Opinion polls
Recent papers in Opinion polls
"The following examines a series of public opinion polls made between 1939 and 1945 in the United States to sample opinion concerning Latin America. These surveys were carried out by the Office of Inter-American Affairs, coordinated by... more
This study involves the controversial role that public opinion surveys played during the American presidential elections 2016 that has acquired exclamation marks due to the evident conflict between reports of mass media, particularly the... more
Many have noted how the Bush administration’s linking of Iraq to the war on terror lent a certain degree of legitimacy to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Few scholars who have noted this linkage, however, have theorised about the specific... more
The 2016 presidential election was a jarring event for polling in the United States. Preelection polls fueled high-profile predictions that Hillary Clinton’s likelihood of winning the presidency was about 90... more
English newspaper writing dates from the 17th century. The first newspapers carried only news, without comments, as commenting was considered to be against the principles of journalism. By the 19th century, newspaper language was... more
This chapter analyses the issue of democracy in Ukraine and major factors which determine the prospects for democracy in the one of the largest European countries. The research question is as to how Ukraine fares in terms of common... more
This study examined the accuracy of the various forecasting methods of the 2016 US Presidential Elections. The findings revealed a high accuracy in predicting the popular vote. However, this is most suitable in an electoral system which... more
Security Radar 2022 is the second edition of an FES survey first conducted in 2019. It includes fourteen states from across the OSCE region: Armenia, Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Turkey,... more
This paper describes the procedure used to compare the opinions of subjects belonging to three racial ethnic groups with the opinions of subjects belonging to the white racial ethnic group (criterion group) and the results obtained. Such... more
The goal of this research is to analyse the role played by social media, the periodicals library and access to public information when revisiting collective memory on the Spanish Transition. The analysis is carried out based on an... more
Abstract. Big Data has become one of the factors that shook the legitimacy of the polling techniques being dominant in studying social reality. Facing the big data challenge, scholars have to answer the question about the nature of the... more
Notre propos est structuré autour de quatre accusations adressées aux sondages et que nous formulons ici sous une forme interrogative. La première question est de nature ontologique : l’opinion publique existe-t-elle ? Plus précisément,... more
Pengumpulan pendapat atau jajak pendapat yang biasa disebut dengan istilah polling, merupakan teknik penelitian untuk mengukur pendapat umum. Bagaimana polling melihat persepsi masyarakat tentang suatu masalah yang dikemukakan oleh... more
This is the second report relating to the Anatomy of Civil Societies Research Project. It covers an omnibus study of US society using a mixture of different methods. The report is a public report and hence simple and non-technical.
Der »Security Radar 2022. Navigating the Disarray of European Security« ist eine Studie der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, die auf einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage in 14 OSZE-Staaten basiert und kurz vor Kriegsausbruch erschienen ist.... more
Opinion polls in India capture electoral snapshots in time that divulge information on political participation, ideological orientation of voters and belief in core democratic values. The survey data provides for crucial social science... more
В статье на российских примерах рассматривается проблема ошибки электоральных прогнозов и ее причины: фальсификации итогов выборов, мобилизация избирателей, скрытый протест, манипуляция общественным мнением с помощью опросов
Το αίτημα της σχέσης ανάμεσα στην ηθική και την πολιτική παραμένει επίκαιρο και παρότι η συζήτηση στην Ελλάδα σήμερα επικεντρώνεται στην οικονομική κρίση, η κρίση είναι βαθιά πολιτική, όπως υποστηρίζουμε. Βάση της χάραξης πολιτικής... more
Barometrul de Gen. România 2018 apare la o distanță de aproape două decenii față de ultimul studiu de acest tip realizat în România, într-un context social și politic în care studiile de gen și teoriile feministe se lovesc de un puternic... more
This article introduces the "human rights perception poll," our investigation of public opinion towards human rights issues and organizations in Mexico, Colombia, India, and Morocco.
In this paper, I go through the transitions that occurred in mode of administration of surveys in the last 50 years and since 2000. With a series of examples from the U.S., UK, Canada and Mexico, I show that modes of administration do not... more
„Was halten Sie von den Juden?“ Umfragen zu Judentum und Antisemitismus 1885 bis 1932 Zwischen 1885 und 1932 wurden von österreichischen und deutschen Journalisten acht umfangreiche Intellektuellenbefragungen zu den Themen Judentum und... more
28—30 сентября 2017 г. в Томске прошел Первый Форум полевых интервьюеров «В тени опросов». Организаторами и спонсорами мероприятия выступили: Фонд поддержки социальных исследований «Хамовники», Лаборатория методологии социальных... more
Abstract: One way for judges to be responsive to the concerns of ordinary people is to take public opinion into account in their decisions. In this paper, I examine cases in which the US Supreme Court and the Swiss Federal Tribunal have... more
Un estudio de los primeros estudios de opinión realizados en España, en los años cuarenta. Se trataba de una iniciativa de la Vicesecretaría de Educación Popular, una entidad del Estado franquista integrada en Falange. Las condiciones de... more
This article tries to follow the development of the concept "public opinion" since its first political use, in the mid 18th century, until statistical surveying became predominant in social research for western democracies in the 1930s.... more
By the end of a five-year term that was characterized by an extremely mediatized concentration of executive power in the person of Nicolas Sarkozy, the french presidential campaign of 2012 —that played out in a less intense climate of... more
Opinion polls and cost-benefit analysis, like public relations, attempt to construct new, simplified “publics” which are friendly to bureaucracies, politicians and corporations. The success of these attempts is limited by popular... more
Political opinion polls in India are holistic snapshots in time that divulge deep dive information on electoral participation, ideological orientation and self-efficacy of the electorate and faith in core democratic values. The popularity... more
in Michele Affinito, Guia Migani, Christian Wenkel (dir.), Les deux Europes. The two Europes, Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2009, p 165-180.
„Weicht eine Wahlprognose auch nur minimal vom Wahlergebnis ab, kann man voraussagen, dass am Tag darauf die Schlagzeilen lauten: ‚Niederlage der Meinungsforscher, totales Versagen, sie sind die eigentlichen Verlierer der Wahl.‘“... more
WYBRANE WNIOSKI Z BADANIA • Polacy – bez względu na płeć i miejsce zamieszkania - uważają, że za konflikt na Ukrainie odpowiedzialna jest Rosja. • 66 proc. Polaków sądzi, że to ojczyzna Władimira Putina jest odpowiedzialna bądź... more
This is the first report relating to the Anatomy of Civil Societies Research Project. It covers an omnibus study of Australian society using a mixture of different methods. The report is a public report and hence simple and non-technical.
Young Russians are different from older generations. They are confident Internet users and thus have access to independent media and are exposed to free information and a variety of opinions. They show greater disillusionment with... more
This article examines the influence of polls on voting in four elections held in Quebec, Canada, from 2007 to 2012. It concludes that a) polls are consulted mostly by sophisticated voters; b) people who read polls tend to be more likely... more
Después de los debates para la gubernatura del Estado de México, cuentas de Twitter pusieron a votación quién había resultado ganador. Mediante un análisis de contenido cuantitativo a este ejercicio, se obtuvo que un usuario con una... more