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protista menyerupai tumbuhan
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Protista adalah makhluk hidup bersel satu atau bersel banyak dan telah memiliki membran inti (selnya bersifat eukariotik). Umumnya, protista bersifat aerobic dan menggunakan mitokondria untuk respirasi. Pada kenyataannya, ada protista... more
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      WaterEcosystem ServicesWater qualityEcology
Presentasi Protista Biologi SMA Kelas X SUPER LENGKAP!!
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      Smart GridBiologiaProtistaSma
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      Urinary incontinenceFloraPlacentaFauna
Biologi Laut
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    • Protista
Protozoans are single celled eukaryotes found worldwide with rich biodiversity. The protozoan species live in different habitats as free living or parasite having different shapes and adapted for various physiological activities. These... more
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KOMPETENSI DASAR: 3.6 Mengelompokkan protista berdasarkan ciri-ciri umum kelas dan mengaitkan peranannya dalam kehidupan INDIKATOR: 3.6.1 Mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri umum Protista berdasarkan pengamatan. 3.6.2 Mengenali protista... more
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      AlgaeProtistaLembar Kerja Siswa
Protista merupakan hasil evolusi makhluk hidup dari monera. Dimana telah membentuk ekariotik dan tubuhnya tersusun atas uniseluler atau multiseluler yang belum terdiferensiasi menjadi organ hingga membentuk sistem organ.
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      EducationEducational TechnologyTeacher EducationBiology
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Protista dikelompokkan kedalam
1. Protista Mirip Hewan (Protozoa)
2. Protista Mirip Tumbuhan (Alga)
3. Protista Mirip Jamur
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FAKULTAS PENDIDIKAN DASAR DAN MENENGAH (FAPENDASMEN) PRODI PENDIDIKAN GURU SEKOLAH DASAR (SD) UNIVERSITAS MAJALENGKA (UNMA) 2015 A. TUJUAN Tujuan praktikum kali ini agar kita dapat :  Mengidentifikasi ciri protista berdasarkan kelasnya ... more
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      BiologiaLaporanPendidikan BiologiProtista
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    • Protista
Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerja sama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif, dan pro-aktif sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai... more
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    • Protista
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      BiologyBiologiFisiología AnimalProtista
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    • Protista
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    • Protista
Climate warming and the poleward widening of the tropical belt have induced range shifts in a variety of marine and terrestrial organisms. Among the key taxa that are rapidly expanding their latitudinal range are symbiont-bearing... more
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      OceanographyEcologyMarine ScienceBiogeography
Naturalist Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg pioneered research on living and fossil infusoria (including protists and bacteria) since the 1830s by collecting samples from all over the world, thus describing numerous microbes and discussing... more
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      Environmental microbiologyHistory of ScienceHistory and Philosophy of BiologyMedical Microbiology
The genus Gibbocarina has been recently established and includes only two species (G. galeata and G. gracilis) characterized by presence of a hollow keel. Morphology and morphometry of Nebela penardiana from East Herzegovina were... more
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      Soil Microbial EcologyProtistaMicroplastics pollution
The genus Quadrulella comprises most species of hyalosphenid testate amoebae with quadrangular shell plates. The taxonomic status of almost all species is questionable because they are poorly studied. Quadrulella symmetrica is the type... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)ZoologyInvertebratesTaxonomy
Taxonomy of hyalosphenid testate amoebae at the species level is mainly based on the shape and size of their shells. In this paper, the morphometric data for Padaungiella lageniformis (member of the family Padaungiellidae), Nebela minor... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)ZoologyMorphometricsTaxonomy
The genus Porosia includes two species characterized by presence of two large invaginated pores. These pores are connected by internal tube as in members of the genus Certesella. In this paper, morphological variability of P. bigibbosa... more
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This study aims to investigate the pre-service science teachers' perceptions of protists. Within this scope, case study design was conducted. The data was collected from purposively chosen 60 third-grade pre-service science teachers from... more
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      Science EducationPre-service teachersPre Service Teacher EducationConceptual Understanding
Presentación de diapositivas
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