Recent papers in Ochre
Primitive Style Colour Paintings in Sri Lanka: An Archaeological Investigation into the Rock Paintings at Kurullangala in Monaragala District
The term "ochre" has many meanings: a colored stone, a pigment, sunscreen, a curiosity item, a mustard hue, or even an object used for ritual. Ochre found at archaeological sites is described as a range of earthy, ferruginous rocks with... more
Ochre is found at many Middle Stone Age (MSA) sites and its use is often attributed to enhanced mental abilities and symbolism. However, the links between the visible uses of ochre, cognition and symbolism have not been clearly... more
The focus of this paper is to examine the legacy of San pygmy spiritual journeys through a three-tiered cosmos of sky, earth, and underworld as they are consciously danced and reinforced by rock paintings, which seem to be the oldest and... more
The Austrian goddess of Willendorf is a 4 1/2 in. engraved limestone or fired composite with traces of ochre. On her head is a woven headdress, cap, or hairstyle of precisely carved labyrinthine notations ‘layered in seven strata.’ (MG:... more
Pētījuma "Dabas minerālu pigmentu krāsas un to toņi kā kultūru identificējoša zīme" mērķis ir fiksēt minerālu pigmentu izmantošanu par krāsvielu no aizvēstures līdz brīdim, kad antropoloģiski tiek lietotas pamata krāsas -sarkans,... more
Plus qu'un simple état de la science sur les Cyclades antiques, ce livre entend interroger les perspectives géopolitiques, économiques, diplomatiques et culturelles induites par le rapport entre les Cyclades -comprises comme un ensemble... more
L'ocre peut-elle être un témoin •actif de la recherche préhistorique? Il n'existe aucune définition géologique, physique ou chimique de l'ocre. L'impossibilité de dresser une cartographie des ressources en ocre de la France, applicable à... more
Altamura F., Bertolini Blanc A., Bertolini Blanc G., Lungo I., Mussi M., 2019. La scoperta dell’Arnalo dei Bufali (Sezze, LT): documenti fotografici inediti dall’archivio Blanc-Aguet, in 1° incontro di studi “Sezze, i Monti Lepini e il... more
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Phänomen der Ockerverteilung in den mesolithischen Bestattungen Europas. Ziel ist es zu überprüfen, ob ein Muster diesbezüglich erkennbar ist. Dabei werden folgende Fragen berücksichtigt: Sind... more
The Chauvet Cave complex discovered in 1994, is located in southeast France near Vallon-Pont-d’Arc in the Ardèche (Ardecha) River region, renowned as Europe’s richest collection of Paleolithic art and considered to be the oldest cave with... more
The properties of ochre from the Middle Stone Age (MSA) layers of Sibudu, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, are described here. The assemblage comprises 5449 pieces (>8 mm), including 682 pieces with markings from use. Shale is the most common... more
This paper concerns a particular phenomenon that affects a large part of the lithic assemblage found in the final Epigravettian layers of Grotta Continenza (Trasacco - Abruzzo - Central Italy). It is the use of ocher (here understood as a... more
Im Verlauf der Evolution hat der Mensch den Gebrauch von Farbe auf eine Art und Weise kultiviert, wie es bisher in dieser Form für keine andere Spezies nachgewiesen werden konnte. Im Vergleich zu Tieren sind Menschen nicht mehr auf das... more
Finito di stampare nel mese di dicembre 2013
Recorrido sobre la importancia y significado de los óxidos de hierro/ocre/hematites en la Prehistoria. Se aborda el análisis de las atribuciones de este mineral, ampliamente utilizado en sociedades prehistóricas, tanto con fines... more
Particular stones found on Epi-Palaeolithic sites in the Levant are thought to be for grinding vegetable matter and to be essential instruments in the development of food processing. Finding an assemblage of these tools in a burial cave,... more
This article is a part of the results of the master thesis, which aim was to improve significantly the studies of the conditions of pictorial elements in a rock art mural, that is, to know the materials that were used and their... more
Dr Camilla Power (26th March, 2013) - Lunarchy: The original human economics of time. The Ecology, Cosmos and Consciousness Salon, The Institute of Ecotechnics, October Gallery, Bloomsbury, London. (Host and compère) Scientific... more
Distinctive mulberry paintings found in northern Australia, particularly those of Kimberley region, have been argued to represent some of the oldest surviving rock art on the continent. Significant research efforts continue to focus on... more
RIASSUNTO / L'arte rupestre della Valsorda (Trentino, Italia) è caratterizzata dalla presenza di circa 6000 iscrizioni realizzate utilizzando un'ocra rossa locale su 228 pareti rocciose situate ai piedi del Latemar. L'iscrizione più... more
Microscopy was performed on tools obtained from the Middle Stone Age deposits of Sibudu Cave because previous observations suggested that there might be a possible functional role for ochre at the site. Analyses of the distribution... more
Although there are many interpretations of the African Middle Stone Age (MSA), this essay will review the relevant evidence relating to the significance of ochre use during this period. Contention regarding the MSA focusses on whether... more
This contribution provides direct evidence for the use of ochre in adhesive recipes during the Howiesons Poort of South Africa. Stone segments from two KwaZulu-Natal sites were microscopically analyzed to document ochre and resin... more
This is a book about colour as a primary aspect of things. What can we learn if we give colour this respect? In the following essays, colours are materialized as cake icing, railway signals, gravestones, clothing, landscapes and... more
Ochre is a natural pigment of yellow or red color, mainly consisting of iron minerals. Along with determining the origin of mineral dyes, one of the main problems of studying natural pigments in archaeology is identifying the origin of... more
Los óxidos de hierro son prácticamente omnipresentes al analizar contextos, no solo referentes al arte rupestre, sino también en relación con toda una serie de actividades que podríamos considerar cotidianas en ambientes prehistóricos.... more
The Dalmeri rockshelter is located at 1240 m a.s.l. on the northern edge of the Piana della Marcesina (Grigno – Altopiano dei Sette Comuni – Trentino). From 1991 the stratigraphic excavations carried out by the Museo Tridentino di... more