Phrasal Verbs
Recent papers in Phrasal Verbs
U radu se razmatra semantička priroda dve kategorije osnovnih boja, white i black u engleskom jeziku i beo i crn u srpskom jeziku. Kontrastivna analiza dva para prideva zasnovana je na korpusu sačinjenom od 35 engleskih i srpskih fraznih... more
The paper deals with two ways of igurativeness of human Resource Management (hRM) vocabulary -igurative expressions belonging to the building and construction domain, on the one hand, and igurative phrasal verbs used to talk about human... more
This is a 4 page booklet with most common phrasal verbs in English for students in the WRS&CONV courses
A account for: chiếm, giải thích allow for: tính đến, xem xét đến ask after: hỏi thăm sức khỏe ask for: hỏi xin ai cái gì ask sb in/ out : cho ai vào/ ra urge sb into/ out of : thuyết phục ai làm gì/không làm gì B to be over: qua rồi to... more
The aim of this paper is to investigate Polish equivalents of English phrasal verbs as found in an English-Polish (E-P) parallel corpus PHRAVERB. Given the semantic idiosyncrasy exhibited by phrasal verbs, it is assumed that the... more
Chinese language has almost one character per every word, therefore the memorization and the active use of the language for a speaker with a native Indo-European language background must be harder than for a Chinese person. Nonetheless,... more
Abstract (in English) This review talks about the main analysis of prepositions with regards to their relations with verbs in Malay predicates in the book 'Perkaitan sintaksis-semantik kata kerja dengan preposisi bahasa Melayu' [The... more
This paper provides a description of English particle phrases (PrtPs), which I define differently than in much generative work, where 'particle phrase' refers to the presumed constituent formed by the particle and the phrasal verb's... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate the use and avoidance of English phrasal verbs by Saudi EFL learners and to examine teachers' perception towards the teaching and inclusion of English phrasal verbs in the present textbooks. To... more
Az angol phrasal verb kifejezés sehogy nem mondható magyarul, ráadásul értelmezése is több -minimum kettőakad. Azt, hogy idiom, bizton nevezhetjük magyarul is idiómának, s noha nem is két, de huszonkét dolgot is szokás érteni alatta,... more
English aspectual particles in phrasal verbs have been since Brinton (1985) commonly treated as markers of telicity, i.e. markers of an inherent endpoint of events, e.g. eat (atelic) – eat up (telic). The present paper tests this... more
English preposition is one of the hardest features to learn and master, especially by 'nonnative' speakers of the English language; hence, several Filipinos tend to interchange particle/preposition in phrasal verbs (PhVs) (e.g., and). As... more
This thesis explores the difference between separable and non-separable transitive English phrasal verbs, focusing on finding a reason for the non-separable verbs’ lack of compatibility with the word order alternation which is present... more
Choose the right answer
L O P V P M E/T • abide by keep to rules, decisions, If you decide to do it, you'll have to abide by their strict rules.
Providing a detailed and comprehensive account of the development of phrasal verbs from Early Modern to Present-day English, this study covers almost 400 years in the history of English, and provides both a diachronic and synchronic... more
This paper examines the temporal semantic properties of English phrasal verbs with the particles down, off and up in the progressive aspect. The analysis includes testing of telicity, dynamicity and stativity components of meaning. The... more
Le espressioni multiparola costituiscono una parte fondamentale del nostro lessico mentale, nonché l’oggetto di studio privilegiato di discipline applicative come la linguistica computazionale, la fraseologia e la lessicografia.... more
This study explores the use of phrasal verbs in English language documents of the European Union (EU) as part of a larger-scale project examining the use of English in EU texts from various aspects including lexical, lexico-grammatical... more
Recent studies in different parts of the world have highlighted that phrasal verbs constitute a learning difficulty for English language learners despite their confirmed significance and high productivity in English. Proposed explanations... more
Learning chunks of language helps learners sound more natural. Central to the lexical approach is the focus on teaching real English and a shift away from the artificial language found in ELT textbook and which is drawn from the intuition... more
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This study gives some insights how to assist foreign language learners of English, not just students but teachers and translators as well, to understand and memorize more easily verb-particle constructions so that they can use them in... more
The paper presents pedagogical implications of theoretical research into phrasal verbs, a common problem for learners of English. As they do not constitute a homogenous semantic group, their learning can be facilitated by focusing on... more
Teaching English Phrasal Verbs to Non-native Speakers of English Ali Yunis Aldahesh The University of Sydney Abstract: Researchers as well as learners of English language agree, to a great extend, that the phenomenon of English phrasal... more
Le costruzioni verbali che vanno sotto il nome di phrasal verbs o verb-particle combinations, estremamente comuni e produttive nelle lingue germaniche, hanno suscitato da sempre l'attenzione di linguisti teorici e applicati. Basterà... more
This study presents a critique of some of the corpus-based studies on phrasal verbs carried out in different types of corpora. Not only is it an attempt to provide the reader with some of the revealing findings these works have to offer... more
This study analyses Chinese learners' use of phrasal verbs from a longitudinal perspective. Through a comparison of the learners' output of phrasal verbs with that of two groups of native English speakers (American university students and... more
Phrasal Verbs: Circle the correct words to form a phrasal verb.
Since we live in an increasingly globalized world, we are definitely more well-informed about the world happenings through various mediums of globalization such as internet, news agencies, news channels, etc. Here lies the important and... more