Akarnanian Koinon
Recent papers in Akarnanian Koinon
Το Ευρωπαϊκό αλλά και το Ελληνικό Δίκαιο τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες έχουν καθορίσει ένα νομικό πλαίσιο προστασίας του φυσικού αλλά και του ανθρωπογενούς τοπίου έναντι των σταθερά αυξανόμενων παρεμβάσεων του σύγχρονου ανθρώπου σε αυτό. Η... more
Politeia in Greek Federal States 78 Chiara Lasagni 4 The Case of Multiple Citizenship Holders in the Graeco-Roman East 110 Andreea Ștefan part 2 Citizens and Non-citizens in the Roman World 5 Citizens among Outsiders in Plautus's Roman... more
Metrological analysis becomes an essential tool for understanding and dating the coin issues of the Acarnanian League. By constructing frequency-tables and taking into account certain literary sources and inscriptions, as well as... more
Im Zuge der sukzessiven Eroberung Griechenlands durch die Römer seit dem 2. Jh. v. Chr. wurden die hellenistischen Königreiche und Polisbünde in römische Provinzen umgewandelt, wodurch sich massive Veränderungen in allen Lebensbereichen... more
The polis model, both as an urban center and as a political community, represented a key-element in the evolution of the Northwestern ethne into federal states. In such development, the polis played an important role both as an external... more
The decree, dating to the summer of 337 B.C., establishes on the one hand the granting of gold crowns and citizenship to two Akarnanians brothers, Phormion and Karphinas, commanders of an Akarnanian military contingent that apparently... more
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The purpose of this brief essay is to suggest that all the beardless man-faced bulls on the coinage of Akarnania, and possibly two of the bearded varieties, represent the assimilation of a local magistrate with Acheloios. This is based... more
Nutrition Habits in Early Iron Age and Archaic Stratos and Stratiké (for Greek and English abstracts see the PDF) Der dritte Band der Akarnanien-Forschungen umfasst die überarbeitete Dissertationsschrift von Anne Sieverling, in der am... more
Erschienen in der Reihe Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge 71
The article deals with the Roman mouldmade lamps found during the excavations 1995 and 1996 in Stratos/Acarnania. It offers an introduction to the different types and the results of their examination. Up to now, mouldmade lamps of the... more