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Vicarious liability is a principle where one person can be held liable for the acts of another . It usually occurs in relationships such as the employer-employee or the principal-agent relationships. Corporate institutions are recognized... more
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      Criminal LawCompany LawPiercing the VeilCoporate Governance
En recientes resoluciones del Tribunal Supremo se discute si el sistema de extensión de responsabilidad que suponen los grupos de empresa determina una imputación de responsabilidad solidaria a todas las entidades que conforman el grupo,... more
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      Labour LawBusiness groupPiercing the Veil
The previous article examined Equitable Life’s case against its auditor, Ernst & Young. We saw the claim was deeply flawed in many respects, had no reasonable prospect of success and should never have been brought in the first place. Can... more
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      Corporate GovernanceCompany LawFinancial CrisisBig Four
"Every legal term has a specific meaning. In order to determine the meaning of a given legal term, regard has to be made, inter alia, to the context in which it is used (systematic interpre-tation). A given legal term may thus have... more
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      Comparative LawInternational LawInternational ArbitrationPublic International Law
Auf der Abbildung sind vier Putten zu sehen, die jeweils ihre Ansicht der weiblichgöttlichen Natur entwerfen: der Putto an der Staffelei, der mit Respekt abstand nach der Natur arbeitet; der Putto ganz rechts, der aus der inneren... more
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      German LiteratureHegelFriedrich NietzscheWalter Benjamin
Accountancy firms have long argued that they, like other providers of a service, be allowed to contractually limit their liability. In this two-­‐part article, the overall debate surrounding the limitation of auditor liability will be... more
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      Company LawFinancial CrisisBig FourAuditor Negligence
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      Empirical Legal ResearchFinancial CrisisFraudBig Four
Accountancy firms have long argued that they, like other providers of a service, be allowed to contractually limit their liability. In this two-­‐part article, the overall debate surrounding the limitation of auditor liability will be... more
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      Company LawFinancial CrisisBig FourAuditor Negligence
Post-9/11, communication scholars have published a number of articles invested in the relationship between US representations of Afghan women and imperial policy*a genre I dub the Afghan Alibi. I highlight this literature as a catalyst... more
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      Refugee StudiesAfghanistanAnonymityFemininity
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      Corporate LawCorporate GovernanceGhanaCompany Law
There can be little doubt that there is a general feeling that NEDs are being increasingly exposed to negligence claims following corporate failures. The Equitable Life litigation has the potential to impose more liability on NEDs than... more
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      Corporate GovernanceCompany LawFinancial CrisisBig Four
Since the early years of European contact with the Muslim East, hijab, in general, and the veil, in particular, have been seen by Westerners as symbols of the Islamic degradation and oppression of women. Interestingly, this perception has... more
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      FeminismIslamic StudiesPolitics of SecularismIslam
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      CrystallographyConsciousness (Psychology)Inner AlchemyMetaphysics of Consciousness
The aim of this work is to examine situations when the courts will lift the company's veil.
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      Corporate LawCommercial LawCompany LawPiercing the Veil
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      MotifsPiercing the Veil
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      TextilesMetaphorPiercing the Veil
The separate legal personality of a company is the very foundation on which company law rests. The Companies Act 71 of 2008 ('the Companies Act') has introduced into South African company law, for the first time, a statutory... more
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      ReferencePolitical ScienceCompany LawPiercing the Veil
Shareholders liability is one of the most difficult issues in legal science, and allocating responsibility for reckless behavior of shareholders and beneficiaries is of importance to any legal order. At the same time, whether or not... more
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      Corporate LawRussian LawPiercing the Veil
The seemingly never-­ending Equitable Life litigation is finally over (although numerous investigations still continue). The case’s inevitable collapse is evidence that in the post-­Woolf era, largely pointless, ill-­conceived and... more
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      Corporate GovernanceCompany LawFinancial CrisisBig Four
Abstract. This article uses an Economic Analysis of Law approach to propose the adoption of the doctrine of corporate veil piercing in Mexico. This study not only recognizes the economic benefits of limited liability for society, but also... more
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      Piercing the VeilInsolvencyLimited LiabilityInsolvencia
For over a century UK courts have struggled to negotiate a coherent approach to the circumstances in which the Salomon principle-that a corporation is a separate entity-will be disregarded. Empirical analysis can facilitate our... more
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      Corporate LawCourtsEmpirical Legal ResearchCompany Law
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      IntermedialityMetaphorPiercing the Veil
This study provides a brief description on the implementation of the doctrine of Piercing the Corporate Veil in the law of Indonesia, this research has been published in scientific journals of Faculty of Law of Udayana University. This... more
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      Company LawPiercing the VeilLegal Entity Doctrine
Ao Rômulo, agradeço primeira e essencialmente, pela vida partilhada, pelo encanto renovado. Pela beleza de um novo dia. Ao meu pai Giomar, a força de sua presença me tornou forte e me ensinou o valor da resiliência. A minha mãe Lia: pelo... more
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      PsicologíaIdentidadeFilosofia PsicanaliseTatuagem
This paper explores holding companies and controlled foreign companies.
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      Critical TheoryBusinessOrganizational BehaviorManagement
Abstract 1. In spite of the principle of the common will of the parties that governs the arbitration agreement and the arbitration in general as an alternative to the State Courts, there is a growing trend of international arbitration... more
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      Arbitration LawInternational Commercial ArbitrationPiercing the VeilGroup of Companies
Novelom Općeg poreznog zakona donesenom u srpnju 2012. godine propisana je odgovornost članova trgovačkih društava, osoba koje vode poslove društva, te povezanih osoba, kao poreznih jamaca za nenaplaćene porezne dugove društava. U gotovo... more
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      Corporate Income TaxationTax AvoidancePiercing the VeilPorezi
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      Corporate LawSmall BusinessSmall Business ManagementPiercing the Veil
The seemingly never-­‐ending Equitable Life litigation has finally and inevitably collapsed amid repeated calls for resignations, accusations of inflated damages claims and a general feeling that the case should never have made it to... more
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      Corporate GovernanceCompany LawFinancial CrisisBig Four
Veil-piercing is an equitable remedy. This simple insight has been lost over time. What started as a means for corporate creditors to reach into the personal assets of a shareholder has devolved into a doctrinal black hole. Courts... more
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      Corporate LawUnjustified EnrichmentLaw of RestitutionUnjust Enrichment
For over a century UK courts have struggled to negotiate a coherent approach to the circumstances in which the Salomon principle-that a corporation is a separate legal entity-will be disregarded. Empirical analysis can facilitate our... more
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      SociologyLawEconomicsCorporate Law
The Companies Act 71 of 2008 has introduced into our company law a statutory provision permitting courts to pierce the corporate veil, contained in s 20(9). While this provision is to be welcomed, it does however raise many questions,... more
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      Company LawPiercing the VeilSeparate Legal PersonalityJuristic Personality
In the Russian justice system, the doctrine of piercing the corporate veil was developed at the case law level and is used to prevent abuse in corporate relationships on the part of those who control a legal entity in detriment to the... more
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      Civil LawCorporate LawProperty LawPrivate International Law
The article describes a string of new court decisions breaking the corporate veil. Those decisions appear to be a consequence of bank bankruptcies becoming ever more expensive to the state because of deposit insurance having to reimburse... more
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      Corporate LawRussian LawPiercing the VeilDeposit Insurance
El artículo analiza la aplicación de los acuerdos arbitrales a partes no signatarias desde la perspectiva del derecho chileno de arbitraje commercial internacional. El desarrollo de la jurisprudencia chilena más reciente permite concluir... more
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    • Piercing the Veil
The area of corporate disregard has a poor reputation for certainty of reasoning. To provide an alternative way of approaching the issue, we conducted an empirical study of the relationship between rationale and outcome within UK... more
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      Empirical Legal ResearchCompany LawPiercing the VeilCorporate Disregard
Юридична особа є самостійним учасником цивільних правовідносин. Правова фікція квазіфізичної особи дає можливість наділити правами і обов’язками певне юридичне утворення надавши йому таким чином статусу суб’єкта права. В той же час,... more
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      Civil LawCorporations (Law)Corporate LawPiercing the Veil
Limited partnerships (LPs) and limited liability companies (LLCs) permit formation with a unique management structure in that these entities may be managed by another limited liability entity, such as a corporation. Thus, the true... more
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      DelawareManagerPiercing the VeilTexas
Veiling practices of Muslim women have become a subject of considerable political, academic, and public debate. This paper presents the finding of research undertaken in the Sultanate of Oman examining the different and changing ways in... more
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      Gender StudiesAtheismWomen's StudiesAnthropology of Dress
EC Recommendation 2008/473/EC of 5 June 2008 concerning the limitation of the civil liability of statutory auditors and audit firms presented three methods for limiting auditor liability: (1) the establishment of maximum financial... more
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      AccountingCorporate GovernanceAuditingEuropean Union Law