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      Graeco-Roman EgyptRoman EgyptHellenistic EgyptRELIGION AND CULTS OF HELLENISTIC AGE
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      Ornament (Archaeology)Hellenistic ReligionRELIGION AND CULTS OF HELLENISTIC AGECallatis
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      Alexander the GreatPtolemaic Egyptian HistoryGreek Oracles and DivinationAchaemenid History
Ce texte dresse le bilan des recherches menées depuis 2004 dans l’Aphrodision de Stèsileôs. L’étude des vestiges architecturaux du sanctuaire, celle des inventaires déliens et les résultats des fouilles menées depuis 2005 conduisent à... more
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      Ancient Greek ReligionHellenistic DelosHellenistic ReligionDelos
Studies in the cultic honours for Hellenistic leaders and benefactors mainly focus on the ideological and diplomatic features of the phenomenon. Conversely, the papers collected in this volume aim to shift the focus to its material and... more
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      Ancient Greek ReligionHellenistic Ruler CultRELIGION AND CULTS OF HELLENISTIC AGEAncient ruler cult
Die zahlreichen privaten Vereine, die im Mittelmeerraum existierten – Berufsvereine, Diaspora-Gruppen, kultische Vereinigungen, Nachbarschaftsgemeinschaften und collegia domestica –, bildeten soziale Netzwerke, die soziales Kapital für... more
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      Social NetworksEarly ChristianityApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersHellenistic Religion
This paper offers an alternative view on Plutarch' Moralia 360c on Antigonos Gonatas, king of Macedonians.The poet Hermodotos declares the king a God and addresses him as the son of the Sun. To that, the old king sarcastically retorts... more
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      Ancient HistoryPlutarchHellenistic Ruler CultRuler Cult
One of the best documented and most popular Egyptian religious cults from the Hellenistic world was that of the goddess Isis, whose existence in Egypt dates back to the mid 3rd millennium BC. In ancient Egypt Isis was the wife and sister... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryBlack Sea regionBlack Sea StudiesIsis Cult
This article has been internally reviewed at the Open Library of Humanities, which is a journal published by the Open Library of Humanities. This is in accordance with review protocol for invited guest editorials.
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      Hellenistic HistoryHellenistic periodHellenistic ReligionRELIGION AND CULTS OF HELLENISTIC AGE
Die zahlreichen privaten Vereine, die im Mittelmeerraum existierten – Berufsvereine, Diaspora-Gruppen, kultische Vereinigungen, Nachbarschaftsgemeinschaften und collegia domestica –, bildeten soziale Netzwerke, die soziales Kapital für... more
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      Social NetworksEarly ChristianityApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersHellenistic Religion
Parlare di stati alterati di coscienza all'interno della dimensione genericamente religiosa e più specificamente rituale dei cosiddetti "culti orientali" 1 rinvia naturalmente a due momenti di particolare rilevanza quali la di-1 Il... more
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      History of ReligionRoman ReligionHistory of ReligionsLate Antiquity
This paper examines the origins, symbolism and representations of the Hellenized god Harpocrates. Being inspired by Horus, the Egyptian deity, son of Isis and Osiris, it has developped into a different type of divinity during the Greek,... more
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      HellenismBlack Sea regionHellenistic ReligionHarpocrates
O presente estudo, que teve como ponto de partida uma coleta de dados prosopográficos do culto a Ísis, transformou-se em uma pesquisa histórico-religiosa sobre a realidade religiosa envolvida na crença e veneração dos deuses egípcios,... more
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      History of ReligionsHellenistic ReligionRELIGION AND CULTS OF HELLENISTIC AGESerapis
The connection between belief and healing has featured in almost every human civilization. From its central presence in the narratives of the Abrahamic religions, through to studies of the placebo effect, societies have long been... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryHellenistic periodHellenistic ReligionRELIGION AND CULTS OF HELLENISTIC AGE
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      Hellenistic HistoryReligious SyncretismHellenistic BactriaHellenistic Judaism
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      Hellenistic HistorySocial and Cultural AnthropologySocial and Cultural HistoryHellenistic Monarchy
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 658573.
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      RELIGION AND CULTS OF HELLENISTIC AGEAncient Greek Religion (especially Archaic and Classical)
The privileged, albeit temporary, interrelations between the post-classical cities and the Macedonian kings formed the ideological framework that designated the ruler's cult as the best mode of religious expression by the Greek... more
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      Greek EpigraphyAncient Greek ReligionAncient Greek HistoryRELIGION AND CULTS OF HELLENISTIC AGE
Με την επέκταση της αυτοκρατορίας του Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου και τη μετέπειτα δημιουργία των ελληνιστικών βασιλείων από τους επιγόνους του στα κατακτημένα εδάφη της Ανατολής, ήταν φυσικό και επόμενο να επέλθει ένας συμφυρμός νέων και παλιών... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionGreek ArchaeologyAncient Greek ReligionIsis Cult
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More Than Men, Less Than Gods is conceived as a demonstration project, with the goal of opening new perspectives in the study of Graeco-Roman ruler worship. A principal emphasis is placed on the effectiveness of a multidisciplinary... more
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      Roman HistoryHellenistic HistoryRoman ReligionAncient Greek Religion
Proposal to derive the term sibyl from the Semitic root z/sbl, "lift, bear, carry." used in the idiom "to lift the voice, speak."
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      Hellenistic ReligionRELIGION AND CULTS OF HELLENISTIC AGESibylline OraclesSibyls
Cet article dresse une synthèse des données littéraires, épigraphiques et architecturales concernant le culte d’Aphrodite à Délos. Il distingue trois types de culte : un culte public pratiqué à l’époque de l’Indépendance délienne ; un... more
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      Hellenistic DelosHellenistic ReligionDelosRELIGION AND CULTS OF HELLENISTIC AGE
Arsinoe II, queen of Thrace and Egypt, was the daughter of the founder of Egypt's Macedonian dynasty, Ptolemy I Soter. Arsinoe played a determining role in the power politics that shaped the western portions of the empire that had been... more
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      Ptolemaic EgyptQueen Arsinoë IIBlack SeaRELIGION AND CULTS OF HELLENISTIC AGE
The evidence on three major Macedonian festivals is here reconsidered. Some features of the festivals show the influence of Macedonian tradition in later panegyreis of the Hellenistic period.
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      Hellenistic HistoryAncient Greek ReligionHistory of Ancient MacedoniaMacedonia
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      Classical ArchaeologyAcarnaniaAkarnanian KoinonRELIGION AND CULTS OF HELLENISTIC AGE
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      ReligionArchaeologyGreek HistoryMaterial culture of religion
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient HistoryEgyptian ArchaeologyAncient Greek Religion
Prof. Gerhard Dobesch hat für das Sommersemester 1979 meinen ersten Lehrauftrag mit dem Titel Ägypten als Provinz des Imperium Romanum an der Universität Wien beantragt. Im Jahr darauf folgte die Fortsetzung durch eine Lehrveranstaltung... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionGraeco-Roman EgyptRELIGION AND CULTS OF HELLENISTIC AGESerapis
One of the most characteristic cases for the study of Thera's relations with Ptolemaic Egypt is the personal story of Artemidorus, son of Apollonius, from Perga or Perge, the ancient Greek city in Anatolia, once the capital of Pamphylia.... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyHellenistic LiteratureHellenistic HistoryGreek Epigraphy
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 658573.
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      Sociology of ReligionReligion and PoliticsHistory of ReligionsAncient Greek Religion
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      Hellenistic HistoryAncient Greek ReligionAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Cultural & Social History
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythologyClassics
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      ReligionCultural HistoryHellenistic HistoryKnowledge Transfer
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      Greek ArchaeologyHellenistic DelosHellenistic ReligionRELIGION AND CULTS OF HELLENISTIC AGE
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Peer-review. Articoli e note inviati per la pubblicazione alla rivista sono sottopostinella forma del doppio anonimato -a peer-review di due esperti, di cui uno almeno esterno al Comitato Scientifico o alla Direzione. Non sono sottoposti... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryGreek ReligionAncient Greek ReligionHellenistic Religion
This paper discusses the Doric temple at Seleukeia Pieria in the context of the special relationship between Seleukos I Nikator,  Zeus and the Seleukid dynastic cult.
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      Seleucid EmpireHellenistic ReligionRELIGION AND CULTS OF HELLENISTIC AGEDynastic Politics
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      Greek ArchaeologyHellenistic DelosHellenistic ReligionDelos
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscology
L’offrande a dans le monde grec un double caractère religieux et social. Le cas des offrandes de Stèsileôs à Aphrodite est caractéristique d’un équilibre où l’offrande représente un enjeu social : à la fin du IVe siècle, ce notable délien... more
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      Ancient Greek ReligionHellenistic DelosHellenistic ReligionDelos
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      Greek ArchaeologyHellenistic DelosHellenistic ReligionDelos