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The paper presents the results of research on cacti such as Gymnocalycium baldianum, Gymnocalycium mihanovichii, Notocactus eugeniae and Notocactus leninghausii, aimed at improving plant growth and defense against the pathogenic fungus... more
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      Sustainable agricultureEnvironmental SustainabilityCactusArbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Sammataro & Avitabile Beekeepeng Handbook #beekeepeng handbook beekeepeng's diana sammataro arıcılık kitapı arıçılıq kitabı
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      BeekeepingBeesHoneyAncient Beekeeping
There are various plants with potential feeding importance to honey bee, Apis mellifera, colonies as source of pollen, nectar or both. Selection of suitable regions for apiaries mainly depends on the availability of honey bee plants in... more
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      Medicinal PlantsBeesFloraHoneybees
Cláudia Inês Da Silva, Jefferson Nunez Radaeski, Mariana Nicolisi Arena, Soraia Giradi Bauermann, Atlas of pollen and plants used by bees. Consultoria inteligente en Servicios Interssistemicos, Rio Claro,  250 p. (ISBN 978-65-86372-01-4).
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      Pollen MorphologyStingless BeesTaxonomy, Palynology, Spores and Pollenentomology (HONEYBEE/STINGLESS BEE HEALTH AND NUTRITION)
Cláudia Inês Da Silva, Jefferson Nunez Radaeski, Mariana Nicolisi Arena, Soraia Giradi Bauermann, Atlas of pollen and plants used by bees. Consultoria inteligente en Servicios Interssistemicos, Rio Claro,  250 p. (ISBN 978-65-86372-01-4).
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      Pollen MorphologyEcology and Conservation of BeesStingless BeesArchaeobotany, Pollen Analysis, Palaeoecology
The 43rd International Apicultural Congress Apimondia took place in the Ukrainian capital, the city of Kiev on September 29th – October 04th 2013, in which we were participants and presented our work. On November 04th – 9th 2014 we also... more
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      Honeybee PathologyBeesHoneybeesHoneybee Research
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      BeesHoneybeesForage species evaluation, grazing and pasture intake studiesHoney Bees
1. Changes in agricultural practice across Europe and North America have been associated with range contractions and a decline in the abundance of wild bees. Concerns at these declines have led to the development of flower-rich... more
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      AgroecologyBeesPollinatorsEcology and Conservation of Bees
Beekeeping is a dynamic activity and is impacted by many factors. A comprehensive survey was done from September 2013 to April 2015 to understand the current status of beekeeping in the Arabian countries, and to identify the urgent needs... more
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      BeekeepingBeesEcology and Conservation of BeesHoney Bees
Cláudia Inês Da Silva, Jefferson Nunez Radaeski, Mariana Nicolisi Arena, Soraia Giradi Bauermann, Atlas of pollen and plants used by bees. Consultoria inteligente en Servicios Interssistemicos, Rio Claro,  250 p. (ISBN 978-65-86372-01-4).
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)Pollen MorphologyPollen analysisEcology and Conservation of Bees
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      Nigerian LiteratureBeesHoneybeesForage species evaluation, grazing and pasture intake studies
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      ApicultureForaging ecologyHoney BeesPlants for Bees
Resumen En el Caribe, una parte importante de los recursos florales aprovechados por las abejas proviene de la vegetación natural y sus remanentes. Dada la tendencia de que los paisajes bajo influencia agropecuaria se tornan más... more
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      Landscape EcologyNatural Resource ManagementVegetation EcologyPlants for Bees
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      Nigerian LiteratureNigeriaBeesForage species evaluation, grazing and pasture intake studies
Rhizomes branched or unbranched, erect, ovoid; stolons slender. Leaves: petiole sparsely to densely pubescent. Leaf blade abaxially purplish, adaxially green, nearly orbicular, to ca. 3 × 3 dm, margins spinous-dentate; venation radiate... more
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      Nigerian LiteratureNigeriaBeesForage species evaluation, grazing and pasture intake studies
There are enormous challenges for managed honey bee, Apis mellifera, colonies in the world. Climate change is expected to be the major threat for honey bees in the future. Climate change can impact honey bee colonies negatively and/or... more
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      Climate Change ImpactsBeesClimate Change and Food SecurityEcology and Conservation of Bees
Se ofrece un panorama de la diversidad, la historia natural y la conservación de las abejas de Costa Rica, las cuales se destacan por mantener una relación simbiótica con las flores y por preservar el planeta. AUTORES: Jorge Arturo Lobo... more
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      Pollination ecologyBeesPollinatorsEcology and Conservation of Bees
Cucurbita pepo L. (Cucurbitaceae) was an integral component of the diet of Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures and is an important cash crop with high cultural value in contemporaneous indigenous populations of Guatemala. Despite the... more
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      Ecology and Conservation of BeesPlants for Bees
Native bee community diversity is known to vary temporally in the Neotropics, but little research has been done to quantify the extent of this variation. We studied monthly variation in native bee diversity in tropical semi-deciduous... more
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      BeesSolitary beesNative BeesPlants for Bees
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      Nigerian LiteratureNigeriaBeesForage species evaluation, grazing and pasture intake studies
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      ApicultureNigeriaSavanna EcologyBeekeeping
Keeping honey bee colonies in isolated areas can cause inbreeding. The inbreeding over a long period is good for the purity of bee subspecies but also has some negative effects including the low performance of colonies. This study was... more
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      Native BeesPlants for Bees
Little is known about the wax cell caps of the Western honey bees, Apis mellifera. I examined the structure of worker, drone, and honey cell caps, as well as the behavior of honey bee workers when presented with removed cell caps. Three... more
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      BeesStingless BeesHoney BeesNative Bees
In the Central Cordillera of the Dominican Republic, in the opinion of local dwellers natural fertility is higher in stonier soils than in soils without stones or with few stones. This was confirmed by analysis of data from 20 soils on... more
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      Human EcologyNatural Resource ManagementLand-use planningLand Use Change
The impact of bees (Apis mellifera L.) as pollinators in the yield of the zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) crop in the Riobamba canton, Chimborazo province, was evaluated using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). This was done using... more
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      PollinationFertilizerPlants for Bees
A preliminary checklist of the herpetofauna of Palestine (West Bank and Gaza Strip) Governorates is presented based on records of amphibian and reptile species whose presence has been confirmed in Palestine's governorates as a result of... more
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      AquacultureWildlifeHoney BeesPlants for Bees
This research was carried out in Ituverava SP Brazil, to evaluate frequency, nectar or pollen hoarding by insects, opening and closing time of flowers in okra crop, Abelmoschus esculentus (Malvaceae) var. Chifre-de-veado, and the effect... more
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      Insect-Plant InteractionsBeesStingless BeesHoney Bees
Autumn is a critical period for honey bee colonies and the weak colonies during autumn are likely to be lost during winter. The colonies need good pollen sources during this period to be able to foster enough brood, to boost colonies... more
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      BeesApis melliferaPlantsHoney Bees
In this study the possibility of using liquid Inula viscosa (Dittrichia viscosa L.) to improve the growth and quality of Oscularia deltoides and Corpuscolaria lehmanii plants and protection against Aphis nerii was evaluated. The 3... more
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      Biocontrol of Plant PathogensMedicinal PlantsMicroorganismsBiostimulation
Studies on the insect pollinators diversity and their relative abundance in Eruca sativa Mill. (Arugula) and Brassica rapa L. (field mustard) was carried out during spring season from February to April consecutively during all the three... more
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      DiversityBeesPollinator lossField Crops
A preliminary checklist of the herpetofauna of Palestine (West Bank and Gaza Strip) Governorates is presented based on records of amphibian and reptile species whose presence has been confirmed in Palestine's governorates as a result... more
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      AquacultureWildlifeHoney BeesPlants for Bees
O estudo palinológico de Mimosa L. teve por finalidade caracterizar as espécies do gênero ocorrentes na vegetação de caatinga do Nordeste brasileiro. Foram examinadas 39 espécies que tiveram seus grãos de pólen acetolisados, medidos,... more
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      Plant BiologyPalynologyPlants for Bees
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      Urban PlanningBeekeepingSustainable CitiesHoney Bees
RESUMO -(Palinologia de espécies de Mimosa L. (Leguminosae -Mimosoideae) do Semi-Árido brasileiro). O estudo palinológico de Mimosa L. teve por finalidade caracterizar as espécies do gênero ocorrentes na vegetação de caatinga do Nordeste... more
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      Plant BiologyPalynologyPlants for Bees
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      Nigerian LiteratureNigeriaBeesForage species evaluation, grazing and pasture intake studies
O estudo palinológico de Mimosa L. teve por finalidade caracterizar as espécies do gênero ocorrentes na vegetação de caatinga do Nordeste brasileiro. Foram examinadas 39 espécies que tiveram seus grãos de pólen acetolisados, medidos,... more
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      Plant BiologyBiologyPalynologyPlants for Bees
Keeping honey bee colonies in isolated areas can cause inbreeding. The inbreeding over a long period is good for the purity of bee subspecies but also has some negative effects including the low performance of colonies. This study was... more
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      BiologyHoneybee behaviorNative BeesPlants for Bees
bớt cân nặng từ xưa cho đến nay vốn là mối đon đả cao cấp chẳng những riêng của các chị em Ngoài ra là của người bao gồm cân nặng quá cỡ. Để bớt cân cấp tốc, có không ít cách bao gồm sàng lọc cho bản thân mình khẩu phần giảm cân tương... more
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      Ludwig van BeethovenNative BeesPlants for Bees
Studies on the insect pollinators diversity and their relative abundance in Eruca sativa Mill. (Arugula) and Brassica rapa L. (field mustard) was carried out during spring season from February to April consecutively during all the three... more
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      DiversityBeesPollinator lossField Crops
Studies on the insect pollinators diversity and their relative abundance in Eruca sativa Mill. (Arugula) and Brassica rapa L. (field mustard) was carried out during spring season from February to April consecutively during all the three... more
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      BeesPollinator lossPlant-pollinator interactionsPollinators
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      Nigerian LiteratureNigeriaBeesForage species evaluation, grazing and pasture intake studies