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This article is a contribution to the discussion on the utility of spatial models in the context of Small Area Estimation (SAE) (see Cressie 1991; Pfeffermann 2002; Saei and Chambers 2003, 2005; Singh et al. 2005; Pratesi and Salvati... more
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      MathematicsStatistical AnalysisCase StudiesOfficial Statistics
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringStatisticsInformatics
Headlines relating to crime figures are inescapable in contemporary society, the reason for the great time and attention given to issue of crime is because of the importance of crime to the general public1. For this reason political... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticePoliceOfficial Statistics
Definition of information sources and variables to be included in the register; quantitative analysis of the coverage by means of macro/micro comparisons with other information sources; integration with the Business Register and... more
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      Official StatisticsStatistical disclosure control
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      StatisticsOfficial Statistics
У статті розглядаються статистичні показники, які характеризують результати виявлення правоохоронними органами України злочинних організацій за період 2014 – 2017 рр., досліджується відповідність офіційної... more
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      Official StatisticsCriminal organizations
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      EthicsOfficial Statistics
Several methods exist which can adjust for trading day and holiday effects in monthly economic time series. This paper reviews and compares two such methodologies for conducting proper adjustments. The two methodologies are based upon the... more
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    • Official Statistics
Statistics Netherlands participated in the EUREDIT project, a large international research and development project on statistical data editing and imputation that lasted from March 2000 till February 2003. The main goals of this project... more
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      StatisticsOfficial Statistics
alexandre de Paiva Rio camargo 2 O leitor está diante de uma obra madura, resultado de sólida e longeva parceria intelectual entre os autores, que há vinte e cinco anos têm se dedicado à política dos números e à sócio-história da... more
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      HistorySociologyPolitical SociologyStatistics
In this paper, we describe and discuss opportunities for big data in official statistics. Big data come in high volume, high velocity and high variety. Their high volume may lead to better accuracy and more details, their high velocity... more
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      Official StatisticsBig Data
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      Sociology of Crime and DevianceOfficial Statistics
Drawing on a range of national and international literature, this scoping paper explores some aspects of 'who are we' within a New Zealand context. Throughout the world the conceptualisation of ethnicity, or in some countries race, is... more
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    • Official Statistics
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      Survey MethodologyOfficial StatisticsMultilevel modellingMissing Data
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      EconomicsApplied EconometricsIslamic BankingIslamic Finance
For a long time, one of my dreams was to describe the nature of uncertainty axiomatically, and it looks like I've finally done it in my co∼eventum mechanics! Now it remains for me to explain to everyone the co∼eventum mechanics in the... more
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      Mathematical StatisticsProbability TheoryQuantum ComputingArtificial Intelligence
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      StatisticsOfficial StatisticsMixed ModeData Quality
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      StatisticsOfficial StatisticsMixed ModeData Quality
This note reviews insightful observations by K.R.W. (Ken) Brewer, found in his book published in 2002, with regard to the degree of heteroscedasticity to be expected for survey populations. Details and implications are noted. - -- --... more
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      Survey SamplingOfficial StatisticsRegression AnalysisHeteroscedasticity
You yourself, or what is the same, your experience is such ``coin'' that, while you aren't questioned, it rotates all the time in ``free flight''. And only when you answer the question the ``coin'' falls on one of the sides: ``Yes'' or... more
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      Mathematical StatisticsProbability TheoryQuantum PhysicsStatistical Mechanics
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsManagementBusiness Administration
المؤتمر الدولي العلمي الخامس للإحصائيين العرب 9-10/2/2016 القاهرة - جمهورية مصر العربية "دور الإحصاء في إدارة الأزمات" تزايدت في الآونة الأخيرة أهمية صحافة البيانات أو الصحافة المستندة إلى البيانات، وهي صحافة متخصصة في إبراز الدور... more
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      Official StatisticsData Journalism
The explosion in the amount of data, called “data deluge”, is forcing to redefine many scientific and technological fields, with the affirmation in any environment of Big Data as a potential source of data. Official statistics... more
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      StatisticsOfficial StatisticsBig Data
This book examines the history of racial classifications in Puerto Rico censuses, starting with the Spanish censuses and continuing through the US ones. Because Puerto Rican censuses were collected regularly over hundreds of years, they... more
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      Latin American StudiesPuerto RicoOfficial StatisticsCensus
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      Indigenous StudiesData MiningData AnalysisIndigenous Peoples Rights
Turkish Population in Bulgaria According to Official Censuses (1878-1934) Bulgaria, one of the first countries to be conquered by the Ottoman after transition to Rumelia, is the leading territory where large numbers of Turks settled.... more
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      MigrationMinority StudiesForced MigrationOttoman Balkans
EUROSTAT L-2920 Luxembourg -Tel. (352) 43 01-1 Eurostat is the Statistical Office of the European Communities. Its task is to gather and analyse figures from the different European statistical offices in... more
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      Official StatisticsMultilevel modellingMissing DataData Access
1.3.5. La georeferenziazione nelle problematiche socioeconomiche e l'econometria spaziale 41 1.3.6. La georeferenziazione nell'ambito della problematica delle piccole aree 43 2. GEOREFERENZIAZIONE E GEOCODIFICA NEL PSN 2008-2010 51 2.1.... more
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      StatisticsSpatial StatisticsOfficial Statistics
The paper reports on both methodological and substantive findings. It presents a method for generating simplified representations for regional urban populations, their geographical sub-populations and communities. the method generates... more
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      Information SystemsManagementMarketingSociology
Portfolio Analysis of Financial Market Risks by Random Set Tools The eventological theory of decision-making, the theory of eventfull decision-making is a theory of decision-making based on eventological... more
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      Mathematical StatisticsProbability TheoryRandomized AlgorithmsStatistics
SDMX (Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange) is not just a standard format for data exchange but it is in reality a set of technical and statistical standards and guidelines, IT architecture and IT tools with the objective of exchange... more
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      OntologyMetadataOfficial Statistics
In recent years, social media have become and important new infrastructure for communication flows and thus an essential network in our social structure. People that participate in these media are free to express their views, perceptions... more
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      Sentiment AnalysisSocial MediaOfficial StatisticsOPINION MINING AND SENTIMENT ANALYSIS
This article presents the results of a pilot feasibility study comparing two alternative recruitment approaches based on Respondent Driven Sampling using initial seeds selected from a US nationally representative panel, AmeriSpeak, to... more
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    • Official Statistics
Simply I am interested to read online publication especially for those posted by the government in order to be updated in all areas.
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    • Official Statistics
This deliverable DIII.1.2 is part of work package 3 in which indicators are gathered on the extent of misconduct and how institutions respond to breaches of scientific integrity. As a part of the empirical phase in PRINTEGER it... more
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      Higher EducationScientific IntegrityOfficial StatisticsWhistle Blowing
Üretim izni almak için neler yapılmalı?
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      ManufacturingOfficial StatisticsÜretim Yönetimi
For the first time in 2018 the Italian Institute of Statistics (Istat) implemented the annual Permanent Population Census which relies on the Population Base Register (PBR) and the Population Coverage Survey (PCS). This article provides a... more
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    • Official Statistics
Demographic trends indicate an aging population, highlighting the importance of collecting valid survey data from older adults. One potential issue when surveying older adults is use of technology to collect data on sensitive topics.... more
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      BioinformaticsStatisticsLife SciencesOfficial Statistics
This study compares five techniques to evaluate survey questions --expert reviews, cognitive interviews, quantitative measures of reliability and validity, and error rates from latent class models. It is the first such comparison that... more
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      StatisticsOfficial Statistics
Türkçe Bireylere işlerin nasıl yapılması gerektiğini belirlemede yardımcı olan yol gösterici değerler, ilkeler ve standartlar olarak tanımlanan etik kavramı, son yıllarda dünyada ve Türkiye‟de hızla artan yolsuzluk ve yozlaşmalar... more
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      EthicsPeer ReviewOfficial StatisticsCorruption
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    • Official Statistics
The book about the eventology ~ a science about events and its applications to problems of management of sets of events ~ a new direction in philosophy, mathematics and event management (see English version of the book:... more
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      Mathematical StatisticsProbability TheoryQuantum ComputingArtificial Intelligence
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      Survey ResearchVoting Advice Applications (VAAs)Official StatisticsMultilevel modelling
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    • Official Statistics
The aim of this paper is to raise awareness on the consequences of dissemination of official statistics through online media that uses clickbait headlines to generate traffic. In order to tackle on this issue, a Natural Language... more
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      Text MiningOfficial StatisticsClickbaits
Recent research has attempted to examine the proportion of interviewer variance that is due to interviewers systematically varying in their success in obtaining cooperation from respondents with varying characteristics (i.e., nonresponse... more
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      StatisticsOfficial Statistics
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      StatisticsOfficial Statistics
We examine the effects of interviewer-respondent familiarity on both response patterns and rates of item nonresponse when self-administered questions (SAQs) are used. We use SAQ data from a survey in which the researchers experimentally... more
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      Survey MethodologyOfficial StatisticsMultilevel modellingMissing Data