Recent papers in Postconflict
The ethnographic case upon which this article is based concerns a project of "governability strengthening" implemented in the indigenous municipality of Todos Santos Cuchumatán by an international NGO. Throughout the voices of the NGO... more
The relationship between conflict and post-conflict is connected to time and space. Postconflict can be considered to be a part of conflict, mainly because conflict does not stop after it, or, at least, does not stop for one of the groups... more
Lauren Berlant argues that one dimension of the cruelty of life under late capitalism, is that we get attached to a cluster of promises regarding the good life that are generated by and embedded in conditions that are already not working.... more
Following conflict, considerable effort is often dedicated to legislative reform. This effort includes not only domestic actors but also international actors frequently acting with the aim of establishing the rule of law. This article... more
Este trabajo muestra la resistencia civil que se dio para oponerse al conflicto que enfrentó a subversivos, Estado y paramilitares en las conocidas operaciones militares Mariscal y Orión del año 2002. Una resistencia enfocada en... more
Concluding chapter that summarizes findings from the book "Peacebuilding and Civil Society in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Ten Years after Dayton", edited by Martina Fischer, 2nd edition, 2007, Berlin: Lit-Verlag, pp. 441-470.
In recent years, Peruvian social anthropology has seen a rising production of audio-visual and artistic works within the discipline, ranging from written analyses that incorporate arts and crafts (Bernedo 2011; González 2011; Ulfe 2014;... more
Resumen El post-conflicto en Colombia es un tema complejo pero manejable; dado que en el país el conflicto no responde a un solo actor y ámbito. Sin embargo, el mayor actor armado que ha tenido Colombia, las FARC-EP, durante distintos... more
Mnogobrojna poslijeratna društva imaju problema s kulturom sjećanja što je uzrok mnogih sukoba u sadašnjosti i što utječe na svakodnevni život u područjima gdje su se sukobi dogodili. Cilj većine poslijeratnih društava (ili bi trebao... more
Local power in Colombia has been profoundly restructured since the mid-2000s, with the partial demobilization of paramilitary groups and the state's direct presence at the local level. This has led to the articulation of claims to new... more
The Dayton Accords ended the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1995. The 10th anniversary gives reason to investigate the post-war period, today's realities and future perspectives. Bosnian authors and international experts express their views... more
Colombia, Tierra de Luz). 052 2.5. Conocimiento sobre el Acuerdo de Paz ____ 054 2.6. Conclusiones ____ 011
Los acuerdos de paz alcanzados por el gobierno nacional y las FarC-eP demandan el apoyo de los diferentes sectores de la población colom-biana, para la construcción de la tan anhelada paz estable y duradera. Por lo anterior, la presente... more
Chapter on civil society and the prospects of reconciliation in Bosnia-Herzegovina, published in Martina Fischer (ed), "Peacebuilding and Civil Society in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Ten Years after Dayton", 2nd. edition, Berlin: Lit-Verlag,... more
Este artículo tiene dos objetivos: primero, elaborar una revisión de literatura de las investigaciones que han analizado la “convivencia” entre una democracia electoral relativamente funcional y un conflicto de alta intensidad en... more
Previous research has demonstrated that (re)building an active civic culture and support for human rights are prevalent goals in postconflict countries (Leidner & Li, 2015; Quaynor, 2012). This research report builds on previous work by... more
Este artículo conceptualiza la violencia después del conflicto, desarrolla su definición, los factores explicativos y construye una tipología de ocho formas de violencia. Una consideración central en este análisis es que existen... more
Le conflit armé colombien s’est caractérisé par une place centrale des conflits fonciers. Élément central dans la genèse des acteurs armés, ils ont également été alimentés par des stratégies de spoliation et d’accaparement de terres,... more
Interview with peace activists from the Western Balkans (Centre for Nonviolent Action Sarajevo/Belgrade) on experiences in dealing with the past and the prospects for reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, published in Martina Fischer... more
En decadas recentes, e nun crecente numero de escenarios de postconflito en todo o mundo, a participacion da comunidade internacional constituiuse nun elemento critico que, pese as limitacions derivadas da mesma complexidade do contexto,... more
The author turns to the question of “procedural obligations” stemming from the human rights standards, which bind the authorities to investigate crimes, as well as their applicability to the investigations conducted in the context of... more
Este artículo pretende reflexionar sobre los espacios de liderazgo que se afirman en las comunidades indígenas de Guatemala a partir del proceso de paz. Se evidencia cómo las lógicas de autoridad y prestigio y con éstas la idea misma de... more
Since the 1990s several Latin American countries have entered a phase defined as "post-conflict". This concept has quickly ceased to indicate a new beginning to become a common place underlining a governmentality model in continuity with... more
Numerous post-war societies have issues with the culture of remembrance, which is the cause of many conflicts in the present, and which affects everyday life in the areas where the conflicts took place. The goal of most post-war societies... more
Contribution to the Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation, in: Alex Austin, Martina Fischer and Norbert Ropers (eds.), Transforming Ethnopolitical Conflict. The Berghof Handbook, 2004, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, pp. 373-402 The chapter... more
Il Sahel, negli ultimi anni, ha assunto un'inedita strategicità geopolitica, frutto di diversi fattori, in primis la sua ricchezza di materie prime e risorse naturali, che le potenze extraregionali, come la Francia o la Cina, già stanno... more
The process through which coca leaves become coca paste, the first step in the production of cocaine, is something between a car mechanics and alchemy. The chemicals used are almost shockingly banal-cement, gasoline, ammonia; while the... more
This piece is second in a two-part series on crop substitution efforts in post-peace accord Colombia.
How do human rights activists imagine transitional justice amid sociopolitical conflicts that surface after peace agreements? Since its inception in the 2016 peace accords, Colombia’s renewed endeavor to come to terms with its violent... more
En la actualidad, el campo de la justicia transicional se aplica de manera preponderante en escenarios de (post)conflicto armado, razón por la cual a nivel teórico se ha empezado a argumentar a favor de la adopción de políticas de verdad,... more
Throughout the second half of the twentieth century, foreign aid has been held as the prescription drug for "fixing" the "diseases" of the developing world. Managing foreign aid revenues in a post-conflict environment presents an... more
Since the 1990s several Latin American countries have entered a phase defined as "post-conflict". This concept has quickly ceased to indicate a new beginning to become a commonplace underlining a governmentality model in continuity with... more
Cet article traite de l’affrontement identitaire opposant les unionistes aux nationalistes pour la possession de l’espace dans les quartiers de Belfast et Derry. Élément déterminant de la politique et l’identité en Irlande du Nord,... more
This report intends to establish a first approach for an urban recovery framework for post-conflict housing in Syria. This recovery framework has been established taking into account the country past experience in housing construction, as... more