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Whether predators can limit their prey has been a topic of scientific debate for decades. Traditionally it was believed that predators take only wounded, sick, old or otherwise low-quality individuals, and thus have little impact on prey... more
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      Population DynamicsRaptorsLiterature ReviewBiological Sciences
Cannibalism of small numbers of offspring by a parent has been proposed as an adaptive parental strategy, by providing energy to support parental care. However, there are few empirical studies to support this hypothesis. We conducted... more
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Only little is known about whether single volatile compounds are as efficient in eliciting behavioral responses in animals as the whole complex mixture of a behaviorally relevant odor. Recent studies analysing the composition of volatiles... more
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      Target TrackingBiological SciencesMovementElapidae
For some salmon populations, the individual and population effects of sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) transmission from sea cage salmon farms is probably mediated by predation, which is a primary natural source of mortality of juvenile... more
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      Population DynamicsRisk TakingFish DiseasesFood Chemistry
BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVES The predatory potential of the larvivorous fishes can be affected by the presence of alternative preys. In the present study the predation pattern of the sewage dwelling Poecilia reticulata (Peters 1872) on the... more
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      BiologyMedicineGuppyBody Size
Trade-offs between behavioural traits promoting high life-history productivity and mortality may fuel the evolution of animal personalities. We propose that parasites, including pathogens, impose fitness costs comparable to those from... more
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      PersonalityAnimal BehaviorCoevolutionBehavior
Culex tritaeniorhynchus, Cx. gelidus, and Cx. quinquefasciatus, known vectors of Japanese encephalitis (JE), are distributed in rice agroecosystems in Asian countries. Very few integrated studies on the breeding habitats of rice-field... more
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      ZoologyAgriculturePopulation DynamicsVietnam
Although the majority of teleost fishes possess a fused lower jaw (or mandible), some lineages have acquired a secondary joint in the lower jaw, termed the intramandibular joint (IMJ). The IMJ is a new module that formed within the... more
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      ZoologyTemporomandibular JointFishesJaw
Signal detection theory (SDT) has been repeatedly invoked to understand how palatable prey might gain an advantage by resembling unpalatable prey. Here we developed an experimental test of the theory in which we sequentially presented... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSignal Detection TheoryProfitability
In predator-prey foraging games, predators should respond to variations in prey state. The value of energy for the prey changes depending on season. Prey in a low energetic state and/or in a reproductive state should invest more in... more
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      Community EcologyEcologyStrigiformesSeasons
Traditional anatomical/behavioral classifications suggest that rats and opossums have simple motor systems and are impoverished with respect to their ability to make prehensile movements. Nevertheless, the motor system in rats and... more
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      Behavior AnalysisMotor CortexFeeding BehaviorMotor System
Many of the simple mathematical models currently in use often fail to capture important biological factors. Here we extend current models of insect-pathogen interactions to include seasonality in the birth rate. In particular, we consider... more
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      Population DynamicsTheoretical biologyBiological SciencesSeasonality
The application of DNA barcoding to dietary studies allows prey taxa to be identified in the absence of morphological evidence and permits a greater resolution of prey identity than is possible through direct examination of faecal... more
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      ChiropteraDNA BarcodingBiological SciencesPhylogeny
Invasive rats (Rattus rattus, R. norvegicus, R. exulans) have large impacts on island habitats through both direct and indirect effects on plants. Rats affect vegetation by extirpating burrowing seabirds through consumption of eggs,... more
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The effects of embryonic and larval exposure to environmentally relevant (ng/L) concentrations of common antidepressants, fluoxetine, sertraline, venlafaxine, and bupropion (singularly and in mixture) on C-start escape behavior were... more
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      Biological SciencesSerotoninDopamineEnvironmental Sciences
Various functions have been proposed for the 40-50 independent origins of bioluminescence across the tree of life-for example, mate recognition, prey attraction, camouflage, and warning coloration . Millipedes in the genus Motyxia produce... more
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      Animal communicationBiological SciencesBiological evolutionArthropods
From 1995 to 1999, four experiments were conducted on greenhouse roses to assess the effectiveness of the nC24 petroleum spray oil (PSO), D-C-Tron Plus, against two-spotted mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acarina: Tetranychidae), and to... more
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      ZoologyPetroleumIntegrated Pest ManagementOils
Background: The horns and frill of Triceratops and other ceratopsids (horned dinosaurs) are interpreted variously as display structures or as weapons against conspecifics and predators. Lesions (in the form of periosteal reactive bone,... more
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Epidemiology and ecology are traditionally treated as independent research areas, but there are many commonalities between these two fields. It is frequently observed in nature that the former has an encroachment into the later and... more
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      System DynamicsPopulation ecologyPredator-prey interactionBiological Sciences
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      ReproductionPopulation DynamicsMiningBiological Sciences
Maintaining rats on a tryptophan-free diet for 4-6 days induced mouse killing in non-killer rats, and significantly facilitated killing in killer rats, as indicated by shorter latencies to kill the mice. The killing responses were similar... more
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      Cognitive ScienceDietSerotoninBrain
This paper deals with a generalized prey-predator system where the prey population is infected by a microparasite. The model is described by a system of three autonomous ordinary differential equations. Conditions for persistence of all... more
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      EngineeringPersistenceBio-Inspired SystemsBiological Sciences
Cane toads (Bufo marinus) were introduced to Australia in 1935 and have since spread widely over the continent, generating concern regarding ecological impacts on native predators. Most Australian cane toad populations are infected with... more
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1. Physical barriers contribute to habitat fragmentation, influence species distribution and ranging behaviour, and impact long-term population viability. Barrier permeability varies among species and can potentially impact the... more
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      Spatial AnalysisClimate ChangeConservation BiologyAnimal Ecology
The feeding mechanism of gars (Ginglymodi : Lepisosteidae) is characterized by cranial elevation and lower jaw rotation but minimal cranial kinesis. Gar jaws have numerous, sharply pointed, elongate teeth for capture of evasive prey.... more
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      PhysiologyZoologyFunctional MorphologyPrincipal Component Analysis
Both copulation and postcopulatory cohabitation with pregnant females reduce infanticide and enhance paternal responsiveness in male CS1 mice. The effectiveness of copulation in this process, however, depends on the number of occasions... more
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      TestosteroneAggressionMiceSocial Isolation
Animals almost always use habitats non-randomly, but the costs and benefits of using specific habitat types remain unknown for many types of organisms. In a large lake in northwestern Australia (Lake Argyle), most hatchling (,12-monthold)... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsChemistryAnimal Behavior
Avian life history theory has long assumed that nest predation plays a minor role in shaping reproductive strategies. Yet, this assumption remains conspicuously untested by broad experiments that alter environmental risk of nest... more
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Top-order predators often have positive effects on biological diversity owing to their key functional roles in regulating trophic cascades and other ecological processes. Their loss has been identified as a major factor contributing to... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservationAustraliaWildlife Ecology And Management
1. On a private property with a stable population of wild red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) and an appropriate habitat for the survival of the species, reinforcement repopulations were carried out in the months of October and November... more
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      Survival AnalysisPopulation DynamicsAnimal ProductionAnimal Husbandry
Two sets of experiments are reported that show that the small green bee-eater (Merops orientalis, a small tropical bird) can appreciate what a predator can or cannot see. Bee-eaters avoid entering the nest in the presence of a potential... more
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      Visual perceptionWireless Sensor NetworksAnimal CognitionBiological Sciences
We show that uloborid spiders, which lack the poison glands typical of nearly all other spiders, employ thousands of wrapping movements with their hind legs and up to hundreds of meters of silk line to make a shroud that applies... more
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and the umbrella motion of CD 3 , resulting in the vibrational anticorrelation of the two receding products. The result presented in Table 1 suggests that the intramolecular energy transfer induced by the chattering motion of D atoms in... more
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Soil food webs are particularly important in terrestrial systems, but studying them is difficult. Here we report on the first study to apply a molecular approach to identify species-specific trophic interactions in below-ground food webs.... more
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      SoilMolecular EcologyBiological SciencesPolymerase Chain Reaction
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Trophic specialisation can be observed in species with long-term constant exploitation of a certain prey in all populations or in a population of a species with short-term exploitation of a certain prey. While in the former case the... more
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The tritrophic interactions between plants, herbivores and avian predators are complex and prone to trophic cascades. We conducted a meta-analysis of original articles that have studied birds as predators of invertebrate herbivores, to... more
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      BiomassEcologyBirdsPlant growth
Africa is home to the last intact guild of large carnivores and thus provides the only opportunity to investigate mechanisms of coexistence among large predator species. Strong asymmetric dominance hierarchies typically characterize... more
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      AfricaEcologyCarnivoraCarnivore Ecology
Fish-eating ''resident''-type killer whales ͑Orcinus orca͒ that frequent the coastal waters off northeastern Vancouver Island, Canada have a strong preference for chinook salmon ͑Oncorhynchus tshawytscha͒. The whales in this region often... more
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Recent studies document unprecedented declines in marine top predators that can initiate trophic cascades. Predicting the wider ecological consequences of these declines requires understanding how predators influence communities by... more
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      Behavior ModificationPopulation DynamicsRisk assessmentBiodiversity
Rhythmical modulations in insect echoes caused by the moving wings of fluttering insects are behaviourally relevant information for bats emitting CF-FM signals with a high duty cycle. Transmitter and receiver of the echolocation system in... more
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      AcousticsChiropteraComparative PhysiologyBiological Sciences
Differences in diet composition among conspecifics (dietary specialization) have been documented across a broad range of taxonomic groups and habitats, and such variation at the individual level is increasingly recognized as an important... more
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In agile frogs, Rana dalmatina, an increase in malebiased operational sex ratio and in male abundance results in the emergence of alternative male mating behaviour in the form of searching. As a consequence, females are coerced into... more
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      Sexual ConflictIntergroup Conflict (Psychology)FranceBiological Sciences
The larvae and pupae of the ladybird Thalassa saginata develop inside colonies of the dolichoderine ant Dolichoderus bidens. This association is the first specific and obligatory relationship recorded between ants and ladybirds. The ants... more
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We conducted 10 mark-recapture experiments in natural populations of Trinidadian guppies to test hypotheses concerning the role of viability selection in geographic patterns of male color variation. Previous work has reported that male... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPigmentationSexual SelectionEvolution
How foragers balance risks during foraging is a central focus of optimal foraging studies. While diverse theoretical and empirical work has revealed how foragers should and do manage food and safety from predators, little attention has... more
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      Biological SciencesHerbivoryEcosystemPredatory Behavior
Whereas many land predators disappeared before their ecological roles were studied, the decline of marine apex predators is still unfolding. Large sharks in particular have experienced rapid declines over the last decades. In this study,... more
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      FisheriesEcologyPopulation DynamicsBiodiversity
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      AgricultureAgroecosystemsTheoretical biologyBiological Sciences