Pauline Oliveros
Recent papers in Pauline Oliveros
Oliveros’s quantum improvisation is the result of listening deeply to the ethical co-emergence of improvising humans and intelligent machines. Pauline Oliveros’s Triple Point (with Doug van Nort and Jonas Braasch) consists of three human... more
Pauline Oliveros no necesita presentación. Es sin duda una de las figuras más importantes que dio la música en la segunda parte del siglo XX y en la primera del XXI. Una compositora con mayúsculas, que impuso su obra con todo lo que... more
This paper focuses on the pieces that are gathered together under the name of Sonic Meditations, published in 1971. My work begins with a short biography about Oliveros, then I present the social and historical context in which the Sonic... more
In Critical Studies in Improvisation/Études Critiques en Improvisation, Vol. 6 (2) (December 2010).
draft only, final version published in Machinic Assemblages of Desire: Deleuze and Artistic Research 3, eds. Paulo de Assis and Paolo Giudici, 107-114. Leuven: Leuven University Press
There is increasing appreciation for the role that location plays in the experience of a musical event. This paper seeks to understand that role in terms of our habitual relationships to place. I ask how being musical somewhere can expand... more
To define/discuss improvisation/composition in music by gendering them would be wrongheaded as a “grand narrative.” Each can play yin to the other’s yang, contingent on context and conceit, and the conceit breaks down if hardened beyond... more
This article evaluates the theoretical and practical grounds of recent debates around Christoph Cox's realist project of a 'sonic materialism' by returning to Gilles Deleuze, a key theoretical resource for Cox. It argues that a close... more
This is a phenomenological analysis of Pauline Oliverosʼ “Rose Moon” based on an audio recording of the 1978 performance at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut. The paper details how the matrices of interaction spawned from... more
In Ästhetiken des Atmosphärischen spielt das Hören oft eine zentrale Rolle. Wie sind Zuhören und atmosphärische Aufmerksamkeit miteinander verknüpft? (In memoriam Pauline Oliveros)
A short appreciation for the composer and accordionist Pauline Oliveros, who died in November 2016. Part of the series "Found Properties", on the EMC Blog (Experimental Music Catalogue, ).
[English below] Współcześnie można zauważyć rosnące zainteresowanie radiem internetowym w Polsce. Stanowi ono alternatywę dla rozgłośni publicznych i komercyjnych. Przeniesienie radia do Internetu ma również duże znaczenie dla wolności... more
En el interior de una metodología historiográfica del arte y teniendo como paradigma el drag nuestra búsqueda nos ayudará a paliar la violencia de la Historia a través de la creación como investigación de la propia visualidad de... more
“To hear is to let the sound wander all the way through the labyrinth of your ear; to listen is to travel the other way to meet it.” -Rebecca Solnit - t “Take a walk at night. Walk so silently that... more
Article about American composer Pauline Oliveros and her collaboration with Argentine group Reynols, published on The Wire magazine's website.
¿Cuál es la música más avanzada de nuestro tiempo? ¿Qué la hace ser avanzada? ¿Es la música electrónica música avanzada per se? ¿De dónde viene esta idea? ¿Acaso de las ficciones de la historia de la música occidental, de sus obsesiones... more
An excerpt from my book-in-progress's chapter on musician Randy Raine-Reusch, reviewing his collaborative recordings with Pauline Oliveros, who just passed away. See more on her from me here and here. There are many ways to measure... more
An excerpt from my book-in-progress's chapter on musician Randy Raine-Reusch (, reviewing his collaborative recordings with Pauline Oliveros, who just passed away. See more on her... more