Recent papers in Oceanology
The taxonomy and distribution of halocyprid ostracods from the Arabian Sea Region is reported, based upon samples collected in the Northwestern Indian Ocean within the framework of the Netherlands Indian Ocean Program (NIOP: 1992-1993),... more
Protejamos el océano para las nuevas generaciones y ser un país sostenible
The data on the distribution of the radiolarian species Cycladophora davisiana in the present day ocean and its Quaternary sediments are summarized. The distribution of this species is influenced by the for mation of the cold ventilated... more
In marine geology, a guyot (also known as a tablemount) is an isolated underwater table mountain (seamount) with a flat top more than 200 m (660 ft) below the surface of the sea. The diameters of these flat summits can exceed 10 km (6.2... more
This essay explores variant stories surrounding the 1803 'Igbo Landing' on St. Simons Island, Georgia, in which a group of enslaved Africans mutinied against their captors and ran aground upon a shoal. Following Tiffany Lethabo King and... more
Въведение: Учебникът „Океанология” е първото по рода си издание на български език, което е посветено на физичните, химичните, геологичните и биологични процеси и явления в Световния океан, като особено внимание е отделено на Черно... more
EDITORIAL Por Etiene Villela Marroni (PPGCPol/UFPel) e Delmo de Oliveira Torres Arguelhes (NEA/INEST/UFF) Os mares aproximam. Esta assertiva elaborada por Montesquieu, e elevada a lei científica por vários estudiosos da geopolítica,... more
Cluster analysis by k-means algorithm by R programming applied for the geological data analysis is the scope of the presented paper. The research object is the Mariana Trench, a hadal trench located in west Pacific Ocean. The study... more
Due to the rather intense ongoing development of deep water gas and oil fields, the technical community has devoted considerable attention to the dynamic behavior of Spar floating systems. Spar dynamics exhibits a highly nonlinear... more
According to Polybius (IV, 38), goods exported from the Black Sea included salted fish, suggesting that fishing played an important role in the colonisation process along the Pontic shores, possibly from a very early date (Dupont 2007).... more
The composition, seasonal dynamics, and regional variations in the distribution of zooplankton are studied in the shallow-water coastal and deep-water open areas of the White Sea. In the shallow-water areas, seasonal observations were... more
The hydrological and hydrochemical parameters of the Tumen River estuary were collected at 13 stations in May and October 2015. Vertical temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll fluorescence, and turbidity profiles were... more
This paper describes the geotectonics of the Caspian Sea basin and the seismicity of its central part. The seismicity analysis enables us to identify the most probable zones of tsunami generation. We also present a brief review of the... more
Analysis of the ostracod assemblages and the distribution of benthic foraminifera Ammonia bec carii in the core section GS 194 08 1 recovered at a depth of 7.5 m near the Volga delta front showed changes in environmental conditions in... more
Microstructure, ADCP and CTD profiles taken in the North Atlantic along 531N under moderate and high winds showed that the median of log-normally distributed kinetic energy dissipation rate e within the upper mixing layer is 1.5 Â 10 À7... more
Long term hourly data from 35 tide gauge stations, including 15 stations in the Gulf of Finland, were used to examine tidal sea level oscillations of the Baltic Sea. High resolution spectral analysis revealed the well defined fine... more
The Author discusses the analysis of sustainability of the coast applied catastrophe theory and the criteria for the degradation of beaches in conditions of anthropogenic regulation of clastic debris in the coastal zone Для анализа... more
We consider the variability of the coastline in the Bay of the Black Sea Kalamita. Shows the influence of anthropogenic factors on the degradation of beaches.
In recent years, the field of AMS has expanded into many areas of science. This paper reviews a variety of applications of AMS in the marine environment, focusing particularly on recent developments and applications. Following a brief... more
To study the nature of climate change in the hydrometeorological parameters of the Black and Azov Seas—surface air temperature (SAT), sea surface temperature (SST), ice cover, and sea level—under conditions of ongoing global warming, we... more
Resumen es: La acuicultura en Chile solo sera alternativa a la pesca si se consigue llevar su produccion a parametros de sostenibilidad, no solamente economica sino,...
In the summer of 1999 and the winter of 2000, during international expeditions of R/Vs Professor Khromov and Roger Revelle , hydrological and hydrochemical studies of the Sea of Japan were performed. Comparing the hydrochemical... more
The study area is focused on the Mariana Trench, west Pacific Ocean. The research aim is to investigate correlation between various factors, such as bathymetric depths, geomorphic shape, geographic location on four tectonic plates of the... more
На основе численного моделирования исследуется влияние стока реки Дунай на формирование гидрологической структуры вод и особенностей циркуляции на северо-западном шельфе Черного моря. Используется трехмерная σ-координатная численная... more
Seismoacoustic investigations with a high resolution parametric echo sounder "SES 2000 deep" carried out on cruises 33, 35, and 37 of the R/V Akademik Ioffe revealed several erosional-depositional con tourite systems on the São Paulo... more
In April 2002, at four stations located in the vicinity of the White Sea Biological Station, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Chupa Inlet, Kandalaksha Bay), subice nano- and microplankton were sampled. It was shown for... more
The Asian whelk Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda: Muricidae), being tolerant to wide variations in the temperature, salinity, and oxygen concentration, successfully settled down in the Black Sea and eventually... more
Исследуется влияние сезонной изменчивости вертикальной скорости на формирование поверхностной солености в центральной части Черного моря. Проведены расчеты по одномерной гидродинамической модели с учетом постоянной и переменной во времени... more
The estuary can be considered as environments characterized by high productivity and un commensurable ecological value. However, marine ecosystems are also subjected to high human pressures that increase their vulnerability. The aim of... more
Эта статья является продолжением и завершением проблемы, поднятой несколько месяцев назад:-Как делается наука! На примере исследования Мега цунами в безльодной части Антарктиды.
Morphostructure features of the deep-sea trenches in the Pacific Ocean: the problem of their origin
The full characterized list of known species of Harpacticoida is presented for the South China Sea based on original and literature data. Three Harpacticoida taxocenes from soft sediments are described on the littoral and sublittoral of... more
The size, species, and age composition of zooplankton was studied in the ice-covered Chupa Inlet (White Sea, Kandalksha Bay) in early April 2002. The species composition of zooplankton was poor and typical of the end of the winter season,... more
ing over the North Weddell Ridge takes place at an angle of 85° ± 2° at a rate of 0.9 ± 0.1 cm/y. The spreading direction on the Southwest Indian Ridge is 45° ± 2°, and its rate is 0.8 ± 0.1 cm/y. Crust accretion in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge... more
Seismoacoustic investigations with a high resolution parametric echo sounder "SES 2000 deep" carried out on cruises 33, 35, and 37 of the R/V Akademik Ioffe revealed several erosional-depositional con tourite systems on the São Paulo... more
The accuracy and detection limit of the oxygen technique is an actual problem in studying the processes that occur in the redox zone. The formal accuracy of the Winkler technique is 1 µM (0.02 mL L -1 ) and its detection limit is about... more
Presentación dirigida a los alumnos de nuevo ingreso en la que se resalta la importancia de realizar investigación y exploración en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
The radiolarian distribution is studied in Core IMAGES MD01-2415 (46-m-long) from the central Sea of Okhotsk. The obtained data made it possible to refine the regional biostratigraphy and document the major paleoenvironmental changes in... more
Diatoms were studied in the KOMEX LV28-34-2 sediment core from the northwestern Sea of Okhotsk. The interval from the penultimate glacial to the Holocene was subdivided into stratigraphic units based on the distribution of biogeographic... more
During cruise 54 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh to the southwestern Kara Sea (September 6 to October 7, 2007), a large amount of hydrophysical data with unique spatial resolution was obtained on the basis of measurements using... more
The se-�surface bioproductivity changes over the last 25 kyr were inferred from published data on 30 sediment cores from the open Northwest Pacific (NWP), Sea of Okhotsk, Bering Sea and Sea of Japan accounting for the glacioeustatic... more
Main features of bottom topography, acoustic basement, unconsolidated sediments, anomalous magnetic field, magnetization of the inversive magnetic layer, and geochronology of the mid-ocean Bouvet Ridge are established for the past 2 My.... more