International Journal of
Int. J. of Life Sciences, 2021; 9 (1):41-44
ISSN:2320-7817(p) | 2320-964X(o)
Life Sciences
International Peer Reviewed Open Access Refereed Journal
Review Article
Open Access
Protozoans: Animals or Protists?
Ashok Kumar Verma
Department of Zoology, Government Post Graduate College, Saidabad Prayagraj (U.P.), India
Corresponding author email:
[email protected]
Manuscript details:
Received: 09.02.2020
Accepted: 27.02.2021
Published: 31.03.2021
Protozoans are single celled eukaryotes found worldwide with rich
biodiversity. The protozoan species live in different habitats as free living
or parasite having different shapes and adapted for various physiological
activities. These are microscopic unicellular eukaryotes that have a
relatively complex internal structure and carry out complex metabolic
activities within a cell by highly specialized subcellular organelles like
pseudopodia, flagella and cilia. Initially protozoans were kept in phylum
Protozoa under kingdom Animalia as per classification of Linnaeus but
later placed under kingdom Protista from three to six kingdom systems. In
present article, author attempted to discuss the position of protozoa from
two to six kingdom system of biological classification and finally concluded
that protozoans are now protists, and not the animals.
Cite this article as:
Ashok Kumar Verma (2021) Protozoans:
Animals or Protists? Int. J. of Life
Sciences, 9 (1):41-44.
Available online on
ISSN: 2320-964X (Online)
ISSN: 2320-7817 (Print)
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Keywords: Biological classification, Domains of life, Kingdom systems,
Protozoa, Whittaker.
The word ‘protozoa’ was coined in 1818 by Zoologist Georg August
Goldfuss, who created Protozoa as a class containing what he believed to
be the simplest animals (Goldfuss, 1818). Originally, the group included
not only single-celled micro-organisms but also some ‘lower’ multicellular
animals, such as rotifers, corals, sponges, jellyfish, bryozoans and
polychaetes (Goldfuss, 1820). Von Siebold (1848) raised the group
protozoa to the level of a phylum containing two broad classes of
microorganisms: Infusoria (mostly ciliates and flagellated algae) and
Rhizopoda (amoeboid organisms).
The protozoans are primitive, microscopic and unicellular; often called
acellular because the same single cell performs all the vital activities
necessary for an independent existence as a complete organism. They are
therefore more than a single cell having the magical capacity to perform all
vital activities within a cell with the help of highly specialized subcellular
organelles like pseudopodia, flagella and cilia. They have protoplasmic or
subcellular grade of organization with predominant asexual reproduction
and less pronounced sexual reproduction.
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Verma AK, 2021
The protozoans occur in all the three types of habitats
viz. air, land and water and constitute ecologically
dispersed group with rich biodiversity. They show
structural, habitat, functional and generic diversity.
The rich biodiversity helps to maintain the ecological
balance (Ashok, 2017; 2018). The protozoans live in
different habitats as free living or parasitic forms with
varied shapes and adapted for various physiological
activities and conditions (Kudo, 1954).
Historical background
The living organisms are large in number with diverse
characters; they may be similar in their general
appearance but differ in detailed characteristics
because of specialization mainly in their form,
structure, metabolism and life cycle. It is almost
impossible to study all the living organisms; hence
methods of classification were developed. The
classification of these organisms on the basis of their
similarities and dissimilarities are concerned with
Aristotle (384-322 BC), Father of Biology, Father of
Zoology and Founder of Taxonomy, was pioneer in the
field of biological classification. Aristotle (c. 350 BC)
classified the animals into two main groups namely (a)
Anhaima: animals without red blood and (b) Enhaima:
animals with red blood. Today, former is referred to as
invertebrates and latter vertebrates in broader sense.
A Swedish Naturalist Carolus Linnaeus (1758), for the
first time classified the living organisms in a
systematic way, introduced the hierarchic system both
in plants and animals. He laid the foundation of
modern biological classification by classifying the
organisms into two kingdoms namely Plantae and
Animalia. His classification is now popularly known as
Two Kingdom System. The Kingdom Plantae (Plant
Kingdom) included chlorophyll containing green
plants, mosses, ferns, many colourless and coloured
unicellular organisms, moulds, fungi, lichens, bacteria
and multicellular seaweeds while Kingdom Animalia
(Animal Kingdom) included unicellular protozoans
and multicellular organisms without having
chlorophyll and photosynthetic ability. The Protozoa
was mentioned there as a part of kingdom Animalia.
When the first unicellular organisms were discovered
by Antoine van Leeuwenhoek in 1674, they were
placed in one of the two kingdoms of living beings,
according to their characteristics. The two kingdom
system of classification of Linnaeus was not found
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suitable due to huge diversity among the organisms
and many other limitations.
The two kingdom system began to weaken, with the
growing awareness that fungi did not belong to the
plant kingdom, and that most of the unicellular
protozoa were no more closely related to the animals
than they were to the plants. This led to the
development of concept of multi-kingdom systems. A
German Biologist Haeckel (1866) proposed a third
kingdom, the Protista, for unicellular eukaryotes such
as protozoans.
Later, the development of optic and electronic
microscopy showed important differences in cells,
mainly according to the presence or absence of distinct
nucleus, leading Édouard Chatton to distinguish
organisms in prokaryotes (without a distinct nucleus)
and eukaryotes (with a distinct nucleus) in his paper
entitled ‘Pansporella perplex: Reflections on the
Biology and Phylogeny of the Protozoa’ during 1925
(Sapp, 2005). Chatton later expanded his studies to
include marine protists, helping to contribute to the
description of the dinoflagellate protists (SoyerGobillard, 2006). On the basis of this new finding,
American Biologist Copeland (1956) proposed a fourkingdom system, moving prokaryotic organisms,
bacteria and blue-green algae, into a separate kingdom
Monera. In this way, he created the fourth kingdom,
Monera, to include bacteria and blue green algae. A
comparative historical account of these different
kingdom systems is given by Verma (2017a).
Five kingdom system
The position of fungi was not well established both in
three and four kingdom systems, oscillating between
kingdoms Protista and Plantae hence there was a need
to rethink about it. American Ecologist Robert H.
Whittaker (1969) thought and proposed a fifth
kingdom 'Fungi' to include them and to fill this genuine
gap. In his 'Five Kingdom System', he succeeded in
overcoming the difficulties as well as demerits of two,
three and four kingdom systems and represented the
living organisms according to the evolutionary
relationships among themselves. He also defined the
kingdoms by a number of special characteristics such
as whether the organisms possessed a true nucleus or
not. Whittaker’s five kingdom system of classification
is based on (a) mode of nutrition (b) cell structure and
complexity (c) phylogenetic relationship (d) body
organization and (e) reproduction. The five kingdom
Int. J. of Life Sciences, Volume 9 (1) 2021
Protozoans: Animals or Protists?
system despite of having some demerits is still widely
accepted (Verma, 2016a; Verma and Prakash, 2020).
Different kingdoms in this system are:
1. Monera: Prokaryotes e.g. Prokaryotes e.g. bacteria
and blue green algae
2. Protista: Unicellular eukaryotes e.g. unicellular
algae, diatoms and protozoans.
3. Fungi: Multicellular decomposers e.g. fungi and
4. Plantae: Multicellular producers e.g. plants.
5. Animalia: Multicellular consumers e.g. animals.
Three domain system
With the advancement in biological researches,
profound knowledge of microbial diversity and DNA
sequencing resulted in elaboration of five kingdom
system into six kingdom system. An American
Microbiologist, Carl Woese and others adopted the
term ‘domain’ in 1990 and introduced three-domain
system in biological classification mainly on the basis
of 16 S rRNA genes. This system adds ‘domain’ as a
‘superkingdom’ a level of classification “above” the
kingdom (Woese et al., 1990).
The three domains are: Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya
(Eucarya). The domain Archaea includes only one
kingdom Archaebacteria (ancient bacteria); domain
Bacteria also includes only one kingdom Eubacteria
(true bacteria) whereas domain Eukarya includes
remaining four kingdoms namely Protista, Fungi,
Plantae and Animalia. The Archaea and Bacteria
domains contain prokaryotic organisms that do not
have a membrane bound nucleus while the Eukarya
domain includes eukaryotic organisms that have a
membrane bound nucleus. The Archaea is divided into
three major groups namely (1) Methanogens that
occur in oxygen-depleted environments of soils and
gut of several ruminants and produce methane, (2)
Extreme halophiles that live in high salt concentration
and (3) Hyperthermophiles that normally grow in
extremely hot environments. This is consistent with
recent discoveries of more diversity among microbes
than animals and plants that makes this system
relevant (Verma, 2016b).
Cavalier-Smith (1981) proposed eight kingdom system
and divided all organisms into eight kingdoms namely:
Bacteria, Eufungi, Ciliofungi, Animalia, Biliphyta,
Viridiplantae, Cryptophyta, and Euglenozoa. Levine et
al. (1980) described the Protozoa as subkingdom and
divided it into 7 phyla namely Sarcomastigophora,
Ascetospora, Myxospora and Ciliophora. CavalierSmith (1993) erected the Protozoa as kingdom and
divided it into 18 phyla. Sina et al. (2005) revised the
Levine’s classification and recognized six clusters of
eukaryotes that may represent the basic groupings
similar to traditional ‘kingdoms.’
Protozoans, the single celled eukaryotes are found
worldwide in all the three types of habitats with rich
biodiversity. As per classification of Linnaeus, when
there were only two kingdoms namely Plantae and
Animalia then Protozoa was the first phylum under
Kingdom Animalia. With the gradual enhancement in
understanding and advancement in biological
researches, evolution of three, four, five and six
kingdom systems occurred. As a result of these
advancements, phylum Protozoa is separated from
Kingdom Animalia and included as a part of Kingdom
Thus, only Linnean model of classification included the
Protozoa as a phylum of Animal kingdom but all other
models from three to six kingdom systems recognizes
protozoans as part of Kingdom Protista. Although the
inclusion of Protozoa under Kingdom Protista seems a
better choice but there is improper grouping of
Kingdom Protista, as it includes organisms with
diverse form, structure and life cycle, therefore it
needs to be improved. Inclusion of dinoflagellates
under Protista is not logical, as they are not eukaryotic
but rather are mesokaryotic. Similarly, slime moulds
placed under Protista differ considerably from the rest
of protists. The separation of Protozoa from kingdom
Animalia and inclusion under Kingdom Protista is
continuously maintained from three to five kingdom
systems and even in six kingdom system too (Verma,
2017b). Thus, it may be concluded that protozoans are
now protists, not the animals, however can be treated
as primitive relative or ancestor of animals.
Protist cells can be distinguished from plant, animal
and fungal cells by their ability to move on their own.
They may move using one or more subcellular
structure as flagella, tiny hairs on the cell membrane
(cilia) or long, arm-like extensions of the cell
membrane (pseudopodia). A protist cell is a complete
organism and can survive on its own while the cell of a
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larger organism cannot. The protists constitute a
diverse kingdom, including all eukaryotic organisms
that are neither animals, nor plants, nor fungi.
Sina MA et al. (2005) The New Higher Level Classification of
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Conflicts of interest: The author stated that no
conflicts of interest.
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Int. J. of Life Sciences, Volume 9 (1) 2021
© 2021 | Published by IJLSCI