Peer Education
Recent papers in Peer Education
This article explores the experiences of six college students learning and using feminist leadership techniques for the creation and implementation of a performance-based, peer education, sexual assault prevention program. The program was... more
Slide presentate durante gli interventi "Una 'scaena' digitale per il 'Miles gloriosus'„ (Seminario di Didattica del Latino, UNIPI - 7 novembre 2017; prof.ssa Elena Rossi Linguanti) e "Dal PNSD alla Didattica per Competenze„ (Corso di... more
A sheet I give to students to record their comments as part of peer editing.
accomplish the titanic enterprise of deconstructing the myth that surrounds the origins of America and subsist into the present as an ideology. This ideology has historically supported the dispossession of Native Americans from their... more
Una serie di incontri, rivolti agli studenti della prima classe di un Liceo Linguistico di Viareggio, finalizzati a reinventare la didattica del latino grazie all’ausilio della gamification - spesso in BYOD -, del cooperative learning e... more
Priručnik za rad u projektu "Uključi kreativnost - isključi drogu" Elitne studentske unije PMFa u Novom Sadu, čiji je cilj bio da se podnigne svest mladima iz oblasti štetnosti zloupotrebe psihoaktivnih supstanci i koristi zdravih... more
Trovare strumenti digitali efficaci per una didattica del latino che coinvolga le nuove tecnologie non è un’impresa semplice. In assenza di un sistema funzionante di valutazione qualitativa delle risorse, questo contributo offre... more
Πανταζίδης, Σ. (2021). Παιδικές συνελεύσεις στην εκπαίδευση για μια βασισμένη στα κοινά διακυβέρνηση. Στο Θάνος Θ. & Ζάγκος Γ., Κοινωνία-Πολιτική και Εκπαίδευση. Κοινωνιολογία της Εκπαίδευσης και Εκπαιδευτική πολιτική, Ερευνητικές τομές.... more
Study showing significant behavior change resulting from a rape prevention program -- a 40% decline in rape among fraternity men seeing The Men's Program. Also found that fraternity men are 3 times more likely to rape than other men.
Racconto di un percorso formativo che ha visto l’applicazione delle tecnologie educative in un ambito generalmente lontano dall’innovazione, "Idee per una nuova didattica del latino nel liceo linguistico" è suddivisa in due parti. La... more
Il contributo illustra un'esperienza di didattica del latino che è intervenuta sullo scarso rilievo dato alla materia con la nuova configurazione del liceo linguistico, cercando di fornire agli studenti non solo conoscenze disciplinari ma... more
This study investigated the effects of peer tutoring instructional strategy on academic achievement of senior secondary school slow learners in biology in Anambra State. Quasi – experimental research design was adopted; specifically the... more
Nous nous intéressons à une forme de militantisme en ligne aux caractéristiques nouvelles et à la diffusion fulgurante : les vlogs intimistes qui problématisent la sexualité dans un but de changement social.Cette catégorie de vlogs semble... more
Helpdesk Question: Please identify examples of integrated programmes that support adolescent girls. Helpdesk response: This rapid review provides examples of integrated programmes that support adolescent girls. The programmes have... more
Dès le départ, le terme d’éducation par les pairs a été utilisé pour décrire « l’éducation des jeunes par les jeunes », pourtant derrière cette description simpliste se cache une diversité d’approches et d’enjeux5. Ainsi, on peut déjà... more
La presentazione intende fare il punto sul progetto "Spazi Medievali" ad un anno dal suo avvio. Partendo dalla sua ideazione da parte dell'Associazione "Culturalmente", del Comune e dell'Associazione Turistica Pro Loco di Candelo e dalla... more
Although peer sexual health education is a common form of sexual health promotion for youth, systematic reviews of these programs are relatively rare. In this study we interviewed youth peer educators to inquire about their experience of... more
It is estimated that one in four adult population, aged 15-49 years in Africa are HIV infected, with the highest age specific rate occurring among young women 25-29 years. This project is part of an intervention programme whose goal is to... more
Priručnik za rad na projektu "Uključi mozak isključi predrasude" Elitne studentske unije PMFa u Novom Sadu, čiji je cilj bio podizanje svesti mladih iz oblasti seksualnosti i reproduktivnog zdravlja, rodne ravnopravnosti i diskriminacije.
Objective: The aim of this article is to extend and elaborate ways of conceptualising, enabling and practising peer leadership in whole-school alcohol education programmes. Design: Qualitative study involving individual and group... more
First-year men at a midsized public university either saw a rape prevention program or were in a control group and were asked to complete attitude and behavior surveys at the beginning and end of an academic year. Participants were also... more
Youth suicide is a public health problem in India, and young people in school, particularly adolescents, experience heavy psychological burden. Prevention programs, involving peer educators (PEs), have proved useful strategies to address... more
The clubs will do peer education; the clubs will be a forum for affected students to share their experiences.
Der folgende Beitrag stellt die Ergebnisse der Evaluation des Berliner Projekts „HEROES – Gegen Unterdrückung im Namen der Ehre“ vor. Das Projekt bildet junge männliche, überwiegend muslimische Peer Educators aus, die in Schulklassen... more
Peer sexuality educators’ accounts of their work reveal two approaches to empathy with their students: affinity and alliance. ‘Affinity-based empathy’ rests on the idea that the more commonalities sexuality educators and students share... more
Παπαγεωργίου, Βασιλική, Νέες τεχνολογίες και διαπολιτισμική επικοινωνία. Διερεύνηση των δυνατοτήτων χρήσης κοινωνικού λογισμικού στην εκπαίδευση διαπολιτισμικών μεσολαβητών: η διαδικτυακή πλατφόρμα συνεργατικής μάθησης Sonetor, 17ο... more
Background Evidence on peer educators’ experiences of implementing the school-based educational interventions on malaria prevention would be used as inputs for malaria eliminating efforts. This study explored the acceptability of the... more
Peer education has long been seen as a key health promotion strategy and an important tool in preventing HIV infection. In South African schools, it is currently one of the strategies employed to do so. Based on both a recent research... more
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Peer education is a useful method for clinical skill learning. Students play as instructor and learner roles simultaneously and help each other in learning process. This is an effective method in providing... more
o presente artigo busca analisar de que maneira os princípios da educomunicação foram aplicados ao projeto DiverSUS (idealizado pela Coordenação Geral de Saúde de Adolescentes e Jovens do Ministério da Saúde em parceria com... more
La Educaciòn inter pares ed una estrategia basada en la activaciòn directa de los sujetos que nace como respusta a los modelos verticales.
This paper gives a summary of a research in 1994 on the organization of 34 volunteer groups who offer education about homosexuality to Dutch secondary schools. From other representative research, its is known these volunteer groups reach... more