Oil crops
Recent papers in Oil crops
The present study was conducted to determine the effects of soil tillage system to be used in safflower farming in Sivas, Turkey in terms of plant emergence and yields characteristics. Soil tillage systems were arranged as; conventional... more
Rising demands for food and uncertainties about climate change call for a paradigm shift in water management with a stronger focus on rainfed agriculture. The objective here was to estimate water productivity of different crops under... more
Since sesame seeds (SS) are more sensitive to high drying temperature, seeds are dried naturally indoor with either natural or forced convection air. In this study, SS with the initial moisture content of around 50.8% (d.b.) were dried... more
A fost studiată structura morfologică a speciei de Echinacea purpurea cultivată timp de doi ani în condiţii bioecologice autohtone. Ulterior, analizând acumularea biomasei diferitelor părţi de plantă în diferite faze de vegetaţie.... more
Bu araştırmada Aspir (Carthamus tinctorius L.) bitkisinde melezlemeden sonraki 12. günde zigotik embriyoları içeren tohum taslaklarının kültürü ile aspirde ıslah sürecinin kısaltılması hedeflenmiştir. Araştırmada Dinçer 5-118, Remzibey-05... more
Bu calisma Ankara ekolojik kosullarinda 2010-2011 yillarinda iki yil sureyle Dincer aspir cesidinde yurutulmustur. Deneme tesaduf bloklari deneme deseninde uc tekerrurlu olarak kurulmustur. Calismada 7 farkli azot dozu (N1 :0, N2 :2.5,... more
Chemical composition of seeds of C. maxima D. and C. pepo L. cultivated in the Republic of Macedonia and physico-chemical characteristics, fatty acid profiles, and sterol and tocopherol contents in pumpkin seed extracts were determined.... more
Chemical composition of seeds of C. maxima D. and C. pepo L. cultivated in the Republic of Macedonia and physico-chemical characteristics, fatty acid profiles, and sterol and tocopherol contents in pumpkin seed extracts were determined.... more
An improvement in the quality of maize grain by increasing the level of components responsible for its biological value is possible by using genetic means. However, a change in the genotype, together with improving the nutrient properties... more
Floarea-soarelui este cultura oleaginoasă de bază în România, înregistrând o creştere dinamică a producţiilor de seminţe şi ulei. Primele date oficiale privind floarea-soarelui în România se referă la anul 1910, când existau în cultură... more
Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch. ex Poir.) with its origin in the north western part of South America is the most important and extensively cultivated cucurbit in India, Africa, Latin America, Southern Asia and the United States and... more
- by Hari Har Ram
Exsudação de N pelo sistema radicular. Técnicas de marcação de plantas com 15N para determinação de N subterrâneo.bitstream/CNPAB-2010/32106/1/doc186.pd
This study was conducted in order to determine the effect of increasing doses of N application on some agronomic characteristics of mibuna and mizuna which are exotic vegetables for our country. In the experiment four N doses (N0: 0... more
The use of plant protection products (PPPs) has become a social concern regarding food safety and quality, and risks to human health and the environment. Accordingly, the agricultural microbials market is a steadily growing sector of the... more
Safflower whose genetic origin is Anatolia was forgotten in time; however, it started to attract attention again as a raw material supply when biodiesel was started to be used in Turkey. Thus, its production has increased. The species... more
This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of... more
This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of... more
Squash (Cucurbitapepo L.) is an important oil seed and medicinal plant which produces unsaturated fatty acids, cosmetic medicine and health products. In order to study the effects of different cattle manure levels and branch management... more
Bu calisma Ankara ekolojik kosullarinda 2010-2011 yillarinda iki yil sureyle Dincer aspir cesidinde yurutulmustur. Deneme tesaduf bloklari deneme deseninde uc tekerrurlu olarak kurulmustur. Calismada 7 farkli azot dozu (N1 :0, N2 :2.5,... more
This article presents the studies on the process of rhizogenesis of explants of Vaccinium vitisidaea L. and Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton (Ericaceae family) in vitro. The rhizogenesis was more efficient on Woody Plant Medium, gelled with... more
The global population is projected to increase by 30 % to 9,2 billion by 2050 and this increased population density is estimated to increase demand for food production by 70 %. One of the principal di-rections of biological plant... more
In the summer of 2019, a field experiment was carried out at the Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology of Main Experiment Station in Kumarganj, Ayodhya (U.P), India. The research material consisted of twenty-eight... more
Using the AquaCrop model, this research simulated the grains and biological yields of soybean cultivars (M9, Zan and Williams) under different irrigation treatments and future climatic conditions. To this end, whether data of the LARS-WG... more
Twenty one accessions of Cucurbita pepo and eleven accessions of Cucurbita moschata were collected from different regions of Iran and variations in fruit and seed characters evaluated during 2016-2017. The basic statistics of traits has... more
The growing demand for renewable feedstock as a substitute for petroleum-derived products offers a unique opportunity for conventional and new oilseeds in Europe. This review compares twenty-four oilseed species relative to oil... more
Dünyada pek çok ülkede ve Türkiye'de bazı önemli kültür bitkilerinin (mercimek, bakla, domates, patates, tütün, ayçiçeği vb.) üretimi canavar otları (Orobanche spp.) tarafından tehdit altındadır. Bu tehdit nedeni ile canavar otlarının... more
Bu çalışma E.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Menemen Araştırma ve Üretim Çiftliğinde organik üretim alanında 2014-2015 ve 2015-2016 yıllarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. İki yıl süreyle yürütülen bu araştırmada Borago officinalis L. bitkisinin bazı verim... more
kışlık olarak ekilmesi verim ve kaliteyi arttırmıştır. Bu nedenle bölgemizde yetiştirilmesi tavsiye edilir.
Global change affects species by modifying their abundance, spatial distribution and activity period. The challenge is now to identify the respective drivers of those responses and to understand how those responses combine to affect... more
The impact of climate change on agricultural crops is a major concern and threats to the global food security. It also limits the potential of crops and cropping system in a given area. Therefore, the present study was aimed to assess the... more
Accurate urban water demand forecasting plays a key role in the planning and design of municipal water supply infrastructure. The reliable prediction of water demand is challenging for water companies, specifically when considering the... more
At the experimental field of Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing at Žalec an experiment was conducted in 2006/07 to detect the impact of fertilization by K 2 SO 4 and gypsum on the yield, oil content, oil yield, protein... more
Maize production is sensitive to weather and hence directly affected by climate change that is difficult to be controlled by the farmer, compromising yield and food security, especially for producers located in Huambo and Bié in Central... more
The sunflower crop is one of the most important oil crops in the world. It gives the largest amount of oil per unit cultivated area because its seeds contain a high percentage of oil that may reach 50%. The expansion of its production... more
Bu çalışma yeni geliştirilen hibrid ayçiçeği genotiplerinde tane verimi ve verimle ilişkili bazı özellikler arasındaki ilişkilerle bu özelliklerin tane verimi üzerine olan doğrudan ve dolaylı etkileri belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür.... more
Bu çalışma yeni geliştirilen hibrid ayçiçeği genotiplerinde tane verimi ve verimle ilişkili bazı özellikler arasındaki ilişkilerle bu özelliklerin tane verimi üzerine olan doğrudan ve dolaylı etkileri belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür.... more
Tarımsal araştırmaların değerlendirme aşamasında yapılan bazı hatalar, çok iyi planlanmış ve yürütülmüş olan denemelerde sağlıklı olmayan yorumlara neden olabilmektedir. Uygulamada görülen yanlışlıklar genelde faktör çeşit niteliğindeyse... more
Cuphea seed oil (CSO) is a potential domestic source of medium chain fatty acids. Although CSO has been obtained using solvent extraction and screw pressing, both methods suffer from disadvantages. Supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO 2)... more
Butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata Duch ex Poir.) is an important specialty vegetable native from Mexico. It belong to the family of Cucurbitaceae. Cucurbita moschata is cultivated for its young shoots, fleshy edible flowers and fruit.... more
The aim of this study was to assess a set of 40 accessions of Hokkaido type pumpkins (Cucurbita maxima Duchesne) in terms of the traits of agronomic importance and the basic fruit flesh quality parameters, with the emphasis on Serbian... more
At the “Al. Ciubotaru” National Botanical Garden, a collection of honey plants has been founded. It includes annual and biennial plants with different growing seasons and flowering stages, starting in May and ending in October, so that... more
Crop production in dry areas is strongly affected by water shortage. In these regions, the application of water-absorbent materials is a useful strategy for sustainable crop production. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate... more
A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive seasons(2002/2003 and 2003/2004) in the Experimental Farm of the Faculty ofAgriculture, University of Sinnar, Abu Naama, Sudan. The objective wasto study the response of two sesame... more
Sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) is one of the fastest growing oil seed crops of India. It is highly desirable as a premium oil to supplement our oil seeds production, contributes about 24% of the domestic edible oil production and may... more
Acest volum cuprinde materialele de la Conferinţa naţională cu participare internaţională "Ştiinţa în Nordul Republicii Moldova: realizări, probleme, perspective", desfăşurată la 21-22 iunie 2019. Volumul cuprinde 106 articole... more
Analyses of charred remains and impressions of chaff in pisé (mudbrick) from the Neolithic sites of Aratashen and Aknashen (sixth millennium cal B.C.) situated in the Ararat valley in Armenia demonstrate that naked barley and possible... more
Bu çalışma, aspir bitkisinde yabancı tozlanma oranının belirlenmesi amacı ile 2016-2018 yılları arasında yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada, farklı özelliklere sahip (dikenli ve dikensiz) iki aspir saf hattı kullanılmıştır. Dikenli ve sarı çiçek... more