioso no convencional, caracterizado por... more
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      MoriscosReligious Landscapes and ChangeEdad ModernaAlpujarra
Después de unos años en los que la religión casi llegó a desaparecer de los foros antropológicos, después de unas décadas de la tempranamente anunciada crisis teórica de la antropología de la religión (Geertz, 1973) mucho después del... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsSocial ChangeSociology of Religion
Le territoire biturige a été l’objet de nombreuses recherches archéologiques qui ont permis notamment de mettre en évidence la présence d’une centaine de sites cultuels antiques certains ou hypothétiques. Parmi eux, une vingtaine présente... more
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      Ancient ReligionIron Age Gaul (Archaeology)Religious HistoryRoman Gaul
Religious change is a slow process of adaptation to changed realities of existence where maintaining both emotional and cognitive functioning of the worldview for the individual is central. A shift in human priorities from security to... more
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      Social PsychologyValuesMixed Methods ResearchIreland
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      Landscape EcologyPsychologyLandscape ArchaeologyLandscape Architecture
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      Religious Landscapes and ChangeMediaeval DeccanElloraAurangabad
The Caliphate of Baghdad collapsed (1258AD) by invasion of Mongols and new Islamic world was being formed in this time. This transient period was introduction to bipolar Ottoman-Safavid (from 1501AD) Islamic world based on Sunni-Shiite... more
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      Medieval Shi'ismShi'ismTwelver Shi'ismReligious Landscapes and Change
Based on an examination of the pastoral visits carried out in the Alpujarra region in the years immediately after the Morisco rebellion (1571), the article describes the particular aspects of an unconventional religious landscape, marked... more
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      MoriscosReligious Landscapes and ChangeVisite PastoraliAlpujarra
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation HistoryReformation StudiesCalvinism
Sanalla pakana on Suomessa vielä hieman kolkko kaiku. Sitä käytetään monissa eri merkityksissä, mutta yleensä negatiivisena ilmauksena. Pakanaksi voidaan kutsua esimerkiksi ateistia tai uskonnotonta henkilöä tai yleisesti henkilöä, joka... more
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      ShamanismFinlandWorldviewsModern Paganisms