Papers by Putri Marito Siahaan (Putri Parker)
Putri Parker, 2016
Makalah ini berisi mengenai survey yang diadakan di kawasan Peunayong, Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesi... more Makalah ini berisi mengenai survey yang diadakan di kawasan Peunayong, Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia. Kawasan ini merupakan kawasan yang ramai dengan berbagai jenis aktivitas. Kawasan ini juga dikatakan pecinan atau china town-nya Banda Aceh. Tujuan makalah ini ialah berupa analisis untuk membandingkan elemen-elemen pada perancangan kota dan unsur citra kota apakah telah di terapkan pada kawasan ini atau belum.
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This paper contains a survey conducted in the Peunayong, Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia. This area is a bustling area with various types of activities. This area is also said to be Chinatown or Banda Aceh's China Town. The purpose of this paper is in the form of analysis to compare elements in city design and elements of city image whether or not it has been applied to this region.
Putri Parker, 2017
Makalah ini berisi mengenai metodologi penelitian dengan mengambil studi kasus pada lahan parkir ... more Makalah ini berisi mengenai metodologi penelitian dengan mengambil studi kasus pada lahan parkir fakultas teknik di Universitas Syiah Kuala. Terkhusus untuk penataan lahan parkir sepeda motor yang tidak jelas batasan parkir sehingga pengguna sepeda motor sering kali memarkirkan motornya sembarangan yang mengakibatkan tatanan parkir tidak rapi.
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This paper contains a research methodology by taking a case study in the parking area of engineering faculty at Syiah Kuala University. Especially for the arrangement of motorcycle parking lots that are not clear parking restrictions so that motorcycle users often parked their motorcycles carelessly which resulted in an untidy parking order.
Putri Parker, 2016
Proposal Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa
Proposal ini berisi mengenai program kreativitas mahasisw... more Proposal Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa
Proposal ini berisi mengenai program kreativitas mahasiswa dengan mengambil masalah tempat buang air sementara untuk para pengungsi yang teknena bencana. Diharapkan UFD (URINOIR PORTABLE TOILET FOR DISASTER REFUGEES) dapat hadir untuk membantu para pengungsi dalam membuang hajat mereka, agar mengurangi dampak masalah kesehatan apabila buang air ditahan ataupun buang air disembarang tempat.
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Student Creativity Program Proposal
This proposal contains a program of student creativity by taking up temporary toilet issues for refugees affected by disasters. It is hoped that the UFD (URINOIR PORTABLE TOILET FOR DISASTER REFUGEES)
can be present to assist the refugees in defecation, so as to reduce the impact of health problems if it is held or defecating anywhere.
Putri Parker, 2016
Dian Pelangi sebagai perancang busana papan atas dari Indonesia. Banyak dari desain karyanya disa... more Dian Pelangi sebagai perancang busana papan atas dari Indonesia. Banyak dari desain karyanya disajikan untuk muslim dari seluruh dunia, seperti; pasminah, hijub, pakaian, mukenah, dll. Tidak hanya untuk wanita, tetapi juga untuk pria dan anak-anak juga. Dengan karyanya ia memiliki kemampuan untuk memperkenalkan pakaian muslim dan indonesia ke seluruh dunia dengan menggunakan teknologi.
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This paper mention Dian Pelangi as a top fashion designer from Indonesia. Much of her work design presented to muslim from all around the world, such as; pasminah, hijub, dress, mukenah, etc. Not only for women, but also for man and kids too. By her worked she has an ability to introduce muslim clothes and indonesia to world wide by using technology.
Putri Parker, 2018
Makalah ini berisi mengenai hasil laporan dan kegiatan yang dilakuakan selama mengikuti KKN (Kuli... more Makalah ini berisi mengenai hasil laporan dan kegiatan yang dilakuakan selama mengikuti KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) di Kampong Cot, Pidie, Aceh, Indonesia.
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This paper contains about the report and the activity doing while following KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) activity in Kampong Cot, Pidie, Aceh, Indonesia.
Papers by Putri Marito Siahaan (Putri Parker)
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This paper contains a survey conducted in the Peunayong, Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia. This area is a bustling area with various types of activities. This area is also said to be Chinatown or Banda Aceh's China Town. The purpose of this paper is in the form of analysis to compare elements in city design and elements of city image whether or not it has been applied to this region.
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This paper contains a research methodology by taking a case study in the parking area of engineering faculty at Syiah Kuala University. Especially for the arrangement of motorcycle parking lots that are not clear parking restrictions so that motorcycle users often parked their motorcycles carelessly which resulted in an untidy parking order.
Proposal ini berisi mengenai program kreativitas mahasiswa dengan mengambil masalah tempat buang air sementara untuk para pengungsi yang teknena bencana. Diharapkan UFD (URINOIR PORTABLE TOILET FOR DISASTER REFUGEES) dapat hadir untuk membantu para pengungsi dalam membuang hajat mereka, agar mengurangi dampak masalah kesehatan apabila buang air ditahan ataupun buang air disembarang tempat.
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Student Creativity Program Proposal
This proposal contains a program of student creativity by taking up temporary toilet issues for refugees affected by disasters. It is hoped that the UFD (URINOIR PORTABLE TOILET FOR DISASTER REFUGEES)
can be present to assist the refugees in defecation, so as to reduce the impact of health problems if it is held or defecating anywhere.
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This paper mention Dian Pelangi as a top fashion designer from Indonesia. Much of her work design presented to muslim from all around the world, such as; pasminah, hijub, dress, mukenah, etc. Not only for women, but also for man and kids too. By her worked she has an ability to introduce muslim clothes and indonesia to world wide by using technology.
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This paper contains about the report and the activity doing while following KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) activity in Kampong Cot, Pidie, Aceh, Indonesia.
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This paper contains a survey conducted in the Peunayong, Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia. This area is a bustling area with various types of activities. This area is also said to be Chinatown or Banda Aceh's China Town. The purpose of this paper is in the form of analysis to compare elements in city design and elements of city image whether or not it has been applied to this region.
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This paper contains a research methodology by taking a case study in the parking area of engineering faculty at Syiah Kuala University. Especially for the arrangement of motorcycle parking lots that are not clear parking restrictions so that motorcycle users often parked their motorcycles carelessly which resulted in an untidy parking order.
Proposal ini berisi mengenai program kreativitas mahasiswa dengan mengambil masalah tempat buang air sementara untuk para pengungsi yang teknena bencana. Diharapkan UFD (URINOIR PORTABLE TOILET FOR DISASTER REFUGEES) dapat hadir untuk membantu para pengungsi dalam membuang hajat mereka, agar mengurangi dampak masalah kesehatan apabila buang air ditahan ataupun buang air disembarang tempat.
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Student Creativity Program Proposal
This proposal contains a program of student creativity by taking up temporary toilet issues for refugees affected by disasters. It is hoped that the UFD (URINOIR PORTABLE TOILET FOR DISASTER REFUGEES)
can be present to assist the refugees in defecation, so as to reduce the impact of health problems if it is held or defecating anywhere.
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This paper mention Dian Pelangi as a top fashion designer from Indonesia. Much of her work design presented to muslim from all around the world, such as; pasminah, hijub, dress, mukenah, etc. Not only for women, but also for man and kids too. By her worked she has an ability to introduce muslim clothes and indonesia to world wide by using technology.
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This paper contains about the report and the activity doing while following KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) activity in Kampong Cot, Pidie, Aceh, Indonesia.