Recent papers in RAIMON PANIKKAR
Pare un paradosso introdurre i temi dell'ana-teismo e della secolarità sacra, qui, in Assisi il più spirituale dei luoghi e dove ci si aspetta ogni volta di incontrare ancora, chissà, San Francesco. Ma è ad Assisi che nel 1989 Panikkar... more
In a recent proposal, “prophetic dialogue” has been suggested as the most appropriate category for describing the task of Christian mission today. This paper explores the significance and implications of “prophetic dialogue” for the... more
A volte conviene far tornare le parole al silenzio da cui hanno avuto origine. Chi non ha gustato il silenzio non assapora la parola. RAIMON PANIKKAR […] e su ciò di cui non possiamo parlare, si deve tacere. LUDWIG WITTGENSTEIN
The author explores the differences in the ways of knowing God, with a particular focus on the rational proofs of God’s existence as perceived by noteworthy authors from Christian and Hindu traditions. He deepens the study with insights... more
A collection of essays about a Catholic intellectual born of Spanish and Indian parents who became a priest and academic with some highly original ideas
'Cosmoteándrico' es un término acuñado por Raimon Panikkar para dar cuenta de las tres fases fundamentales por las que ha pasado la religiosidad del ser humano hasta nuestros días, vinculando cada una de las raíces (cosmo-, teo-, andro-)... more
Nota de 2012: El texto que sigue fue escrito entre febrero y octubre del 2006, y constituyó el centro a partir del cual fui urdiendo mi concepción histórico-filosófica del budismo expuesta en un libro de reciente publicación, terminado en... more
What is the relevance of the sixth century writings attributed to Dionysius of Areopagite or Pseudo-Dionysius for twenty-first century Christianity? This article is an inquiry into the notion of divine unknowability within the... more
Anand Amaladass, "Le visioni hindū di Cristo", in Andrea Pacini (ed.), "Hinduismo e Cristianesimo in Dialogo", Collana del Centro di Studi Religiosi Comparati Edoardo Agnelli (Torino: Edizioni Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, 2004): 123-148.
teólogo Rudolf von Sinner é um representante expressivo do novo estado de consciência que a humanidade, as igrejas estão alcançando graças à nova etapa da história humana e da Terra. Se não convivermos, nos digladiaremos e todos vamos ao... more
The Theology Without Walls (TWW) project attempts to interpret spiritual experiences without subjecting them to a priori criteria from religious traditions, but TWW does not substitute universalized secular criteria for... more
Se filosofia e religione si trovano costantemente davanti alla presenza della morte e di quello che accade all’uomo nel momento ultimo dell’esistenza del singolo, ancor di più questa riflessione pervade chi si è avventurato nella... more
This masters thesis was submitted to the faculty of philosophy at Dharmaram Vidya Ksetram in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Licentiate in Philosophy in February 2008. It examines Raimon Panikkar's notion of... more
Amaladass, Anand, ed. "The Problem of Evil: Essays on Cross-Cultural Perspectives". Chennai: Satya Nilayam Publications, 1997.
This tribute to a revered mentor of mine, Raimon Panikkar, will focus on just two of the theses that Pannikar developed over the course of his illustrious career. Pannikar proposed something he called 'Imparative Hermeneutics' . I... more
No mundo contemporâneo, religiões e culturas se entrelaçam continuamente. Destacamos cristianismo, hinduísmo e budismo com suas riquezas históricas e teológicas incomensuráveis. Seria possível articulá-las para benefício do humanum, da... more
Rita Grassi debate a emergência do diálogo interconvicções e seu impacto político na possibilidade de garantir uma vivência plural e a transformação da sociedade Pode parecer estranho, mas atualmente lidamos melhor com as diferenças do... more
"Hay varias metáforas que aclaran en qué consiste la relacionalidad. Dotan la relación de especificidad: hacen que la relación no sea un concepto general, sino que lo concretizan. Las metáforas de la relación ponen de relieve los... more
The Second Vatican Council’s Declaration on the Relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions (Nostra Aetate) is better understood as a document about the Catholic Church than about other religions. Nostra Aetate’s most important... more
En relisant la lettre à un réligieux écrite par Simone Weil en 1942, il m'est revenu à l'esprit le fait que Raimon Panikkar fut ordonné prêtre en 1946, trop tard pour qu'il puisse en être l'interlocuteur chronologique. Mais pourquoi... more
Riflessione a dieci anni dalla morte di Raimon Panikkar comparsa sul n. 571 de "Il giornale di Rodafà. Rivista online di liturgia del quotidiano"
This essay means to highlight anthropological aspects which explain the current distance between the "Declarations of human/fundamental rights" and the "Asian values". Moreover, it regards the extraordinary figure of Raimon Panikkar as a... more
Raimon Panikkar (1918-2010) is a theologian and philosopher, born in Barcelone. From a hindu-christian family, he was one of the main exponents of the interreligious dialogue. Stands out, in this context, his famous expression: “I left as... more
There are five sections to this paper. 1. A look at Heidegger's critique of the metaphysics of being up to his time-which is really a critique of metaphysics, ontology, and theology 2. What else falls under his anvil of Destrukion, what... more
ABSTRACT: From the Hindu perspective known as advaita, or aduality, Panikkar criticizes the primacy of scientific thought in detriment of a more holistic vision of reality, which is for him related to an experience of a "new innocence".... more
La via conciliante tra monismo e dualismo nel pensiero di alcuni teologi del XX secolo 1. Introduzione Nel corso della storia della filosofia si sono da sempre contrapposte due scuole di pensiero: il monismo e il dualismo o pluralismo. 1... more
Podemos definir diálogo inter-religioso como busca de compreensão e cooperação mútuas de pessoas pertencentes a diferentes religiões, orientada por um sentimento de comum humanidade e tendo em vista uma convivência pacífica, além de um... more
La figura di Raimon Panikkar (Barcellona 1918 – Tavertet 2010) è stata da sempre oggetto di studio e di interesse. Profondo studioso di filosofia, teologia e cultura orientale, Rainom Panikkar ha spaziato la sua indagine intellettuale in... more
One of the key notions of Raimon Panikkar's thought, the logomythic dynamis describe the process in which human logos analyze and deconstruct the mythos, by allowing a new remitologization. Western contemporary world lives inside a mythos... more
In 2014 was published the 2004 dialogue between Raimon Panikkar and Emanuele Severino, which took place in Venice. In this dialogue, the two philosophers talks about their philosophical systems, thanks to Luigi Vero Tarca, but there is a... more
Raimon Panikkar's logomythic dynamis present a way to describe how mythos and logos interact with each other and with pneuma in the history of the Human. He shows how what was mythos, under logos’ action crumbles and apparently... more
Este artículo explora el concepto de ortodoxia que ha suscitado uno de los temas de debate más intensos en Filosofía de la Religión y en la Teología de las principales religiones. Así, partiendo de los planteamientos de Raimon Panikkar se... more
Recebi a difícil tarefa do editor desta revista de escrever uma coluna elencando os 10 livros fundamentais para o Diálogo Inter-religioso. Esta tarefa tem um certo grau de dificuldade ao meu ver, pois não sinto que haja realmente 10... more
Stephen Bevans and Roger Schroeder suggest that “prophetic dialogue” is the most appropriate category or metaphor for Christian mission today.2 This paper explores the significance and implications of “prophetic dialogue” for the task of... more
Under the name “new innocence”, Raimon Panikkar (Barcelona 1918 – Tavertet 2010) wanted to propose a mystical approach to life in the contemporary world, where the Human is shattered between opposing monisms. Hindu-Spanish catholic... more
Raimon Panikkar's logomythic dynamis present a way to describe how mythos and logos interact with each other and with pneuma in the history of the Human. He shows how what was mythos, under logos’ action crumbles and apparently vanishes,... more
Theological shifts since 1965 make the foundations undergirding Nostra Aetate questionable. Raimundo Panikkar’s call for modern remythicization is a helpful example of what Nostra Aetate calls “the inexhaustible wealth of myths” in... more
Il problema del ruolo della filosofia nella sua contemporaneità è una questione che esiste sin da quando la filosofia come predisposizione d’animo del pensatore ha cercato di aprirsi all’esterno e di farsi pratica nell’ambiente... more
In a 2003 article in Theological Studies, Peter Phan defined multiple religious belonging as referring to “the fact that some Christians believe that it is possible and even necessary not only to accept in theory . . . but also to adopt... more
Rudolf von Sinner untersucht die spezifische Bearbeitung der christlichen Lehre von der Dreieinigkeit Gottes durch zwei zeitgenössische, römisch-katholische Theologen aus sehr unterschiedlichen Kontexten. Die trinitarische Theologie... more