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This paper provides a comparative analysis of the Great Depression (1929-1933) and the Great Financial Crisis (2007-2009) by contrasting the crises' main driving forces and how they relate to each other with respect to the United States.... more
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      Real EstateReal Estate EconomicsGreat DepressionReal Estate Finance
Стабилен финансиски сектор, со тоа и банкарски сектор како негов важен дел, создава предуслови за развој на финансиско посредување и ефикасна алокација на ресурси кои имаат големо значење за развој и просперитет на една национална... more
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      Banks and credit marketsDeposit InsurancePrinciples for Deposit Insuranceбанки
This paper compares account based Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) with deposit insurance (DI) in a moral hazard setting. The relevant agents’ utilities are the same in the two systems when either the deposit insurance fee is paid ex... more
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      Principles for Deposit InsuranceCentral Bank Digital Currencies
Motorcycle insurance is required for operating a motorcycle. Each state defines what type of vehicle falls under the category of a motorcycle, and what the minimum requirements are for insurance coverage. Check with your state's... more
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      Insurance LawHealth insuranceLife InsuranceSocial health insurance
Das Versagen internationaler Finanzmärkte in den Jahren 2007-2009 ging mit einer Infragestellung eines auf freien und selbstregulierten Märkten basierenden Kapitalismus einher, dessen Vorherrschen im Mittelpunkt vieler Erklärungsversuche... more
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      FinanceEconomic HistoryFinancial EconomicsHistory of Economic Thought
Mineral deposits are essential for the economic, technological and social development. However, to enable them to play an appropriate role in the process of sustainable development, they need to be safeguarded in a comprehensive and... more
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      Environmental EngineeringNatural ResourcesEnvironmental SustainabilityMineral Deposits
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      Risk Management and InsuranceInsurance LawSocial InsuranceHealth insurance
Various mechanisms of prudential oversight over the financial system can help to make an economy more resistant to contagious financial shocks. Better and more realistic supervision of institutions is needed both in capital-importing and... more
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      Emerging EconomiesCredit RatingsBank CapitalBanking Supervision
This article provides a comparative analysis of the Great Depression (1929-1933) and the Great Financial Crisis (2007-2009) by contrasting the crises' main drivers and how they relate to each other with respect to the United States. To... more
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      Real EstateEconomicsReal Estate EconomicsGreat Depression
The global financial crisis of the last decade has exposed the vulnerability of banking systems around the world as we witnessed various bank-runs and bail-out efforts from governments. At the backdrop of this historical event,... more
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      Financial CrisisBanking RegulationMoral HazardChinese Economy
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      Risk Management and InsuranceInsurance LawSocial InsuranceHealth insurance
The article describes a string of new court decisions breaking the corporate veil. Those decisions appear to be a consequence of bank bankruptcies becoming ever more expensive to the state because of deposit insurance having to reimburse... more
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      Corporate LawRussian LawPiercing the VeilDeposit Insurance
Mineral deposits are essential for the economic, technological and social development. However, to enable them to play an appropriate role in the process of sustainable development, they need to be safeguarded in a comprehensive and... more
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      BusinessEnvironmental EngineeringNatural ResourcesEnvironmental Sustainability
The present research article shall outline how blockchain technology could be combined with insurance solutions against political risks. Through the definitions and the characterization of the key concepts of traditional insurance law and... more
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      Insurance LawPrinciples for Deposit InsuranceBlockchain Technologies
Entidades provedoras de liquidez não podem operar em vácuos normativos e arranjos incompletos. A crise do covid-19 caminha para convergir com a de 2008 em, pelo menos, um aspecto relevante: as respostas são, mais uma vez, baseadas em... more
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      Central BankingDeposit InsuranceLender of Last ResortPrinciples for Deposit Insurance
The global financial crisis highlighted clearly the need for better regulation and supervision of the financial sector. As far as deposits, citizens suddenly realized that different levels and forms of depositor protection co-existed in... more
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      BankingRisk Management in BanksDeposit InsurancePrinciples for Deposit Insurance
The brief comment on the recommendations of the Capoor Committee on Deposit Insurance in India cautions against introducing risk based premia and also argues against the proposal to withdraw deposit insurance for weak banks.
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      Regulatory ComplianceBanking RegulationBanking SupervisionDeposit Insurance
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the compliance of the Macedonian deposit insurance system with the Core Principles for Effective Deposit Insurance Systems. The results of the evaluation show that the system fully complies... more
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      Financial EconomicsMacroeconomicsFinancial SystemFinancial Stability
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      RegulationRegulation of financial marketsFinancial RegulationCyprus crisis