Recent papers in Periodisation
Published in the Melbourne Historical Journal , Vol. 38, No. 1 (2010), pp. 175-7.
Scientific research has concluded that it takes eight-to-twelve years of training for a talented player/athlete to reach elite levels. This is called the ten-year or 10,000 hour rule, which translates to slightly more than three hours of... more
Dissertation submitted for the BA (Hons) in History at the University of York (2012 - 2015). Awarded 77.
Fr : Apparition et création des villes, le temps des villes closes, villes et métropoles en expansion, effets de mobilité : ville verticale et ville étalée, les limites de la mobilité... En : Emergence and creation of cities, the era of... more
Merupakan satu cadangan jadual periodisasi bola tampar sekolah rendah di kawasan luar bandar Sarawak.
"This book presents the papers and discussions held at the second meeting of the European Megalithic Studies Group (Seville, Spain, November 2008). This is therefore a cooperative, international book that brings together leading... more
Based on the article by S. Sokolov-Remizov on Fangu - the Chinese method of "interpreting the classics", the author considers the appeal to the "classics" as a phenomenon common to a number of Oriental cultures. The terms "classic",... more
The present study attempts to identify and characterise some basic principles that underlined historical development in ancient Egypt, specifically during the Old Kingdom period. Looking at the ever-increasing corpus of the... more
This paper explores the relationships between local or national housing markets and recent historic transformations in global capitalism. It proposes a periodization of developments in housing markets, policies and practices... more
This paper synthesizes the currently available data on the radiocarbon chronology of the south-western Iberian Bronze Age. First, the bulk of c. 1000 existing dates for southern Iberian Late Prehistory is analysed, and its main issues... more
This essay welcomes the current return to long-term history, known as the Temporal Turn. Various implications follow. Historical periodisation is being reconsidered, to jettison outdated and rigid divisions. And attention is rightly... more
How far do you think that the establishment of a dynasty represents the foundations of a state? Do you agree with the view that the rise and fall of political dynasties and certain historical events determine the 'medieval' in Indian... more
Jzabella Zatorska feu qu'ils ont allumé (volé ?) dans le ciel, leurs successeurs ont pu faire le leur. Qui, à côté d'eux, paraît du clair-obscur I6 • Une grande absente des études dix-huitiémistes a longtemps été la pensée chrétienne et... more
Periodization is a fundamental exercise for archaeology and for historical studies in general, aimed primarily at clarity in communication. However, this exercise imposes particular modes of conceptualizing specific periods. An attractive... more
This article discusses a radiocarbon-based chronology for the Neolithic–Eneolithic period in the present-day Republic of Karelia (Russian Federation). The main goal is to present all currently available radiocarbon datings, including... more
A modern történelemtudomány kialakulása óta létezik a múlt egyes szakaszainak elkülönítése a többitől. A történészek sok esetben vitatják egymás erről alkotott teóriáit, és máshol húzzák meg az általuk kreált időegyenesen a... more
This article challenges the common periodisation of global economic developments after the Second World War. In contrast to common notions in the social sciences and humanities, the emergence of neoliberalism as a mode of structuring... more
Prefabricated housing estates, which were created in the Czech lands between the late 1950s up until the mid-1990s, have in recent years emerged as a subject of interest, and not only for architectural history. An extensive... more
(For Dutch see below), This volume aims to provide insight into the meaning of time in constructing the past. After all, in their historiography, historians combine subjective experienced time and objective measured time in different... more
In einem Science-Fiction-Bestseller des späten 19. Jahrhunderts, in Edward Bellamys "Ein Rückblick aus dem Jahre 2000 auf 1887", wird die Gegenwart des Autors und seines Publikums als zukünftige Vergangenheit imaginiert. Als Er-zähler... more
This essay urges that a debate on historical periodisation is long overdue. In practice, historians are eclectic and many invoke their own preferred timespans. Yet the collective 'default' system of the profession sticks with outdated... more
This article describes the emergence of the dialectal differences in phonology that eventu-ally led to the division of Western Karaim into two dialects: North-Western and South-Western Karaim. The study is based on manuscripts and... more
Presentation made within the webinar "Forum APHG - Journées de l'Université : Transitions, mutations" organised by the Association des Professeurs d'Histoire et Géographie de Champagne-Ardenne and the Departments of History and Geography... more
The year 1918 and Polish Literature: End, Beginning and Continuation, or Julian Tuwim from Spring to You All, Go Kiss My Ass. This essay addresses issues of periodization, with a specific focus on the importance (or overvaluation) of the... more
L'étude introduit un ensemble d'articles qui visent à adopter une perspective à même de repenser la « coupure » 1700 et à proposer une nouvelle périodisation (les années 1685-1710 ?).
L'année 1700 » : c'est d'abord ce qu'on peut légitimement appeler « un label », une marque déposée et d'abord déposée par René Démoris.
Antiquité, Moyen Âge, Renaissance, Trente Glorieuses… Les époques structurent notre imaginaire temporel et notre appréhension du présent. Catégorie centrale des sciences humaines et sociales, l’époque régit aussi l’expérience ordinaire... more
Doktorska disertacija je nastajala med leti 2011 in 2016 v času moje zaposlitve na Oddelku za arheologijo v okviru programa mladi raziskovalci, ki ga je financirala Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost v okviru Ministrstva za... more
The main factors for the development of Croatian art in the Early Modern Period were the changing historical conditions, marked by the intrusions and conquests of Ottoman forces and various sources of influence: of Mediterranean or... more
Contemporary production technology is about to exert an influence on the development of ar- chitecture as fundamentally as experienced during Industrialization in the 19th century. While new computer-aided methods are widely discussed and... more
From the early 1890s, application of the term fin de siècle functioned as an ambiguous metaphor that could symbolise hope invested in progress and technological innovation, or a fear of national decline. The term was most consistently... more
This essay, first published in 2010, reconsiders an important theme for historical studies. In-depth analysis of short periods of micro-history is surely valuable. Yet micro-history means little without understanding the long-term... more
Excessive compartmentalising of literary and political texts projects anachronistic, artificial boundaries in place which, once entrenched, are difficult to shake, both within the academy and beyond. Categories such as... more
У статті запропоновано можливий варіант періодизації радянської міської геральдики в Україні. Вона ґрунтується на двох принципах: розвиток ідейної основи герба у радянську добу та її реальне втілення у життя. Запропонована періодизація... more