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Se donnant comme « la Modernité », les années 1770 à 1914 sont le temps de l’industrialisation et de l’expansion impériale et coloniale. La science est victorieuse, la technique est reine, la Terre est quadrillée et mesurée, les... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistoriographyEnvironmental HistoryHistory of Science
The aim of this study was to evaluate the inBuence of pesticide exposure on the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD), taking into account the potentially confounding factors (genetic, occupational exposure, and sociodemographic). The... more
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      GeneticsPesticide ResiduesQuebecLogistic Regression
Statistics derives its power from classifying data and comparing the resulting distributions. In this paper, I will use two historical examples to highlight the importance of such data practices for statistical reasoning. The two examples... more
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      History of AnthropologyAnthropometricsHistory of geneticsHistory of statistics
The article analyzes the 1869 census in the Habsburg Empire as an eminent administrative and scientific operation, which provided knowledge that could be used in different contexts. The census not only produced a population and drafted... more
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      Imperial HistoryHistory of Social SciencesCentral European historyHabsburg Studies
Mahalanobis once invoked a mental construct of ‘five concentric circles’ to characterize the domains of science and statistics [3]. At the center is physics and at the outer layers are survey methods or areas where the variables are... more
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      HistoryBehavioural ScienceStatisticsHistory of statistics
Many modern scholars think that the term " histogram " is related to the word " history ". Recent work in the field of the history of statistics has only increased this misunderstanding. The etymology is incorrect for several reasons:... more
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      History of ScienceProbability and statisticsHistory of statisticsKarl Pearson
El pensamiento occidental consolida durante el siglo XIX una forma de saber –la estadística- que sentará las bases de un extraordinario proceso de conocimiento y de control de la sociedad. Íntimamente ligada al análisis de la población,... more
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      Political ScienceArgentina HistoryEthnicityHistory of statistics
For a long time, one of my dreams was to describe the nature of uncertainty axiomatically, and it looks like I've finally done it in my co∼eventum mechanics! Now it remains for me to explain to everyone the co∼eventum mechanics in the... more
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      Mathematical StatisticsProbability TheoryQuantum ComputingArtificial Intelligence
"La palabra “estadística” se incorporó al vocabulario de la mayoría de las lenguas occidentales a fines del siglo XVIII. Fue el término empleado para designar una novedad científica dotada de fuerte carga política y considerada de... more
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      History of Statistics and Statistical AgenciesHistory of statisticsIndigenismoWater, Sanitation, and Hygiene
《明史·食货志》考源——以计数为中心 “The Statistics: Tracing the Source of the Food and Money Essay in the History of Ming,” Graduate Students’ Journal of Peking University 北京大学研究生学志 25.2 (2009): 60-71. Based on the Shihuozhi (“Essay on Food and... more
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      Economic HistoryFinancial History (History)Monetary historyMing Dynasty
You yourself, or what is the same, your experience is such ``coin'' that, while you aren't questioned, it rotates all the time in ``free flight''. And only when you answer the question the ``coin'' falls on one of the sides: ``Yes'' or... more
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      Mathematical StatisticsProbability TheoryQuantum PhysicsStatistical Mechanics
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      History Of EugenicsMaterialismo Filosófico,Gustavo BuenoHistory of statisticsEugenics
Late nineteenth-century anthropology already seems to have split into two cultures: racial anthropology on the one hand and social anthropology on the other. However, an intriguing analytical method exists that mediates this divide... more
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      Kinship (Anthropology)History of AnthropologyHistory of statisticsFranz Boas
A history of quantitative mapping in France in the 19th century. Published 1996, after my PhD. This book, in French, traces the evolution of quantitative cartography in France, from the emergence of special maps in the modern period till... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyCartographyHistory of CartographyMaps and Society
This thesis treats the political thought of Petr Kropotkin as a site of intersection between anarchism and science. It explores moments of interaction between the diagnostic and remedial aspirations of revolutionary anarchism and certain... more
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      History of ScienceAnarchismAnarchist StudiesHistory of Anarchism
Colonial sources should be taken with a pinch of salt; in the best cases, they are read against the grain – these recommendations are often given to students of the history of Africa. The value of colonial sources, it is argued, is... more
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      History of statisticsHistory of medicine in colonial and post colonial africaGerman colonial history
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      History of MedicineHistory of ScienceHistory of Statistics and Statistical AgenciesHistory of statistics
List of figures viii List of tables ix Rector's foreword x List of Contributors xiii The Greek World in the Age of Revolution 1 PASCHALIS M. KITROMILIDES PART I Resonances of the Age of Revolution I 17 1 Revolutions in Europe (1776-1848)... more
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      German HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesBalkan HistoryRevolutions
À lire les sondages, la France se distingue par un haut niveau de défiance vaccinale. Mais, dans la pratique, les taux de couverture restent élevés, et la campagne de vaccination contre le Covid s'accélère. L'hésitation n'est pas toujours... more
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      History of MedicineHistory of statisticsVaccinationVaccine Hesitancy
The history of race and technology in British India has avoided engaging with the way in which this played out amongst nationalists. The history of biometrics too has similarly overlooked the role of anticolonial nationalists. The history... more
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      Visual StudiesHistory of TechnologySouth Asian StudiesHistory of Science
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      Economic HistorySociologyEconometricsStatistics
Article in French Résumé. - L'idée que les cartes et les diagrammes ne sont pas seulement des sources d'information, mais aussi des outils de communication, n'est pas si nouvelle. Dès le XVIIe siècle, certains auteurs géographes... more
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      CartographyStatisticsVisual CultureHistory of Cartography
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      Political ScienceTheory of ConventionsPragmatic SociologyHistory of statistics
The paper is devoted to quantitative evaluation of the prevalence of the Old Belief in the Russian empire in the 19th – early 20th centuries. Methodology for updating the official population statistic of Old Believers in the Russian... more
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      Historical DemographyHistory of ReligionDigital HistoryRussian History
In the almost twenty years since Peter Becker and I convened a conference on the history of criminology (1998), the field has witnessed a remarkable wave of new scholarship. This essay draws on the wealth of new research to reflect on... more
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticeHistory Of EugenicsHistory of Science
The paper analyses the context of the theory of statistics. It also examines the methodological uncertainty of the 18th-century state description, which constitute a theoretical problem at the end of the century in works of Schlözer,... more
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      Intellectual HistoryStatisticsHistory of SciencePolitical Science
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      EnlightenmentHistory of statisticsHistory of Southern Italy
Article en français/article in French Abstract The cartography of demographic phenomena has been hindered for a long time by the difficulty in finding a symbolism which integrated the spatial variations of quantitative data. The first... more
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      CartographyVisual StudiesStatisticsVisualization
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      SociologyCriminologySociology Of DevianceAnthropology
Questo contributo prende in esame lo sforzo di misurazione sociale messo in atto da Ugo Giusti in qualità di direttore dell'Ufficio municipale di statistica del Comune di Firenze; concentra in particolare l'attenzione sui... more
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      History of statisticsFlorenceUrban Statistics
Despite recent research on the concept of ethnic hybrid borderlands and the critique of its use in contemporary historical research, it is still commonly consulted to explain ethnic or national conflicts. Taking up this critique—ethnic... more
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      StatisticsNationalismEthnicityCentral and Eastern Europe
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      HistoryHistory of MedicineSocial HistoryHistory of statistics
The logic of uncertainty is not the logic of experience and as well as it is not the logic of chance. It is the logic of experience and chance. Experience and chance are two inseparable poles. These are two dual reflections of one... more
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      Mathematical StatisticsProbability TheoryQuantum ComputingQuantum Physics
Basic information on the International Congres of Statistics (1853-1878 including its bibliography. Printed as a pdf file in Dec. 2016 from the original word processor file of 1989, this version is carrying imperfections ; the article has... more
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    • History of statistics
Published in: Историческая информатика. Информационные технологии и математические методы в исторических исследованиях и образовании. - N 1-2-2015. - С. 73-97. Yeremieiev Pavlo. Methods of verifications of statistics concerning the Old... more
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      History of ReligionDigital HistoryCliometricsHistory of statistics
Eventology of multivariate statistics Eventology and mathematical eventology Philosophical eventology and philosophy of probability Practical eventology Eventology of safety Eventological economics and psychology Mathematics in the... more
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      Mathematical StatisticsProbability TheoryQuantum ComputingQuantum Physics
La seconde moitié du XXe siècle donna lieu à un accroissement des tentatives de redéfinir en termes opérationnels divers domaines de l'activité sociale tant scientifique, militaire, administratif ou industriel. Ces tentatives tirèrent... more
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      SociologyHistory Of ComputingSocial NetworksHistory of Science
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      History of statisticsFlorenceUrban Statistics
Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts stellte sich die medizinische Forschung nachdrücklich der Frage, wie der „normale“ menschliche Körper zu definieren sei.1 Tausende von lebenden Personen wurden vermessen, die inneren Organe von Toten... more
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      History of MedicineNormativityHistory of Medicine and the BodyHistory of Military Medicine
The overwhelming majority of quantitative work in sociology reports levels of statistical significance. Often, significance is reported with little or no discussion of what it actually entails philosophically, and this can be problematic... more
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      Probability TheoryStatisticsHistory of statisticsStatistical Significance
Notes for lectures on co∼eventum mechanics.
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      Mathematical StatisticsProbability TheoryQuantum ComputingArtificial Intelligence
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      History of ScienceHistory Of PsychologyHistory of SwitzerlandHistory of statistics
O artigo analisa o lugar das tecnologias de quantificação na rede formada em torno do combate às doenças, da revolução pastoriana até o movimento sanitarista dos anos 1920. Investiga o papel da demografia sanitária na imposição do modelo... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyActor Network TheoryBrazilian StudiesHistory of Public Health
Relative entropy identities yield basic decompositions of categorical data log-likelihood. It naturally leads to developing linear information models in contrast to the hierarchical log-linear models. A recent study by the authors... more
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      Information TheoryNatural SelectionLinear ModelCategorical data analysis
Camila Moreno, Daniel Speich Chassé and Lili Fuhr: Carbon Metrics. Global abstractions and ecological epistemicide. With an introduction by Wolfgang Sachs. Heinrich Böll Stiftung Publications Series Ecology Volume 42, Berlin 2015
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental EconomicsEnvironmental EducationClimate change policy
This article explores the history of a conceptual world economic order of nations created by statistically minded economists over the last seventy years.
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      Development StudiesHistory of Economic ThoughtSocial IndicatorsGlobal Governance
La statistique comme source historique La base « statpeni » Économétrie de données de panel Origine de la « Statistique pénitentiaire » La « Statistique pénitentiaire » : une mine d'information Enjeux et questions de la « Statistique... more
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      Quantitative MethodsSociology of prison lifeHistory of statisticsEconometrics Models - Panel Data