Postcommunist Nostalgia
Recent papers in Postcommunist Nostalgia
Acest text autoetnografic este continuarea celor două eseuri ale autoarei, "Prinsă între două limbi și nicăieri acasă: experiențe din viața și munca mea de activistă-scriitoare" și "Autoetnográfia la margini – abecedar de expuneri la... more
As we have seen, Dubravka Ugrešić remembers the dismembered Yugoslavia through a rhetorical construction of a collective fi rstperson Yugoslav identity articulated in a language described only as 'ours'. Despite the country's rich... more
He earned a PhD from McGill University. His research interests include popular culture and theology, Christian-Muslim relations, and medieval theology and philosophy. M. Paula O'Donohoe holds a BA in social and cultural anthropology and... more
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, particularly during the hard transition of the 90s, the highly polarized Russian society revealed two main forms of remembering and coping with recent past. This past was either idealized as a time... more
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, particularly during the hard transition of the 90s, the highly polarized Russian society revealed two main forms of remembering and coping with recent past. This past was either idealized as a time... more
Straipsnyje pateikti Lietuvos studentų socialinio tinklo empirinio tyrimo duomenys. Tyrimo priemonė yra socialinio tinklo matrica (7X5). Tai 7 socialinio tinklo subjektai: tėvai, broliai, sutuoktiniai, draugai, giminaičiai, kaimynai,... more
tinklų analizė-XX-ojo ir XXI-ojo amžių sandūroje plačiai taikoma teorinė paradigma. Socialiniai tinklai tapo viena pagrindinių sąvokų tyrinėjant socialinius santykius sociologijoje, antropologijoje, medicinoje, vadyboje, komunikacijos ir... more
The members of the International Network for the Analysis of Intergenerational Relations (Generationes) proudly present the most recent issue of the jointly produced compendium "Generations, Intergenerational Relations and... more
- by Enikö Veress
Socialinių tinklų analizė – XX-ojo ir XXI-ojo amžių sandūroje plačiai taikoma teorinė paradigma. Socialiniai tinklai tapo viena pagrindinių sąvokų tyrinėjant socialinius santykius sociologijoje, antropologijoje, medicinoje, vadyboje,... more
Актуальность статьи обусловлена необходимостью изучения форм досуга населения городов. Статья написана на материалах социоантропологиче‑ ского исследования, проведенного в Республике Татарстан в марте 2020 г. среди жителей г. Казань.... more
The members of the International Network for the Analysis of Intergenerational Relations (Generationes) proudly present the most recent issue of the jointly produced compendium "Generations, Intergenerational Relations and... more
- by Kurt Lüscher
This article explores how challenging socio-political contexts have influenced the revival of antifascist heritage sites in post-Yugoslavian states. Despite the official politics of promoting national hegemony through adhering to... more
PHD SUMMARY [in Lithuanian and English] The object of this study is money. The subject is the transformations of symbolic exchange practices in the digital era. Money will be considered here both in terms of their social functionality and... more
В статье дается обоснование введения термина трофоним и его номинативного ва рианта рестороним для обозначения имен собственных, называющих заведения обще ственного питания. Выявлены современная система номенклатурных наименований... more
Аннотация. В центре статьи – специфика формирования имиджа ресторана в гипертекстовом пространстве жанров сайт и блог ресторана. Оба жанра рассматриваются в структуре ресторанного дискурса, под которым понимается особый тип коммуникации... more
Šiam straipsniui 1 pradžią suteikė diskusija apie liberaliai demokratijai pamatinį politikos ir religijos atskyrimą (Bielskis 2014). Jis tapo esminiu liberalizmo kaip politinės minties tradicijos ir politinės doktrinos, davusios pradžią... more
Straipsnio tikslas-išnagrinėti nacionalinės sociologijos istorijos sampratą ir aptarti metodologi nes problemas. Sociologijos istorijos istoriografijoje skirtinos dvi tradicijos: a) idėjų istorija, kuri apima biografinį požiūrį, paradigmų... more
La caduta del muro di Berlino è stata un’epocale frattura storica che ha trascinato con sé, fra l’altro, la dittatura di Ceausescu. Crollato anch’egli nel 1989, ha lasciato dietro di sé un Paese stremato che in pochi anni ha dovuto... more
Ha dirigido los documentales No te puedo llamar, Retrato y El Mundo de Raúl.
- by Zoe Miranda
Šiame straipsnyje analizuojamos biografinio metodo teorinės-metodologinės pozicijos, jų genezė bei esminės problemos. Biografinis metodas – tai viena iš sociologinės metodologijos krypčių, apimanti ne tik praktinius socialinio tyrimo... more
Esta nossa undécima vinda à capital da milenar Germânia tem a ver com a conclusão do livro "Berlin Stund Null-Berlim Ano Zero", cidade de tantas eras de trevas e de luzes. Tudo tem seu começo nos anos 800 com o imperador do Sacro Império... more
Straipsnyje analizuojami keturi sovietmečio Lietuvoje ėjusių pogrindžio leidinių-"Vyčio", "Rūpintojėlio", "Perspektyvų" ir "Lietuvos katalikų bažnyčios kronikos"-leidėjų tinklai. Pasitelkiant slaptųjų tinklų teoriją ir socialinių tinklų... more
This article focusses on the American reception of a British–Romanian documentary about the black market for VHS Hollywood films in 1980s Romania. The film uses two different registers of nostalgia. On the one hand, it functions as an... more
This article is based on the author's experience teaching American literature in Romania on a U.S. Fulbright Grant. This experience allowed the author to rethink his view of American literature in general, and his teaching of Ralph Waldo... more
This is a chapter from the book, Twenty Years After Communism: The Politics of Commemoration (2014).
Mai mult sau mai puțin dintr-o întîmplare, în vara lui 2017, m-am trezit, cu arme și bagaje, într-un teren de cercetare neprogramat, de această dată pe Valea Hîrtibaciului. Punct de convergență între Orient și Occident, aflată în... more
Дитер Зайтц • Фотографии • Fotografien
Маркус Кайзер • Эссе • Essays
Маркус Кайзер • Эссе • Essays
This article takes a sociological perspective on the phenomenon of national myth making in collective memory. It develops an original theoretical concept, the ghost hero. The ghost hero, we posit, is a reinvented historical actor who,... more
The essay draws attention to the second wave of post-communist nostalgia associated with a new generation of scholars and consumers who have no firsthand experience or memories of the socialist past. The essay shows how the decreasing... more
In the past few decades, we have witnessed the emergence of the research fields of both trauma and nostalgia. This volume seeks to explore implications of bringing the two together. Granting these scholarly developments in attending to... more
"When looking back at the early history of photography, one is reminded that its protagonists made work that took on all of the long-established genres then found in painting: istoria, or edifying narrative, genre, or scenes from daily... more
Mesmo após quase 27 anos da queda do Muro de Berlim, a memória da Alemanha Oriental ainda é alvo de disputas. Sua apropriação se dá, hoje, principalmente por meio da musealização e da comercialização de símbolos do passado, mas o peso das... more
Was Life Good in Communist Czechoslovakia? An Empirical Test of Halbwachs's Theory of Collective Memory. How do Czech high school students aged 15-20 years evaluate life in Czechoslovakia between 1948 and 1989? As Czechs (and Slovaks)... more
Sovietmečio atmintis gyvenimo istorijose. 2014. (D. Leinartė, L. Žilinskienė, S.Kraniauskienė, I. Šutinienė, I.Gečienė) Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. Knygos 5 skyriuje nagrinėjamas „sovietinės nostalgijos“ reiškinys ir jo... more
На примере ресторанов армянской кухни в Санкт-Петербурге исследуются вопросы о том, что делает этнический ресторан этническим, что можно узнать об этничности, исследуя ресторан национальной кухни, насколько образ армянской кухни,... more
Print version: Pravda, 22. 8. 2013, , vol. XXIII, p. 31. ISSN 1335-4051. V novembri 1989 sa Husákov režim, ktorého symbolickým začiatkom sa stala sovietska intervencia v auguste 1968, zrútil ako domček z karát. Málokto bol ochotný... more