Philosophy of the City
Recent papers in Philosophy of the City
Obwohl sich die „Philosophie der Stadt“ in den letzten Jahr-zehnten dynamisch entwickelt hat, stellt sie noch keine klar konturierte philosophi-sche Teildisziplin dar. Dieser Zustand birgt Chancen und Probleme: Die... more
The distinction between natural and urban spaces permeates much of Western dominant political and environmental philosophy. This distinction in itself need not be problematic when used as an observational or descriptive category. However,... more
Resumen: Con relación a la construcción, el crecimiento y la refundación de las ciudades en Hispanoamérica y, en concreto, valiéndose como caso de estudio del proyecto de una nueva Riobamba propuesto por Darquea, se ensaya aquí la... more
City-based citizenship (city-zenship) and its ecological ramifications increasingly inform people’s social and political lives, rendering the link between ecological citizenship and political city-zenship a topical subject for analysis.... more
Osservare la città oggi è un modo di riflettere e comprendere più ampiamente il fenomeno giuridico nella sua complessità. Vedere il diritto attraverso la città consente infatti di mettere a fuoco molti problemi giuridici della... more
The aim of this work is to describe the moral and political implications of urbanism. To do so I will argue that urbanism is an object for philosophical inquiry (Chapter 2). In Chapter 2 I will present my definition of something I call... more
Other Labyrinths On the basis of case studies, the book draws up a typology of five literary labyrinth models (city labyrinths, library labyrinths, mirror labyrinths, cave labyrinths, desert labyrinths) on a broad textual basis and... more
Uncertainty is the core feature of complexity. In the present chapter, we will focus on those forms of uncertainty usually encountered in the assessment of, and intervention in, complex urban systems. After some pioneering contributions... more
What is street art? This paper offers a definition of street art as an art kind or art form based on its essential value: its subversiveness. It argues that street art is essentially subversive partly in virtue of using public space as a... more
This article o ers a philosophical account of a range of urban phenomena that are integral to the visual fabric of the modern city and, at the same time, external to the visual order administered by the city’s rulers. Explaining why the... more
La colaboración enfatiza el carácter corpocéntrico de los edificios desde el giro espacial en la filosofía y el giro forense en la antropología del último siglo. Analiza el cambio en la ejecución de la guerra y la metamorfosis en la forma... more
The path undertaken by social movements and the Municipality of Naples regarding the commons in the last ten years (2011-2021) comprises several administrative acts. The aim of this report is to illustrate some key passages of this... more
Cities are mysteriously attractive. The more we get used to being citizens of the world, the more we feel the need to identify ourselves with a city. Moreover, this need seems in no way distressed by the fact that the urban landscape... more
In De civitate Dei, Augustine defines the city (civitas) twice. In book I, chapter 15, he defines the city as ‘a concordant multitude of human beings’ (concors hominum multitudo), while in book XV, chapter 8, he defines it as ‘a multitude... more
William Fitzstephen wrote his Life of Thomas Becket in the years 1173-1174. The archbishop had been murdered in Canterbury cathedral a scant three years earlier on December 29,1170, and was canonized in early 1173. And yet William begins... more
An incomplete draft of this text was published in Democracy and Nature; the final version was published as Ch. 10 of John P. Clark, _The Impossible Community: Realizing Communitarian Anarchism_ (New York and London: Bloomsbury, 2013).
This paper addresses the relations between art and everyday life in the city from the vantage points of urban aesthetics and sociology, where the “city” refers as well to a normative world. The aim is to show how art/artistic life... more
Şehir, somut ve sınırlı bir üretim alanı değil; yaşayan, canlı, değişken, karmaşık olanaklardan oluşan bir ouevre gibidir. Onu, tüm bu oluşumsallığı içerisinde görebilmek için bakışlarımızı içerisinde var olduğumuz yere yani gündelik... more
Το κείμενο πραγματεύεται την συσχέτιση των δύο γειτονικών πόλεων της Θεσσαλίας Βόλο και Λάρισα με αφορμή την θέση τους γεωγραφικά αλλά και την διαφορετικότητα στην αστική τους εγκατάσταση με βασικό κριτήριο το έδαφος. Ξεκινάει από την... more
This article explores the concept of violence in Peter Ackroyd's novel titled Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem. The relationship between the protagonist and the city is considered to be the source of violence in the novel. As this work... more
Intorno al giardino, alla città e all’utopia ruota e si sviluppa l’intera vicenda dell’uomo, il quale ha sempre tentato di realizzare uno spazio che rendesse possibile la massima felicità e che escludesse, il più possibile, la... more
What makes an urban settlement a city (I deliberately avoid the suggestion of a hierarchy of towns and cities here) is done and felt very di!erently by di!erent agents and is often inaccessible to external as well as internal observers of... more
This entry focuses on Sadegh Hedayat’s travelogue Isfahan, Half of the World which is an early and celebrated example of travelogue in Persian literature. I will discuss Hedayat’s admiring and critical view of Isfahan as the most... more
Talk about the ways private ownership of the spaces we move through influences our legal right to the city, and some of the strategies that may be used by individuals or groups to reclaim the city.
From a historico-philosophical reading of graveyards and their development into the modern cemetery form, the thesis investigates the political scope of funerary spaces by articulating concepts of territoriality, politics, and... more
In recent years biomimicry has emerged as a powerful response to the problem of sustainability and today exerts an important influence on both architecture and urbanism. The implications of this trend for the humanities have, however,... more
Architectural Alterity: Through mediation alterity unveils the excluded “others” that are the genesis of architecture. Conceptually, architectural identity originates in separation: of interior from exterior, culture from nature, the... more
P.A. Persona e Amministrazione è una pubblicazione on line dell'Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo. Lo sviluppo e la manutenzione di questa PA PERSONA E AMMINISTRAZIONE Ricerche Giuridiche sull'Amministrazione e l'Economia... more
My thesis is that current cities and the way that cities are being developed is unsustainable and poses global problems for the long-term flourishing of the world’s inter-related and interdependent economies, for matters of justice and... more
قدّمت الورقة محاولة للتنبّؤ بسير عملية إعادة إعمار بيروت في أعقاب انفجار المرفأ في 4 آب/ أغسطس 2020، وكان هذا أولاً بناءً على دراسة وقراءة المؤشرات الحالية للعملية والفاعلين المختلفين بها وخصوصًا في ظل التغيير الذي شهده لبنان على مستوى... more
This chapter attends to somaesthetic expressions occurring irrespective of knowledge of the movement, using Mandalay’s Water Festival and Cairo’s Arab Spring as case studies. These celebrations and protests feature bodies creatively... more
This project explores the idea of justice in urban contexts. There is no general consensus in the social sciences about what type of human produce a city is. Its definition cannot therefore serve as a point of departure for its moral and... more
This Special Volume is dedicated to an increasingly central direction in contemporary philosophical aesthetics that has also been gaining interest in the dynamically developing multidisciplinary field of the philosophy of the city. In... more
Vivimos, desde hace más de un siglo, la época de las grandes ciudades y, coincidentemente, el tiempo de las grandes guerras, una epoca caracterizada por la destrucción monumental. Ante este panorama, Urbicidio: filosofía de la ciudad... more
Resumen: Desde la experiencia de conformación de una cooperativa de viviendas de ayuda mutua en la Ciudad Vieja de Montevideo en lotes dispersos, se propone una reflexión sobre teoría de la comunicación urbana, como aporte a dicho proceso... more
How does woman experience the City? In addressing that question, this work focuses on the theme of tension, specifically the tension of visibility-invisibility, that confronts woman in her experience of the urban space. On one hand, the... more
Dans une ville énorme devenue mégapole postmoderne, l’œuvre de Jacques Réda métamorphose la tradition de la flânerie littéraire parisienne. À défaut de marquer la fin de l’ère du « piéton de Paris », elle est un creuset dans lequel... more
Local Co-Organizers:
D. R. Koukal, Professor of Philosophy, University of Detroit Mercy, College of Liberal Arts & Education
Noah Resnick, Professor and Associate Dean, University of Detroit Mercy School of Architecture
D. R. Koukal, Professor of Philosophy, University of Detroit Mercy, College of Liberal Arts & Education
Noah Resnick, Professor and Associate Dean, University of Detroit Mercy School of Architecture
Architecture or building a madīnah corresponds not only to constructing what is physical but also to building people and a community. Humans construct the madīnah just as the madīnahs build the people. Quarters (maḥallahs) or madīnahs... more
The omnipresence of technology in cities has had an undeniable effect on the urban everyday experience. This experience is increasingly structured by technological objects or constellations of converged technologies. Activities in a city... more