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Visiting today's Lviv in search of the traces of Jewish past, one is confronted with scenes of desolation, void and emptiness, where a vibrant Jewish culture was once thriving. Although the urban landscape of the city is remarkably... more
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      History of LvivTwentieth-Century History of Eastern GaliciaGalicia (Eastern Europe)Eastern Galicia
In 1928, the Ossolineum celebrated centenary of existence. The total number of numismatic objects at that time can be estimated at c. 21,500 specimens (coins and medals of Poland and foreign lands, and ancient coins). One of the most... more
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      HistoryMuseum StudiesHistory of MuseumsNumismatics
Ця книжка — найбільший на сьогодні нарис історії Тернополя у форматі «для всіх». Це не екскурсії містом, не хроніка й не академічна історія. Це узагальнений науково-популярний погляд, в якому автор намагається подати тільки перевірені... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistorical AnthropologyUrban HistoryHistory of Science
Lemberg / Lwów / Lvov / Lviv : identités d’une « ville aux frontières imprécises » Delphine BECHTEL (Université Paris IV Sorbonne et CIRCE) « Ville aux frontières imprécises » selon l’expression de l’écrivain Joseph Roth, Lemberg /... more
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      Ukraine (History)Twentieth-Century History of Eastern GaliciaGalicia (Eastern Europe)
Збірник розвідок про історію Тернополя, а передусім тернополян XVI-ХХ століть. Книга про українців, поляків, євреїв, які творили Тернопіль, починаючи від його заснування у 1540 році.
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      Eastern European StudiesUkraine (History)Twentieth-Century History of Eastern GaliciaTernopil
From Lemberg to L’viv Conflict over Memory in a City on the Border Delphine Bechtel English Abstract Throughout its history, L’viv has belonged to different empires. Its multi-ethnic population consisted primarily of Poles, Jews, and... more
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      Ukrainian Nationalism, Nationalism, History of UkraineGalicia (Eastern Europe)
Book Galicyjskie wybory. Działalność Centralnego Komitetu Wyborczego dla Galicji Wschodniej w latach 1867-1906, Warszawa 2014 (Wydawnictwo Sejmowe)
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      19th Century (History)History of ElectionsWyboryAustria-Hungary
[Title in English: At the meeting point of cultures and nations. Galician cities and towns in the Josephine land cadastre, Volume XVII: Jabłonów, Peczeniżyn and Pistyń]
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      Habsburg StudiesJoseph II. and JosephinismHabsburg Monarchy in the 18th centuryGalicia (Eastern Europe)
Save half-wild children of Nature. The Problem of syphilis in the Hutsul villages in Huculszczyzna – the work of Włodzimierz Szuchiewicz In the narratives of the nineteenth-century ethnographers, the population of Hutsul villages was... more
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      Eastern European StudiesSocial History of MedicineSyphilisEtnography
"Galicyjski Eksodus" przedstawia zapominane doświadczenie uchodźstwa lat I wojny światowej. Autor dotarł do źródeł austriackich, czeskich, węgierskich, słoweńskich, ukraińskich i polskich, by ukazać sytuację od ucieczki i ewakuacji w... more
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      Habsburg StudiesForced MigrationMigration HistoryHistory of Migration
The first in a series of papers on Roman coin finds from western Ukraine focuses on finds from Lviv District. Both authors are participants in the project " Finds of Roman Coins from Poland and Territories Historically Associated with... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyNumismaticsArchives
An article from: „Litopys. Studia i materiały Ukraińskiego Towarzystwa Historycznego w Polsce” 2013, nr 3, s. 5˗21.
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      History of ElectionsPolish-Ukrainian relationsPolish and Ukrainian HistoryGalicia (Eastern Europe)
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      ElectionsElections and Voting BehaviorLwówHistory of Lviv
Famine is always an extreme, tragic and destructive experience for both the individual and the community. In the years 1946–1947 a wave of famine hit Soviet Ukraine, affecting more than four million people (in the pre-war and post-war... more
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      Oral historyMemory StudiesAnthropology of MemoryAnthropology of Experience
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie; detaillierte bibliographische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
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      German HistoryPolish HistoryNationalismTotalitarianism
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to introduce into scientific circulation the memoirs of Colonel of the Army of the Ukrainian People’s Republic Hnat Porokhivsky, which concerned his stay in Polish prisoner of war camps in Dąbie and... more
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      Prisoners of WarPolish-Ukrainian WarGalicia (Eastern Europe)Ukrainian People's Republic
The present paper examines the territorial status of Eastern Galicia, a trans-border region in Eastern Europe, through the prism of armed struggle and international competition for its oil fields after the First World War. Drawn into... more
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      Ukraine (History)history of PolandFrench foreign policyHistory of Oil Politics
[in:] Україна–Європа–Світ. Міжнародний збірник наукових праць. Серія: Історія, міжнародні відносини, Вип. 18, Тернопіль, 2016, с. 215–237. Yandrus, antek, makhabunda and others. Ukrainian and local receptions of batyar subculture on the... more
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      Eastern European StudiesSubculturesUkrainian StudiesYouth Subcultures
יונתן מאיר עלילות הספר העברי וייסורי המחבר הסאטירי: 'התנצלות' יוסף פרל לספר בוחן צדיק, 1838 דחק לספרות יפה ז (תשע"ו), עמ' 705-688 המאמר כולל מהדורה מוערת ומבוארת של ההנצלות על פי דפוס ראשון ומספר כתבי יד והוא מהווה פתח למהדורה מדעית שלמה... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEastern European StudiesHebrew LiteratureYiddish Literature
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      Jewish StudiesEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryHabsburg StudiesSecularization
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      Eastern European StudiesPolish HistoryHolocaust StudiesHistory of the Jews
Redakcja nie zwraca materiałów niezamówionych. Decyzja o opublikowaniu tekstu uzależniona jest od opinii redakcji i recenzentów. Redakcja zastrzega sobie prawo modyfikowania tytułów i skracania tekstów przeznaczonych do druku. Artykuły... more
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      Computer ForensicsTerrorismIntelligenceArmed Conflict
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      Ukraine (History)Twentieth-Century History of Eastern GaliciaGalicia (Eastern Europe)
Socio-Cultural Dimension of Epidemia of Syfilise in Eastern Galicia at the Time XIX/XX Century. On the Example of the Hutsul Region In the researchers and writers narratives of the nineteenth-century population of Hutsul villages was... more
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      EthnographySocial History of MedicineEtnografiaHistory of Ethnology
[Title in English: Na styku kultur i narodów. Galicyjskie miasta i miasteczka w józefińskim katastrze gruntowym, Tom XXXVII: Bursztyn, Delatyn i Kozowa]
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      Economic HistoryHabsburg StudiesLand SurveyingCadastre
In her critical reflection on Polish subaltern studies on Polish-Ukrainian relations Glinianowicz draws attention to the Ruthenian/Ukrainian comprador elites who competed with the Polish nobility for knowledge/power over the Ruthenian... more
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      SexualityEmancipationUkrainian LiteratureElites
Leopolis in Latin, Lemberg in German, Lwów in Polish, Lviv in Ukrainian, this city located in the historic province of Eastern Galicia (Galizien, Galicja, Halychyna) has a history marked by the successive conquests of the region by... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesUkraine (History)Austria-HungaryHistory of Ukraine
Монографія є комплексним дослідженням життєпису та сфер діяльності Степана Івановича Федака – українського адвоката, громадського діяча, засновника та керівника національних економічних і гуманітарних організацій в Україні. На основі... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesBiographyAdvocacy and ActivismUkrainian History
Article from: "Historia Slavorum Occidentis" 2014, nr 1(4), pp. 43-71.
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      Elections and Voting BehaviorElection CampaigningLwówHistory of Lviv
The Holocaust left a tremendous impact on the urban and rural landscape of former Galicia. But places where Jews lived and died were often left abandoned, unmarked, if not looted and desecrated. What do we see today when looking at these... more
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      Commemoration and MemoryHolocaust StudiesUkraine (History)Galicia (Eastern Europe)
The paper aims at acquainting the reader with an unknown typescript by Marian Tyrowicz (1901-89), a Lvov-born researcher of Galicia (Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria) who was a professor of the Higher School of Pedagogy (today’s... more
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      Historiography19th Century (History)HistoriografiaPolish-Ukrainian relations
У статті автор аналізує адвокатську діяльність львівського адвоката Степана Федака в період 1880–1900-х рр. Джерельною основою виступають публікації галицьких періодичних видань цього періоду й кореспонденція. На основі співставлення... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesBiography19th Century (History)Advocacy and Activism
UNKNOWN LETTERS OF STEPAN FEDAK`S TO IVAN FRANKO (1902–1904) Summar The article analyses several letters of Stepan Fedak to Ivan Franko, written during 1902–1904, and describes the main issues that became the subject of the... more
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      Ukraine (History)Advocacy and ActivismHistory of UkraineTwentieth-Century History of Eastern Galicia
The primary purpose of the article is to highlight the activity of S. Fedak as a participant of Ukrainian humanitarian organization Ukrainian Civil Committee (UCC). After the establishment of Polish rule over Eastern Galician Ukrainian,... more
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      Ukrainian HistoryGalicia (Eastern Europe)
Trauma of Bystanders, Trauma of Victims? Holocaust and Massacres of Poles in memory of people born in Eastern Galicia The article aims to show the trauma bystanders as well as the trauma victims of the World War 2. Based on the examples... more
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      Trauma StudiesMemory StudiesHolocaust and Genocide StudiesBiographical Research
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      Twentieth-Century History of Eastern GaliciaHolocaust In UkraineGalicia (Eastern Europe)Jews in Russia and Ukraine
Relacje polsko-ukraińskie na Wołyniu w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym. "Kilka uwag z powodu naszej klęski wyborczej na Wołyniu" (1922 r.) Zamieszczony poniżej dokument, stworzony przez polskiego działacza społeczno-politycznego na Wołyniu... more
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      Galician StudiesUkrainian StudiesInterwar Period HistoryUkrainian History
У дисертації досліджено основні сфери діяльності С. Федака – адвоката, засновника та керівника національних економічних і культурних організацій. З’ясовано фактори, що впливали на формування світогляду і становлення особистості діяча.... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesBiographyUkraine (History)Advocacy and Activism
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      BiographyUkrainian HistoryBukowinaGalicia (Eastern Europe)
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      Catholic Church HistoryRussian Imperial HistoryPolish-Ruthenian BorderGalicia (Eastern Europe)