Ut Pictura Poesis
Recent papers in Ut Pictura Poesis
The American painter Cy Twombly is an artist who is greatly interested in poetry and especially in Mallarmé. This article examines the relationship between the poet and the painter. Using an interdisciplinary approach it tries to show how... more
This essay studies the relationship between visual arts (painting) and verbal art (poetry) that colonial Mexican writer Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz incorporated in her literary production. It also examines the writer’s metapoetic reflection... more
At the heart of this article is a fairly straightforward assertion: that literature has a trans-verbal level at which it affects us as a work of art. Hence discussing a novel means bringing to the fore not only its overt narrative... more
Translating storylines into art: How Nicolas Poussin depicted the stories of Rinaldo and Armida from La Gerusalemme Liberata into paintings.
Horace first drew a link between ornament and monstrosity in Ars poetica, characterising as misbegotten any attempts of ornament to claim a voice and agency of its own. Sixteenth-century artists embraced monstrous ornament, called... more
Etude d'un traité faisant partie de la Bibliotheca Selecta d'Antonio Possevino s.j. à propos de la peinture et la poésie. Edition critique commentée.
La historia conceptual del tópico ut pictura poesis que ocupa este volumen se divide en tres partes, precedidas de la presente INTRODUCCIÓN y proseguidas de las páginas que cierran el trabajo a modo de CONCLUSIÓN. El primer capítulo,... more
Aplicación de los postulados de Horacio en "Epistola ad Pisonem", fundamentalmente el famoso pasaje 'ut pictura poesis'; a la poesía contemporánea.
Mais do que tratar de um autor ou de uma obra, este livro ocupa-se de um conceito, de uma ideia que perpassa autores, obras, gêneros e artes. Tem por objetivo considerar diacronicamente práticas imagéticas verbais e não verbais, ou seja,... more
Cette étude est la première partie d’un travail qui essaie de reconstituer par une approche à la fois historique et systématique les principes de la production et du jugement des œuvres d’art, qui ont constitué l’arrière-plan théorique de... more
La doctrine classique de l’ut pictura poesis opère une comparaison entre les arts dont résulte une assimilation du visible au lisible ; sans tenir compte des moyens spécifiques qui sont les leurs, elle attribue à la peinture et à la... more
Ad Raphaelem Urbinatem pictorem nobilissimum. Pictorem Raphael inter celebremque poetam Regnavit socio foedere semper amor. In tabulis hic ora refert viventia vatis : Vivere pictorem versibus ille facit. Quin pictura vigens socia vice... more
review of Mona Lisa: the People and the Painting
Martin Kemp & Giuseppe Pallanti
Literary Review, July 2017
Discusses the limitations of 'networks' as an art historical tool.
Martin Kemp & Giuseppe Pallanti
Literary Review, July 2017
Discusses the limitations of 'networks' as an art historical tool.
Istituzioni -institutions La quota per le istituzioni è comprensiva dell'accesso on-line alla rivista. Indirizzo IP e richieste di informazioni sulla procedura di attivazione dovranno essere inoltrati a [email protected] Subscription... more
Délestant l’imitation de son défaut ontologique, Aristote la définit comme une tendance nouvelle favorisant l’apprentissage puisque, dès l’enfance, les hommes étant naturellement enclins à imiter, ils acquièrent leurs premières... more
Las operaciones de apropiación-traducción de las estéticas europeas que despliegan los poetas modernistas latinoamericanos en la encrucijada de fines del siglo XIX dan lugar a la fundación del verso moderno en español. Esta hipótesis de... more
This article examines the high altarpiece of St Stephen’s Church, the most representative pictorial series of Juan de Juanes’ mannerist period, from an iconological and contextual approach, taking into account affetti theories, sacred and... more
Acest articol analizează maniera în care asimilarea de către pictorul Nicolas Poussin a conceptelor și principiilor tradițiilor Ut pictura poesis și Ut rhetorica pictura (i.e. relațiile de omologie pictură / poezie și pictură / retorică)... more
This is a translation of "Inscription" from Diderot and d'Alembert's Encyclopédie, volume 8, for the Collaborative Translation Project at the University of Michigan. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.did2222.0002.684
El Renacimiento trajo consigo multitud de reformas inspiradas por el Humanismo. Entre ellas, el sustancial cambio en una preceptiva del arte que abandona progresivamente el estricto dictamen alegórico y moralista de la estética cristiana... more
Introdução/Intradução. Mimesis, tradução, Enárgeia e a Tradição da ut pictura poesis”, in: G.E. Lessing, Laocoonte. Ou sobre as Fronteiras da Poesia e da Pintura, introdução, tradução e notas Márcio Seligmann-Silva, São Paulo:... more
La Heráldica como ciencia auxiliar de la Historia no se funda, en puridad, hasta bien entrada la Baja Edad Media con motivo de la fijación de la lengua de los blasones. Tal acontecimiento ha quedado recogido en la Comedieta de Ponza del... more
“Incorporation” désigne d’abord le processus par lequel l’oeuvre elle-même “prend corps”. D’autre part, l’énonciation de l’oeuvre confère une corporalité à celui qui en est ce que D.Maingueneau appelle “le garant”, c’est-à-dire celui qui... more
On the development of the ideas on expression and 'ut pictura poesis' in French Salon reviews and other art critical and theoretical writings of the Restoration period and the early years of the July Monarchy, with chapters on the... more
« L’art peint avec des mots, avec des sons, avec des couleurs, avec des lignes, avec des formes ». Balzac pose ainsi le rapport entre les arts, soumettant ceux-ci à un principe commun : l’art peint, et donc écrire, ou décrire, c’est... more
Der musikalische Ton hat einen direkten Zugang zur Seele. Er findet da sofort einen Widerklang, da der Mensch "die Musik hat in sich selbst", heißt es in Kandinskys 1912 publizierter Schrift 'Über das Geistige in der Kunst'. "Jeder mann... more
The different artistic disciplines have not always maintained an amicable relation or the same status. In antiquity, the Horatian formula “Ut Pictura Poesis” (10 B.C.) triggered a debate which compared them and aimed at... more
SUMARIO ARTÍCULO Mariano Sverdloff (Universidad de Buenos Aires-Consejo nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas) UT PICTURA DECADENTIA: HUYSMANS COMO CRÍTICO DE ARTE. DE LOS IMPRESIONISTAS AL CRISTO DE GRÜNEWALD El... more
Philip II did not only have painters make him decorative paintings for his rooms, he also had agents buy him paintings from the Low Countries. Among these paintings is a little landscape by Cornelis van Dalem giving enough reason to... more
"Inventó, señores, la ingeniosa gráfica una nueva manera de pintura y con tal artificio trabajada, que puesta al examen y reflejo de la vista no representa objeto alguno, más que la forma informe de un borrón o una mancha monstruosa. Así... more
Son los teóricos neoaristotélicos italianos quienes consolidan en la segunda mitad del siglo xvi la doctrina de las unidades dramáticas. Los autores españoles, sin embargo, proceden a una redefinición de los preceptos clásicos, a fin de... more
Thorough study on the editions of Antonio Bruni da Manduria, the relation between painters, publishers and authors (ut pictura poesis) in early Baroque Rome and Naples, within the academies of the Oziosi and te Humoristi. Full set of... more
Printre „Observațiile despre pictură” ale lui Nicolas Poussin, cea intitulată Diffinitione della Pittura, e della sua propria Imitatione (‘Definiția picturii și a imitației care îi este proprie’) prezintă un interes deosebit, deoarece... more
En el aparente desorden de esta composición, los objetos y los papeles entretejen sutiles alusiones a la hermandad que aunó durante siglos a la escritura y a la pintura.