Recent papers in RDBMS
ABSTRACT The World Wide Web is currently considered as the most appropriate software platform for the deployment of applications in wide area networks (telematics) as well as corporate intranets. Such applications are, in the majority of... more
Existing commercial database management systems offer little or no functionality to handle the complexity of geoscience data-and other environmental science data-particularly in respect of missing and partially missing (incomplete or... more
In the time of enormous information, information examination, business knowledge database administration assumes an imperative part from specialized business administration and exploration perspective. Over numerous decades, database... more
Nowadays, RFID applications have attracted a great deal of interest due to their increasing adoptions in supply chain management, logistics and security. They have posed many new challenges to existing underlying database technologies,... more
Normalization is a significant aspect of relational database theory. It organizes the data to make the database easy to manage. Normalizing a database enables the user to create relationship strands between the pieces of information and... more
With the substantial growth in volume and complexity of data used in the digital world large organizations need to handle a variety of unstructured data. Traditionally relational database systems have been used to store, process and... more
Versatility of NewSQL databases is to achieve low latency constrains as well as to reduce cost commodity nodes. Out work emphasize on how big data is addressed through top NewSQL databases considering their features. This NewSQL databases... more
In the time of enormous information, information examination, business knowledge database administration assumes an imperative part from specialized business administration and exploration perspective. Over numerous decades, database... more
With the substantial growth in volume and complexity of data used in the digital world large organizations need to handle a variety of unstructured data. Traditionally relational database systems have been used to store, process and... more
Today, IT professionals are challenged with the task of ongoing improvements to achieve goals of businesses. Unfortunately, some factor/Resources, skill environment does not dynamically grow as fast as business needs. That sequence of... more
در هزاره سوم بكارگيري تكنولوژي براي توسعه اقتصاد، دستيابي به علوم و فنون جديد، آموزش، توسعه اجتماعي، امري اجتناب ناپذير است. به واسطه دستيابي به تكنولوژي نوين داشتن اطلاعات و برقراري ارتباطات نيز ضروري و نفي در آن انكار ناپذير است. وري... more
Oracle Databae Mimarisi detaylıca incelenmeye çalışıldı. Elbette çok yeterli değil; fakat piyasada pek fazla bulunmayan bilgileri sağlamaya özen gösterdim.
With the substantial growth in volume and complexity of data used in the digital world large organizations need to handle a variety of unstructured data. Traditionally relational database systems have been used to store, process and... more
A data warehouse is a repository of subjectively selected and adapted operational data which can successfully answer any ad hoc, statistical, complex or analytical queries. Data warehousing technology is becoming essential for effective... more
In this era of technologies, where due to the advancement in several web technologies and frequent growth of portable devices, and sensors linked over the web are resulting to the huge amount of data. Due to this rapid increase of... more
İlişkisel Veritabanı Modeli hakkında bilinmesi gereken temel kavramlar detaylıca anlatılmıştır.
Tidak ada satu pun sesuatu yang tidak memiliki arti di dunia ini, karena segala sesuatu dalam hidup pasti memiliki suatu keterkaitan satu sama lain. Sama halnya dengan basis data yang memiliki banyak keterkaitan dari berbagai aspek... more
Following best practices, while writing SQL code is important. In most of the cases, the coding has not met the standard and database script computer agendas are deserted. Those who are beginners in SQL server and the experts, following... more
NoSQL is a free and open-source, scattered, extensive column store database management system intended to handle large amounts of data across many product servers, providing high obtainability and accessibility with no single point of... more
Social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have been growing exponentially in the last few years. As a result of this growth, the amount of social data increased enormously. The need for storing and analyzing social data became... more
The Hadoop framework transparently provides both reliability and data motion to applications. Hadoop implements a computational paradigm named MapReduce, where the application is divided into many small fragments of work, each of which... more
Security has become one of the key features of data transmission on large database. RDBMS are used for storage purposes but with applications generating enormous amount of data, RDBMS is no longer efficient because RDBMS doesn't support... more
Dashboards have become a popular way to display key success indicators at a glance to multiple users across an organization. This paper presents two possible methods for storing, retrieving, displaying and sharing data in a dashboard: 1)... more
Database Management System is very dynamic and popular subject in Computer Science and Information Technology. Modern society is based on 'e' concept means every task is achieved by interactive applications like e-commerce applications... more
With the substantial growth in volume and complexity of data used in the digital world large organizations need to handle a variety of unstructured data. Traditionally relational database systems have been used to store, process and... more
Today, IT professionals are challenged with the task of ongoing improvements to achieve goals of businesses. Unfortunately, some factor/Resources, skill environment does not dynamically grow as fast as business needs. That sequence of... more
Literature has established the effectiveness of formal specifications for modeling specifications for computer system properties as well as for verifying program correctness. However, tools that can enable the typical commercial software... more
We have extended the canonical relational data model to enable the management of multimedia objects. In an attempt to provide a smooth paradigm shift to multimedia information system development, we have enhanced the relational data model... more
In the past, selling needs brick and mortar store and it is limited to a local customer base. But today, ecommerce websites make it easy for the customers around the world to shop by virtual store. Performance of ecommerce websites depend... more
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a leading cause of death worldwide. Heart rate variability (HRV) has been proven to be a non-invasive marker of the autonomic modulation of the heart. Nonlinear analyses of HRV signals have shown that the... more
Fourth chapter excerpt from the first volume of MAPPA. Methodology Applied to Archaeological Potential Predictivity, which illustrates the structure of the archaeological RDBMS and of the archaeological GIS, and the system of... more
The vast majority of the world's structured data are now stored and managed by relational database management systems (RDBMSs). These systems provide powerful data management capabilities. However, as the power and functionality of these... more
Server-sided applications often use a persistence system for storing and managing their data in a database. Such a system has become complex and includes but is not limited to a database system, drivers, connection pools, query languages,... more
Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) maintain a collection of huge data files to provide fast and efficient methods in order to access and modify data which is necessary (Martin et al., 1992). Therefore, RDBMS have supported... more
In Databases one of the active research fields is mapping relational databases (RDB) into Resource Description Framework (RDF). An enormous data is kept in the form of relational databases and accessing of data is done in the semantic... more
Quarto capitolo estratto dal primo volume di MAPPA. Metodologie Applicate alla Predittività del Potenziale Archeologico, che illustra la struttura dell'archivio dati (RDBMS) archeologico, la restituzione georeferenziata dei dati stessi... more
ABSTRACT In this paper we will examine the key feature of asynchronous replication in three of the most used relational database management systems. First we will test CRUD operations on single instances of these RDBMS and then we will... more
ABSTRACT The World Wide Web is currently considered as the most appropriate software platform for the deployment of applications in wide area networks (telematics) as well as corporate intranets. Such applications are, in the majority of... more
Several information systems use relational database systems for effective dealing, storage, and accessing large measures of data. On the contrary, object-oriented programming has earned wide acceptance in the programming community as a... more
Con l'incremento esplosivo della quantità di informazioni nel mondo, la capacità di analizzarle in maniera relativamente semplice e veloce sta diventando un elemento fondamentale. Informazioni in enormi quantità, delle più svariate... more
In this paper, we present a web service model to support snapshots replication in multiple database engines. This model is open and is composed by a set of web services, agents and a manage console that allows to perform administrative... more
The amount of social data produced by a wide variety of social platforms grows every day. Storing and querying this huge amount of data in almost real time presents a challenge to storage systems in order to scale up to hundreds or... more
In the past, selling needs brick and mortar store and it is limited to a local customer base. But today, ecommerce websites make it easy for the customers around the world to shop by virtual store. Performance of ecommerce websites depend... more