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      European integrationInternational FinanceOptimum Currency AreasEuropean Economic and Monetary Union
Robert Mundell (1961) framed the fixed-versus-flexible exchange rate controversy in a novel way when he focused attention on currency areas and the ingredients necessary for a group of nations to form an optimal currency area (OCA). This... more
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      Optimum Currency AreasCryptocurrencyBlockchain
Currently, there is a need for reform of global monetary circulation and credit, which in a sense has stalled. The key is to restore the connection between monetary circulation and real production. In the first part of this study, I... more
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      Food Security and InsecurityOptimum Currency AreasFood SecurityFood Security and Social Justice
This paper presents a second law analysis for the optimal geometry of fin array by forced convection. The analytical analysis involves the achievement of a balance between the entropy generation due to heat transfer and entropy generation... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringConvectionHeat TransferBoiling And Convection Heat Transfer
В данной монографии делается анализ социально-экономических проблем и вызовов с которыми столкнулся Кыргызстан с точки зрения выбора валютного режима. Как денежная система во главе с Национальным банком влияет на развитие экономики и... more
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      Monetary EconomicsOptimum Currency AreasKyrgyzstanCentral Banking and Macro-financial linkages
The new designs for the US Paper Money between 1914 and 1918: Federal Reserve Notes and Federal Reserve Bank Notes during the Word War I. Contents: BEFORE THE FED, THE FED, THE NEW NOTES, 12 BANK SEALS, THE NEW TRADITION, 2 TREASURY... more
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      FinanceHistoryAmerican HistoryCultural History
La teoria delle Aree Valutarie Ottimali (AVO, in inglese “Optimum Currency Area”) sta vivendo una notorietà particolarmente elevata dallo scoppio della crisi dell'euro. Economisti di diverse estrazioni, e numerosi studi dei maggiori... more
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      European integrationEuropean UnionEuropean/EU PoliticsEuropean Union Politics
Cette étude analyse, dans une perspective dynamique, la pertinence de l'hétérogénéité des chocs et l'asymétrie des cycles en tant qu'obstacles économiques à la monnaie unique de la CEDEAO. L'étude couvre en plus de la CEDEAO, la ZMAO et... more
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    • Optimum Currency Areas
Social media, e-commerce, global peer-to-peer technologies, and the near ubiquity of computers and smartphones allow people to interact, trust, and exchange value across traditional socio-economic control boundaries and over significant... more
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      Monetary EconomicsSocioeconomicsBehavioral SciencesTrust
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      Latin American StudiesOptimum Currency AreasPacific Alliance
In the context of the theory of the optimum currency areas, Frankel and Rose [1998] have proposed the endogeneity thesis of the optimality criteria which they demonstrate by highlighting a significantly positive relation between business... more
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    • Optimum Currency Areas
La théorie de l’endogénéité des Zones Monétaires Optimales (ZMO) a identifié deux canaux de justification ex-post du critère de synchronisation des cycles : l’intensité commerciale et la convergence budgétaire des pays membres. Dans ce... more
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      African StudiesConvergenceFiscal policyOptimum Currency Areas
This article aims at providing an eclectic analysis of the theory of optimum currency areas (OCAs). Although the basic tenets of the theory were anticipated during the late 1940s and the 1950s, the theory was developed and maturated in... more
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      European UnionOptimum Currency AreasCurrency UnionEuro
Few words have such long and complex histories, and have held such widespread influence, as those relating to money. Take the word ‘dollar’, for instance, or ‘franc’, ‘rupee’ or ‘drachma’; all terms that will be familiar to most people,... more
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      Money and BankingMoneyOptimum Currency AreasJapanese economy
This project, inspired by two essays written for papers at Oxford University, discusses fixed and floating exchange rates and single/optimal currency areas. Drawing on examples from history, the project focuses on European countries... more
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      European Economic IntegrationOptimum Currency AreasEconomics of the European UnionEurozone
Renovatio Monetae, myntförnyelse, är ett latinskt uttryck som syftar på myntindrag-ningar där gamla mynt förklarades ogiltiga och ersattes med nya. Myntindragningarna gav viktiga intäkter för den medeltida myntherren och de kunde ske så... more
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      Monetary EconomicsMonetary historyMoneyTheories of Money
Interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems (IT2FLSs), have recently shown great potential in various applications with dynamic uncertainties. It is believed that additional degree of uncertainty provided by IT2FL allows for better representation... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPoliticsDeliberative DemocracyMedia and Democracy
While it is early to mourn the euro, it would be unwise to ignore the magnitude and significance of the changes now taking place in the Eurozone. No doubt, the economic and financial problems in the Eurozone are serious and plentiful. The... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipIndustrial And Labor RelationsManagement
The purpose of this study is to analyse which kinds of monetary taxation and coinage policies the minting authorities applied in Sweden in the period 1153-1512. In medieval Europe, old coins were frequently declared invalid and were... more
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      Economic HistoryArchaeologyMonetary EconomicsHistorical Archaeology
¿Es un peso andino una alternativa válida a las monedas locales o a la dolarización? Usando la teoría de áreas monetarias óptimas (AMO), este estudio hace un análisis de los costos y beneficios de una Unión Monetaria entre Venezuela,... more
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      EconomicsInternational EconomicsColombiaAndean Region
The goal of ECOWAS is to introduce a common currency by 2020 by integrating the CFA franc currently used by the Francophone countries and the ECO of the Anglophone countries of West Africa. The approach to introducing the ECO is similar... more
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    • Optimum Currency Areas
To what extent can the Euro be called a succes in economic terms? This paper investigates to what extent the Euro Area constitutes an Optimum Currency Area, ten years after its inception. It finds that the Euro Area is lacking in several... more
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      Political EconomyEuropean UnionOptimum Currency AreasCurrency Union
This paper presents a second law analysis for the optimal geometry of fin array by forced convection. The analytical analysis involves the achievement of a balance between the entropy generation due to heat transfer and entropy generation... more
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      ConvectionHeat TransferBoiling And Convection Heat TransferEntropy
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      Optimum Currency AreasMalawiMonetary PolicyMaster's Thesis
Objective: The main goal of the paper is to evaluate, in a comparative manner, the degree of similarities in aggregated demand disturbances in the Visegrad Group (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, collectively: V4) and the... more
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      International EconomicsMacroeconomicsEuropean integrationInternational Macroeconomics
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      Optimum Currency AreasExchange RatesNobel Ekonomi ödülleriDöviz Kurları
ABSTRACT Shared Monetary Governance builds a framework for community level governance of money and fills part of the gap in the literature of monetary governance. The approach begins with consistent treatment by national regulatory... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyDevelopment StudiesPolitical Science
This is a new popular book by the Modern Money curator at the British Museum, Thomas Hockenhull. I didn't really write a chapter for it but helped Paramdip Khera draft a section on the Rupee which was later revised by Paramdip,... more
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      NumismaticsMoney and BankingMoneyOptimum Currency Areas
The present research employs a vector autoregression (VAR) approach to assess the degree of business cycle synchronization between the new member states (NMS), which have not adopted the single European currency, and the Euro area (EA).... more
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      Optimum Currency AreasNew Member States
This paper presents a second law analysis for the optimal geometry of fin array by forced convection. The analytical analysis involves the achievement of a balance between the entropy generation due to heat transfer and entropy generation... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringConvectionHeat TransferBoiling And Convection Heat Transfer
This paper aims to investigate whether structural shocks among ASEAN countries are becoming more symmetrical over time, thus indicating whether this region is becoming better prepared to introduce a common monetary policy. For that... more
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      ConvergenceOptimum Currency AreasASEANMonetary Integration
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      Optimum Currency AreasAndean CommunityMonetary Integrationdolarización y política monetaria – América Latina
Шматько А.Е. Проблема оптимальных валютных зон в контексте реформирования международной валютной системы / А.Е. Шматько // Економічні та соціальні інновації як фактор розвитку економіки: зб. міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., (м. Київ, 4-5... more
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    • Optimum Currency Areas
One of the practical issues that dominates the debate within the left and in the Portuguese society in general as a consequence of the Euro Crisis, is the question if Portugal should or should not stay in the Eurozone. Since the... more
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      International Political EconomyEuropean UnionOptimum Currency AreasPortugal
Currently, there is a need for reform of global monetary circulation and credit, which in a sense has stalled. The key is to restore the connection between monetary circulation and real production. In the first part of this study, I... more
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      BusinessFood Security and InsecurityOptimum Currency AreasFood Security
ABSTRACT Robert Mundell (1961. “A Theory of Optimum Currency Areas.” The American Economic Review 51 (4): 657–665) framed the fixed-versus-flexible exchange rate controversy in a novel way when he focused attention on currency areas and... more
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      EconomicsApplied EconomicsOptimum Currency AreasCryptocurrency
Part II of the Joint Lecture of 7.11.2016 in Ecological Economics at Coventry University
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      International TradeAgricultureEnvironmental SustainabilityOptimum Currency Areas
Шматько А.Е. Международная валютная система и модернизация экономики Украины / А.Е. Шматько // Проблеми фінансово-економічного та соціального розвитку країн: збірник матеріалів Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (м. Київ, 5-6... more
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      Optimum Currency AreasWorld currency systemEconomy of UkraineDonbass
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      Optimum Currency AreasAsian currenciesCurrency regime sCurrency Bloc
This paper aims to investigate whether structural shocks among ASEAN countries are becoming more symmetrical over time, thus indicating whether this region is becoming better prepared to introduce a common monetary policy. For that... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsConvergenceOptimum Currency Areas
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      Comparative PoliticsPoliticsDeliberative DemocracyMedia and Democracy
After achieving substantial progress in establishing a common customs territory and regulations, customs unions face potential disruptions due to a lack of monetary poli­ cy coordination. These disruptions might appear in the form of... more
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      International TradeOptimum Currency AreasCustoms UnionsEurasian Economic Union
Resumen El presente trabajo tuvo como propósito analizar el contexto histórico que dio origen a la teoría de las áreas monetarias óptimas. Para ello, en primer lugar, se revisa cómo surgió y cómo ha evolucionado dicha teoría, y en segundo... more
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      EconomicsOptimum Currency AreasEconomiaIntegración Regional
The minimum weight design of an axisymmetric rotating abrasive disk in the presence of a side tool load is obtained under the strength and stiffness constraints. The PARS (Programs for Analysis and Resizing of Structures) system which... more
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      Optimum Currency AreasOptimum Design
Sommario: 1. Imperialismo e capitale transnazionale; 2. Investimenti esteri e centralizzazione del capitale; 3. Crisi e circolazione; 4. Banche centrali, controllo monetario, aree valutarie; 5. Materie prime e loro denominazione valutaria
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      Multinational CorporationsOptimum Currency AreasImperialism