Recent papers in Protein
Nutrition for the athletes is the main thing, so they can keep up with training and stay focus and improve their performance. Athletes should be aware of their daily nutritional needs, so they can maintain nutrients balance that match... more
The complement inhibitors C4b-binding protein (C4BP) and factor H (FH) both consist of complement control protein (CCP) domains. Here we examined the secondary structure of both proteins by circular dichroism and Fourier-transform... more
The native conformation of host-encoded cellular prion protein (PrP C ) is metastable. As a result of a post-translational event, PrP C can convert to the scrapie form (PrP Sc ), which emerges as the essential constituent of infectious... more
Tripodal peptide analogues were designed on the basis of the phosphotyrosine binding pocket of the Src SH2 domain and assayed for their ability to bind to fluorescein-labeled phosphopeptides. Fluorescence polarization assays showed that a... more
The emergence, in recent years, of microbial resistance to commonly used antibiotics has aroused a search for new naturally occurring bactericidal and fungicidal agents that may have clinical utility. In the present study, three new... more
Background: Recombinant DNA technologies have played a pivotal role in the elucidation of structure-function relationships in hemoglobin (Hb) and other globin proteins. Here we describe the development of a plasmid expression system to... more
The C-terminal oligomerization domain of chicken cartilage matrix protein is a trimeric coiled coil comprised of three identical 43-residue chains. NMR spectra of the protein show equivalent magnetic environments for each monomer,... more
Background data: The covid-19 pandemic led to an enforcement of lockdown throughout the country which led to closure of supply of non-vegetarian foods. Objective: The study was conducted for assessment of consumption of Non-Vegetarian... more
Peptides that bind either U1 small nuclear RNA (U1 snRNA) or the anticodon stem and loop of yeast tRNA(Phe) (tRNA(ACPhe)) were selected from a random-sequence, 15-amino acid bacteriophage display library. An experimental system, including... more
An experiment was carried out to determine the effect of four different media based hydroponics on plant growth, yield and nutritional values at Biochemistry laboratory of Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU), Bangladesh... more
CASK, which belongs to the family of membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) proteins, is recognized as a multidomain scaffolding protein highly expressed in the mammalian nervous system. MAGUK proteins generally target to neuronal... more
Spatial confinement in nanoporous media affects the structure, thermodynamics and mobility of molecular soft matter often markedly. This article reviews thermodynamic equilibrium phenomena, such as physisorption, capillary condensation,... more
The protein quality of 11 null and 2 tofu soybean genotypes were determined from their total protein content, their amino acid composition, and their glycinin and b-conglycinin contents. There were highly significant differences (P <... more
Sardinella aurita, Sarpa salpa, and Sepia officinalis were studied. Significant seasonal variations were observed in the amounts of moisture, lipid, protein, and ash between species. Viscera protein content undergoes large fluctuations.... more
Whole grain products are recommended for healthy diets as being recognized sources of dietary fiber and antioxidant substances. In the present study, four cereals including barley, pearl millet, rye and sorghum which are adapted to the... more
A Couette Cell device was employed to provide proof of concept for the production of structured meat analogues by application of simple shear flow and heat to a 31 wt% Soy Protein Isolate (SPI)–Wheat Gluten (WG) dispersion. Three relevant... more
The phylogenetics development of genus is regularly described as the consequence of random mutations and expected choice, which gives rise to the perception of phylogenetic trees. The big quantity of soaring excellence sequence data... more
Chocolate is a unique flavoured food used in our society for more than 2000 years. From the fresh aroma to the brownish colour and the melting sensation that is felt in mouth after consumption makes it most likely food that is passed on,... more
It has become customary to conceptualize the living cell as an intricate piece of machinery, different to a man-made machine only in terms of its superior complexity. This familiar understanding grounds the conviction that a cell's... more
tein is used in several areas such as clinical analysis, food science and technology, biochemistry, protein chemistry, physiology. Five spectrophotometric methods are mostly used: biuret, Lowry, Bradford, Smith and UV absorption. In this... more
Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 6-24 Juni 2013 di Laboraturium Teknologi Hasil Ternak Universitas Jendral Soedirman Purwokerto. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh dosis penambahan arang aktif terhadap kandungan protein dan... more
Protein merupakan suatu polipeptida yang memiliki struktur primer, sekunder, tersier dan kuartener. Penentuan konsentrasi protein merupakan proses yang rutin digunakan dalam kerja Biokimia. Ada beberapa metode yang biasa digunakan dalam... more
Protein merupakan salah satu nutrisi penting yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh karena fungsi utamanya sebagai zat pembangun tubuh. Dalam fungsinya tersebut, protein sebagai penyusun dari seluruh sel tubuh akan terus membangun jaringan tubuh... more
Granola is the nutritious product prepared with a different level of cereals, chickpeas, nuts, and raisins because they are the valuable source of protein and can be used as a complementary protein source of each other. The products were... more
Libro de Bioquimica utilizado en la Universidad de la Frontera, siendo su autor el destacado Doctor Héctor Rocha Lohs.
Tamamen doğal, yenilikçi, sürdürülebilir gıda üretim tekniklerini bünyesinde barındıran bütünleşik yaşam alanı projesi BostanKent... MultiPonik tekniklerle tarım, hayvancılık, mikrobiyolojik organik kimyasallar ve protein üretim... more
This project is carried out in Dr.D.B.M.C.A.E.T palwan by Mr.Sujit Vijay Dhalape, Miss. Tejasvi Shivaji Thange & Rushikesh Rajaram Mandlik. The research mainly based on diabetic biscuits.
ABSTRAK Amoxicillin merupakan salah satu antibiotik yang umum dan banyak dipakai oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Meskipun demikian, sediaan yang banyak tersedia di pasaran hanyalah sediaan per oral dan apabila dibutuhkan dalam dosis besar maka... more
We conduct this study to study risk factors of protein energy malnutrition Among Children Under Five years .This study was conducted in Nyala Locality in south Darfur State in Sudan. Cross-sectional descriptive study to measure the... more
In this era of competition, Quality is Imp factor. Quality by Design (QbD) refers to a new approach to product development. It is a modern approach for the quality of pharmaceuticals. It ensures that the quality of pharmaceutical... more
Resistance Exercise (RE) is a widely practiced activity both in leisure time and in training periods for competitive athletes. Recent advanced in molecular biology and muscle physiology has elucidated some of the mechanisms that regulate... more
Dewasa ini, berbagai persoalan mengenai lingkungan banyak bermunculan seiring bertambahnya jumlah populasi manusia, seperti halnya penggunaan pestisida untuk memusnahkan serangga yang dianggap mengganggu. Pestisida mengandung bahan kimia... more
“Caracterización de proteínas”
Hidrolisis protein merupakan proses pemutusan ikatan peptida dari protein menjadi komponen-komponen yang lebih kecil seperti pepton, peptida dan asam amino. Hidrolisis ikatan peptida akan menyebabkan beberapa perubahan pada protein, yaitu... more
Proteins are large biomolecules, or macromolecules, consisting of one or more long chains of amino acid residues.
Modern society has brought with it many comforts and conveniences, yet when it comes to the United States’ health and nutrition, the advancements haven’t always been positive for your overall health. Doing things better, cheaper and... more
Proteins are large biomolecules, or macromolecules, consisting of one or more long chains of amino acid residues.
KEMENTERIAN RISET, TEKNOLOGI, DAN PENDIDIKAN TINGGI UNIVERSITAS JENDERAL SOEDIRMAN FAKULTAS PERTANIAN PURWOKERTO 2016 BAB I. PENDAHULUAN A. Latar Belakang Pangan merupakan kebutuhan pokok manusia sebagai sumber zat gizi yang penting bagi... more