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The peer-to-peer technology offers many advantages, but at the same time, it poses many novel challenges for the research community. Modern peer-to-peer systems are characterized by large scale, poor reliability, and extreme dynamism of... more
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      Fuzzy LogicLinear ProgrammingInteger ProgrammingOptical Switch
A free-space contra-propagation configuration is implemented and pump-probe studies are undertaken in order to study polarization-dependent gain dynamics in bulk semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) and their application to gain and... more
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      Chemical EngineeringOptical SwitchSEMICONDUCTOR OPTICAL AMPLIFIEROptical physics
Optical switch is widely used in the optical ®bre communication networks. This paper described an advanced microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) optical switch that consists of actuator, suspension beam, micromirror, and ®ber grooves... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringOptical SwitchSurface Roughness
We present simulation results for 192 Gb/s (16 ×12) OTDM transmission with different time delays over standard fiber G.652. The optical 192 Gb/s to 12 Gb/s demultiplexing (OTDM) is used and the results compared with 160 Gb/s to 10 Gb/s... more
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      Optical SwitchAdaptive OpticsTime DelayBit Error Rate
The switching or isomerization speed of photochromic dyes in a rigid polymeric matrix (i.e. an ophthalmic lens) is generally significantly slower than that observed in the mobile environment of a solution. Here we describe that the... more
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      PhotochemistryGlassPolymersOptical Switch
Antimony glasses based on the composition Sb 2 O 3-SbPO 4 were prepared and characterized. The samples present high refractive index, good transmission from 380 to 2000 nm, and high thermal stability. The nonlinear refractive index, n 2 ,... more
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      EngineeringNonlinear OpticsApplied PhysicsOptical Switch
This paper characterizes the gain and the carrier density responses of a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). In order to achieve the switching functions in SOA-based optical switches, such as Symmetric Mach-Zehnder (SMZ), the effect of... more
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We present and evaluate opportunities and challenges for packet optical transport of residential and business data services from access to core networks. Presented solutions are evaluated based on sample case studies.
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      Optical SwitchAccess NetworksPassive Optical NetworksWavelength Division Multiplexing
This paper studies the overall energy consumption of a pan-European optical transport network for three different time periods: today and in five and ten years from now. In each time period the pan-European network was dimensioned using... more
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      EngineeringEnergy ConsumptionGreen architectureOptical Switch
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      Distributed ComputingOptical SwitchAdaptive OpticsOptical network
Optical burst switching (OBS) is the most promising optical switching technology for the future Internet, but it suffers from security vulnerabilities. In this paper, we propose to embed a security framework which incorporates the... more
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      Distributed ComputingCryptographyQuantum CryptographyFuture Internet
A smart-pixel array is a two-dimensional array of optoelectronic devices that combine optical inputs and outputs with electronic processing circuitry. A field-programmable smart-pixel array ͑FP-SPA͒ is a smart-pixel array capable of... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringDesignDigital Signal ProcessingVLSI
Power trends in communication networks are analyzed using a transaction-based model. Traffic models are developed for North America and used to evaluate the relative power trends of wireline networks and mobile networks through 2020. An... more
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      Quantum PhysicsMobile CommunicationOptical SwitchOptical physics
S. Benton published a definitive taxonomy of the first one hundred and seventy years of 3D displays covering the field up to the year 2000. In this article we review how display technologies have advanced in the last ten years and update... more
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      Human FactorsGlassOptical SwitchOptical Waveguides
Absrract-The very broad bandwidth of low-loss optical transmission in a single-mode fiber and the recent improvements in single-frequency tunable lasers have stimulated significant advances in dense wavelength division multiplexed optical... more
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      Distributed ComputingOptical SwitchMillimeter Wave AntennasOscillations
A highly efficient monolithically integrated Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) optical switch based on a 1.5m InGaAs-AlGaInAs multiple-quantum-well structure is reported. The device was fabricated by integrating phase shifter sections... more
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      Optical SwitchRefractive IndexOptical physicsMach-zehnder Interferometer
| Reconfigurable antennas, with the ability to radiate more than one pattern at different frequencies and polarizations, are necessary in modern telecommunication systems. The requirements for increased functionality (e.g., direction... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringLiquid CrystalsSmart MaterialsOptical Switch
The strong coupling of light and excitons in a two-dimensional semiconductor microcavity results in a new eigenstate of quasiparticles called polaritons. Microcavity polaritons have generated much interest due to the wealth of interesting... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsQuantum PhysicsNanotechnologyOptical Switch
Abstract. We show that Friedel oscillations of the electron density exist in junctions between quasi-one-dimensional and two-dimensional systems. The backscattering of electrons by the Friedel oscillations can qualitatively explain a... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsQuantum PhysicsQuantum Field TheoryNanotechnology
After resuming the basic facts about Bose–Einstein condensation of weakly interacting systems, we review the main experimental and theoretical works aimed at the realization of this intriguing phenomenon in the system of microcavity... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsQuantum PhysicsQuantum Field TheoryNanotechnology
The intensive investment in optical microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) in the last decade has led to many successful components that satisfy the requirements of lightwave communication networks. In this paper, we review the current... more
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      Optical SwitchPhotonic CrystalMechanical systemsOptical Signal Processing
95 List of publications 99 Curriculum Vitae 101 IX X Switching in optical communication 1 Chapter 1 Switching in optical communication " Light brings us the news of the Universe" Sir William Bragg 1.1 Introduction Glass fibers are known... more
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      Materials ScienceOptical SwitchQuantum Well
This is to certify that I have examined this copy of a doctoral thesis by Alex A. Volinsky and have found that it is complete and satisfactory in all respects, and that any and all revisions required by the final examination committee... more
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      Optical SwitchThin FilmEnergy DissipationEmerging Technology
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      Optical SwitchGuided Wave
All-optical networking can be the sole approach to provide the huge bandwidth required for future networks. The essential elements in such an optical network are optical switches. A number of options have been proposed in order to... more
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      Optical EngineeringOptical CommunicationNeural NetworkOptical Switch
The interconnect plays a key role in both the cost and performance of large-scale HPC systems. The cost of future high-bandwidth electronic interconnects is expected to increase due to expensive optical transceivers needed between... more
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      Optical SwitchPerformance AnalysisNetwork DesignData transfer
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      Optical SwitchTime of FlightSEMICONDUCTOR OPTICAL AMPLIFIERReal Time
Leveraging MEMS's inherent advantages such as batch fabrication technique, small size, integratability, and scalability, MEMS is positioned to become the dominant technology in optical crossconnect switches. MEMS optical switches with... more
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      Distributed ComputingOptical SwitchIEEE Communications MagazineIntegrated Circuit
Conventional digital circuits lose energy because the bits of information are destroyed during the operation. Reversible circuits are currently on the top approaches to power minimization with its application in all-optical-based systems.... more
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      Quantum PhysicsNonlinear OpticsDigital CircuitsOptical Switch
A theoretical investigation based on DFT predictions on 1,2-dithienylperfluorocyclopentene derivatives is presented. Molecules of this class have been demonstrated to show efficient thermally irreversible photochromism for developing... more
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      EngineeringPhotochemistryOptical SwitchBiological Sciences
We have theoretically analyzed all-optical switching in Pt:ethynyl complex based on nonlinear excited-state absorption. A detailed analysis for Pt:ethynyl complex has been presented based on rate equation approach. It is shown that a... more
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      Nonlinear OpticsOptical SwitchOptical switchingOptical physics
The extinction ratio (defined as the difference in the optical power between 0-dB fiber-to-fiber loss and the off state level) is enhanced with the introduction of an S-bend waveguide structure using asymmetric twin waveguide techniques... more
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      Optical SwitchSEMICONDUCTOR OPTICAL AMPLIFIEROptical physicsOptical fiber
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      Quantum OpticsNonlinear OpticsQuantum MechanicsOptical Switch
We demonstrate an electrically-controlled liquid crystal (LC) core waveguide, using 4-cyano-4 -pentylbiphenyl (5CB) nematic liquid crystal, fabricated on a glass substrate. A negative photoresist, AZ15nXT layer was coated on the glass... more
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      Optical SwitchNematic Liquid Crystals
This paper reviews the basic of multimode interference (MMI) coupler and its application in optics, especially for optical switching. We have demonstrated the design & performance of 2 x 2 MMI coupler based all optical switch of lesser... more
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      Optical SwitchHigher Order ThinkingPerformance AnalysisMultimode Interference (MMI)
In the long trajectory from the synthesis of organic nonlinear optical materials to the completed all-optical device it is highly desirable to be able to concentrate already in an early state on only a few promising materials. Third... more
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      Materials EngineeringOptical SwitchIntegrated OpticsThin Film
We present the observation of an all-optical switching effect that takes place when a light beam of suitable wavelength irradiates a "layered" structure made of polymer slices alternated to films of well aligned liquid crystal ͑LC͒ which... more
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      EngineeringLiquid CrystalsOptical SwitchPhysical sciences
Absrract-The very broad bandwidth of low-loss optical transmission in a single-mode fiber and the recent improvements in single-frequency tunable lasers have stimulated significant advances in dense wavelength division multiplexed optical... more
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      Distributed ComputingFiber OpticsComputer NetworksPerformance
Optical switching behavior of low-molecular-weight and polymer azobenzene liquid crystals (LCs) was explored by means of reflection-mode analysis. Reflectivity changed on pulse irradiation under various conditions of orientations of LC... more
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      Optical SwitchRefractive IndexCHEMICAL SCIENCESLiquid Crystal
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      Inorganic ChemistryOptical SwitchPlant growthElectronic Structure
Energy-efficient optical networks are gaining momentum as environmental-friendly solutions with reduced operational costs. Energy-efficiency can be achieved by using devices in sleep mode, i.e., a low-power, inactive state in which... more
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      Optical SwitchPower ConsumptionLow PowerOptical network
FRG/ITACA, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, PO Box 22012, 46071, Valencia (Spain) * COBRA/DIMES, Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands) ... Abstract — The design parameters, sensitivity analysis and time delay... more
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      Sensitivity AnalysisOptical SwitchOpticalTime Delay
This paper has outlined a method (called OBGP) of extending BGP to support lightpath setup and management across an optical network. The development of OBGP has been discussed by reviewing current BGP behavior and design requirements for... more
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      Optical NetworksQuantum CryptographyOptical SwitchProceedings
There is a potential for significant cost, footprint and power savings by eliminating unnecessary Opto-Electronic (OE) conversions on a signal path in a core optical mesh network. This paper addresses and clarifies some fundamental issues... more
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      Distributed ComputingNetwork ManagementOptical SwitchWavelength Division Multiplexing
We experimentally demonstrate optical switching in a Fabry-Perot saturable absorber using a pump-probe technique. The saturable absorbers are multiple quantum wells, 35 and 42 pairs of alternating layers of 7 nm thick compressively... more
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      Optical SwitchOptical physicsQuantum WellFabry Perot
The study and development of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems for aerospace applications is one of the best challenges for the research in the field of fiber optic (FO) sensors. The harsh environments in which these aerospace... more
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      Structural Health MonitoringOptical SwitchFiber Bragg gratingFiber optic sensor
We demonstrate highly efficient evanescent coupling between a highly nonlinear chalcogenide glass two dimensional photonic crystal waveguide and a silica fiber nanowire. We achieve 98% insertion efficiency to the fundamental photonic... more
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      OpticsOptical SwitchNanowiresSilica
This paper describes recent research activities and results in the area of photonic switching carried out within the Virtual Department on Switching (VDS) of the European e-Photon/ ONe Network of Excellence. Contributions from outstanding... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyComputer NetworksOptical Switch
Integrated optical cross connects and add-drop multiplexers require low loss polarization independent phase shifting elements. In a composite quantum well, a 0.46 mm phase shifter provides a π/4 phase shift by combining the quantum... more
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      EngineeringApplied PhysicsOptical SwitchIntegrated Optics