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arald Szeemann, who prosaically dubbed himself an Austellungsmacher (exhibitionmaker) in the late 1960s, has since come to embody what Bruce Altshuler calls "the rise of the curator as creator." 1 This transformation from maker to... more
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      Curatorial Practice (Art)Institutional CritiqueArt in the former YugoslaviaArt History, Exhibition History, Museum and Curating Studies
review of Branislav Jakovljevic, Alienation Effects: Performance and Self-Management in Yugoslavia, 1945–91. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2016, and Armin Medosch, New Tendencies: Art at the Threshold of the Information... more
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      YugoslaviaArt in the former YugoslaviaMay 1968Fordism and Post-Fordism
The book focuses on the breakup of the Yugoslav Federation and wars that followed viewed through the comic art in the local and international press. War propaganda and political discourse are examined and placed in the larger historical... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesBalkan StudiesInternational SecurityKosovo
Before the former Yugoslavia was divided by wars, its inhabitants successfully lived side by side in peace. This collection seeks to explain how former neighbors became enemies, with the hope that understanding what drove these peoples... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Media and Cultural StudiesComics StudiesKosovo
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      Eastern European StudiesFeminist TheoryPerformance StudiesPerformance Art
During the period of NR/SR Bosnia & Herzegovina (1945-1992) thousands of monuments commemorating the People’s Liberation War, Struggle and Movement (commonly referred to in abbreviated form as NOR, NOB and NOP - henceforth collectively... more
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      Art in the former YugoslaviaMemorials and the Memorial Art-Work in the Public ArenaBosnia and HerzegovinaBosnian History
-O nestvaralačkim istraživanjima Gorana Đorđevića-Najranije javno pojavljivanje umetnika Gorana Đorđevića vezano je za njegovu prvu izložbu crteža/slika u foajeu Doma JNA u Prištini 1971. godine 1 , a tim povodom i za jedan intervju koji... more
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      Artistic ResearchConceptual ArtArt in the former YugoslaviaAppropriation Art
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      Eastern European StudiesPerforming ArtsPerformance StudiesPerformance Art
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      ArchitectureCentral European historyYugoslaviaArchitectural History
Pred okvirno 70 leti je v drugi oziroma tretji številki Zgodovinskega časopisa potekala vroča diskusija, ki še danes ni razrešena. Gre za eno najbolj perečih vprašanj arheologije v Sloveniji, to je problem staroslovanskega svetišča na... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyHistory of Archaeological Praxis
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      Contemporary ArtYugoslaviaConceptual Art20th century Avant-Garde
The Bosnian Case: Art, History and Memory concerns the representation of historic and traumatogenic events in art through the specific case of the war in Bosnia 1992-1995. The research investigates an aftermath articulated through the... more
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      HistoryPsychoanalysisMemory StudiesCultural Memory
Đorđe Andrejević-Kun: Blood-Soaked Gold. A Framework of Subversion This paper considers the pre-Second World War artistic and political career of the Yugoslav and Serbian artist Andrejevic-Kun (1904–1964). After 1934,... more
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      Socialist RealismArt in the former YugoslaviaArt and Politics
The Independent Group of Slovenian Artists At the start of the 1930s, a new generation of artists, educated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, stepped on the Slovenian art scene. The most prominent among them were assembled in... more
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      Art HistoryModern ArtYugoslaviaModernism (Art History)
Sanctioning Modernism: Architecture and the Making of Postwar Identities
Edited by Vladimir Kulić, Timothy Parker, and Monica Penick

Roger Fullington Series in Architecture
University of Texas Press, Austin
Copyright © 2014
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      Eastern European StudiesArchitectureCold War and CultureCultural Cold War
Work in progress and part of the bigger text.....
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryConceptual ArtArt in the former Yugoslavia
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      Balkan StudiesSoutheastern EuropeJewish Cultural StudiesArt in the former Yugoslavia
Prikupljajući materijal za istraživanje jugoslovenskog i postjugoslovenskog filma naišla sam na gotovo zaboravljenu formulaciju koja aludira na nezanimljivost i neinventivnost jedne faze u jugoslovenskom filmskom stvaralaštvu. Reč je o... more
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      Discourse AnalysisFilm StudiesFilm TheoryFilm Analysis
In the period from 1948 to 1970 urban housing architecture in Yugoslavia had a distinctly experimental character as it strived intensively towards research and establishment of new architectural patterns and values that would mark the... more
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      YugoslaviaModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)ModernismSocialism
Memory in the Balkans has often been described as binding, authoritative, and non-negotiable, functioning as a banner of war. This book challenges such a one-dimensional representation and offers a more nuanced analysis that accommodates... more
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      Balkan StudiesTrauma StudiesYugoslaviaMemory Studies
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      SocialismsModern ArchitectureArt in the former YugoslaviaHistory of Yugoslavia
This publication is a result and a recapitulation of the project "Art Always Has Its Consequences", which was a two-year collaborative platform (2008-2010) organized by new media (Novi Sad), (Budapest), Muzeum... more
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      Eastern European StudiesContemporary ArtCold War and CulturePerformance
Published September 2015: Edited by Zdenka Badovinac, Eda Čufer and Anthony Gardner Overview This book is the generously illustrated, lavishly documented, critically narrated... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryInstallation ArtPerformance Studies
Živko Stojisavljević (Benkovac, October 1st, 1900 – Belgrade, January 19th, 1978) Živko Stojisavljević received his first painting lessons in Zadar high school, and he continued his education in Italy. He lived in Florence and Rome, where... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtArt in the former YugoslaviaModern and Contemporary Art History and Theory, Contemporary Asian Art, Art and Globalization, Post-Colonialism
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      Cold War and CultureYugoslaviaArt in the former YugoslaviaYugoslav Modernism
"...Trifunović je svoj pedagoški rad na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu započeo 1957. godine kao asistent, da bi u periodu posle odbrane svoje seminalne doktorske disertacije Srpsko slikarstvo prve polovine XX veka (1960) postao docent... more
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      Art HistorySerbian historyYugoslavia (History)Art in the former Yugoslavia
Pojava alternativnog umetničkog izraza u kulturi i umetnosti, šezdesetih godina XX stoleća, predstavlja svakako jedan od najznačajnijih, ali i najmanje proučavanih fenomena. Alternativni umetnički izraz nastaje iz nezadovoljstva... more
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      Cultural PolicyArt Theory and PoliticsArt and ActivismArt in the former Yugoslavia
Tekst tematizira razvoj i promjene u području stripa i novinske ilustracije u kontekstu kulture i politike 80ih, te se osvrće na reinterpretacije i falsifikate u postsocijalističkim rekonstrukcijama i reinterpretacijama popularne kulture... more
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      Art in the former YugoslaviaSocialist YugoslaviaPopular culture in Yugoslaviadizajn u sfrj
This series of interviews documents the lives of artists and art professionals who worked in Kosovo and were part of the art scene in the 1970s, and steadily gained recognition in the Yugoslav art space over two decades. The political... more
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      Art HistoryKosovoModernism (Art History)Art in the former Yugoslavia
The exhibition Socialism and Modernity: Art, Culture and Politics 1950 – 1974, held by the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012 at the Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb was focused on the relation between the process of modernisation and... more
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      Graphic DesignYugoslaviaArt in the former YugoslaviaYugoslav Studies
One of the prominent ideologists of the Yugoslav national style before the First World War and in the interwar period, the critic, painter, conservator and collector Kosta Strajnić, upon his arrival and permanent residence in Dubrovnik... more
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    • Art in the former Yugoslavia
The paper discusses diplomatic and cultural political conditions for the inauguration of the Pavilion of Yugoslavia at the Venice Biennale in 1938. The first and second official participation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia at this... more
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      YugoslaviaArt in the former YugoslaviaBiennalesVenice Biennale
Early in 1940, the periodical Umetnički pregled [Art Review], published by the Museum of Prince Pavle, one of the most respected publications dealing with art in pre-World War Two Yugoslavia, published a text entitled “Today’s Shop... more
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      Cultural StudiesPopular CultureModern ArtSerbian history
The folk and popular cultures of former Yugoslav nation-states often present a case of longue durée ideological battles over meaning and belonging: Whose heritage is this? What community exclusively generated this precious (or despicable)... more
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      Popular MusicModernismFolk Appropriation in Art and Popular MusicArt in the former Yugoslavia
Yugoslavya Nedir?
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryArt History
Előszó 7 BEVEZETŐ 11 Hagyomány kitérő(k)ben – kérdésfelvetések, kételyek 13 Alakulások 21 ARCHEOLÓGIAI TÉR-KÉPZÉS 29 A nyugati és a határon túli magyar irodalom köztes tere 31 „tabuszövevény áthasítása” – Arkánum (1981−1996) 40 A hiány... more
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      IntermedialityPerformance ArtHungarian StudiesHungarian Literature
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      TotalitarianismYugoslav LiteratureCulture in the Soviet UnionMusic in Socialist Yugoslavia
The recording of the phenomenon of modernity when it appeared and became established in Serbian society and culture during the first half of the 20th century was thoroughly systematized historiographically and museologically during the... more
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryModern ArtSerbian history
The third ideological model in Serbian painting: art informel, Mediala, pop-art or the "new figuration"

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      Art in the former YugoslaviaArts, Politics and CultureArt Informel
Poglavlje iz knjige Dejan Kršić: “Mirko Ilić – strip | ilustracija| dizajn | multimedija 1975-2007”, AGM & Profil, Zagreb 2008.
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      Graphic DesignArt in the former YugoslaviaGraphic design in Yugoslavia
This chapter analyzes the case of architecture during communism in Yugoslavia through three dissimilar case studies. The establishment of the Communist Party after the Second World War affected also the position of architects in... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureYugoslaviaHistory of Art
U susret pedesetogodišnjici otvaranja zgrade Muzeja savremene umetnosti na Ušću, s nadom da će se tim povodom završiti njena rekonstrukcija koja traje predugih sedam godina, MSUB organizuje i drugu "pripremnu" izložbu za mnogo temeljniju... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtHistory of MuseumsArt in the former Yugoslavia
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesArt HistoryArt
In the final decade of Yugoslavia, characterized by social change, economic and political crisis, new spaces of art helped shape the art discourse of the period. Due to the economic situation and social changes, artists sought alternative... more
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      Art HistoryModern ArtYugoslaviaCultural Politics
Słowo redaktora serii Pierwsza naukowa pozycja wydana w serii Biblioteka Przekładów Literatur Słowiańskich pt. Od mobilności do interakcji. Dramat i teatr w Bośni i Hercegowinie, Czarnogórze, Chorwacji, Kosowie, Macedonii, Słowenii i... more
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      Theatre StudiesBosnian/Croatian/Serbian literatureArt in the former YugoslaviaMobility
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      ArchitectureCold War and CultureYugoslaviaArchitectural History
Kritički pregled umetničkih praksi u Srbiji devedesetih godina objavljen povodom istoimene izložbe u Muzeju savremene umetnosti u Beogradu 2005. Sadrži tekstove Branislave Anđelković, Branislava Dimitrijevića, Dejana Sretenovića,... more
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      Art in the former YugoslaviaSerbian artContemporarty Art
Bringing together newly commissioned essays predominantly from an emerging generation of researchers and writers, this reader focuses on conceptual and experimental artistic, curatorial and institutional practices that have rarely or... more
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      Art HistoryArt in the former YugoslaviaGlobal Art HistoryPeruvian art History
The aim of this paper is to show the cultural phenomena created by the construction of two buildings in a socialist, industrial city that have influenced its urban transformation. In the case of the second largest Montenegrin city,... more
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      Post-Socialist SocietiesModern ArchitectureUrban TransformationArt in the former Yugoslavia