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Neither whataboutism, nor negationism, isolationism or escapism will help Ukrainians to alleviate the accumulating embarrassment that Kyiv’s glorification of war-time ultra-nationalists creates among its friends in the EU, North America... more
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      Polish HistoryHistory and MemoryUkrainian StudiesUkrainian Politics
Review of Christoph Mick, "Lemberg, Lwów, L’viv, 1914–1947: Violence and Ethnicity in a Contested City" (West La- fayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 2015), 445 pp., ills. Bibliography. Index. ISBN: 978-1-55753-671-6.
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      ViolenceWorld War IWorld War IIGalicia
Pamięć historyczna i pojednanie narodowe są kwestiami drażliwymi – zwłaszcza gdy dotyczą one wielkich wojen, masowego mordu i cierpienia milionów ludzi w raczej niedawnej niż odległej przeszłości. Pamięć Ukrainy o sowieckiej historii... more
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      Post-Soviet PoliticsUkrainian PoliticsPost-Soviet StudiesUkrainian Nationalism
Papakin A. Józef Piłsudski a konflikt Polaków z Ukraińską Republiką Ludową w latach 1918-1919 // Żar niepodległości. Międzynarodowe aspekty życia i działalności Józefa Piłsudskiego / Pod red. L. Maliszewskiego. -Lublin: Norbertinum, 2004.... more
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      Polish-Ukrainian relationsPolish-Ukrainian War
Engraving workshop by Wincenty Stefan Wiśniewski and Gracjan Windyga in Warsaw: the beginning of activity and patriotic badges. The programme and abstracts of papers of the international numismatic conference "Numismatica Centroeuropaea... more
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      Polish Historyhistory of PolandPolish-Ukrainian relations in the 2nd half of the 20th centuryHistory of Poland in twentieth century
The end of the Great War, collapse of the centuries-old monarchies, redistribution of territories and the emergence of new powers in European spaces seemingly ended the suffering and atrocities of ordinary people. However, World War I... more
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      War StudiesEthnic Conflict and Civil WarPolish-Ukrainian relationsPolish-Ukrainian War
Based on new archival materials, the author traced combat service support of Galician Army artillery in 1918 – 1919. The main ways of artillery supply were studied. The number of artillery elements at different stages of Ukrainian-Polish... more
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      War StudiesFirst World WarUkraine (History)Ethnic Conflict and Civil War
This article presents an account of an anonymous officer of the Ukrainian Galician Army (UGA) from the POW camp in Pikulice at the end of 1919 and the beginning of 1920. The author focuses on discussing the living conditions in the camp,... more
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    • Polish-Ukrainian War
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    • Polish-Ukrainian War
The author analyzed the daily life of Galician soldiers, and their following of the basic rules of hygiene. Using newly found archival materials, the author studied methods and ways of treating diseases which occurred among soldiers of... more
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      War StudiesFirst World WarPolish-Ukrainian relationsPolish-Ukrainian War
Przeprowadzony w nocy z 19 na 20 marca 1919 roku wypad na osadę Waniów był jednym z epizodów obrony miasteczka Bełz podczas wojny polsko-ukraińskiej. Dwumiesięczne działania obronne skutecznie wiązały ukraińskie siły, odciążając tym samym... more
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      War StudiesPolish-Ukrainian War
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to introduce into scientific circulation the memoirs of Colonel of the Army of the Ukrainian People’s Republic Hnat Porokhivsky, which concerned his stay in Polish prisoner of war camps in Dąbie and... more
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      Prisoners of WarPolish-Ukrainian WarGalicia (Eastern Europe)Ukrainian People's Republic